Ranked amongst top 3% universities globally (QS Rankings)
ApplyTop Agricultural Science Colleges in Kerala 2023 - The agricultural sector of Kerala holds a significant place in the economy, making the pursuit of agricultural science programme a promising and rewarding choice for aspiring students. As of the year 2023, a number of top agricultural science colleges in Kerala stand as a ground of excellence and innovation in the agricultural sector. One of the top agriculture colleges in Kerala is the College of Agriculture located in Thiruvananthapuram. With its rich heritage and experienced faculty, COAT offers comprehensive programmes in various agricultural disciplines, ensuring students receive a quality education combined with practical experience. COAV stands as one of the best colleges for agriculture in Kerala. College of Agriculture, Vellayani, affiliated with the Kerala Agricultural University. Known for its modern and research facilities, the college provides a pleasant learning environment for students to dive deep into the field of agricultural science. Additionally, the College of Agriculture, Wayanad, has emerged as one of the best agricultural science colleges in Kerala, a preferred choice for students seeking quality education in agricultural science. With its modern research initiatives and industry collaborations, this college in Kerala for agriculture equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle modern agricultural challenges. These top agricultural science colleges in Kerala 2023 continue to nurture talent, foster innovation, and contribute significantly to the advancement of the agricultural sector, ensuring a bright future for agricultural science enthusiasts in the state.
No | Name of the institution | Ownership |
1 | Private | |
2 | Govt | |
3 | Govt | |
4 | Govt | |
5 | Private | |
67 | Private | |
8 | Govt | |
9 | Private | |
10 | Govt |
After graduating with a BSc in Agriculture Science, here are some professions students may consider:
Farm Managaer
Agricultural Researcher
Agricultural Engineer
Agricultural Consultant
Agricultural Extension Officer
Agribusiness Manager
Seed Technologist
Food Safety Inspector
Agricultural Economist
It’s important to network, gain practical experience through internships, and stay updated with the latest advancements in the field of agriculture to make informed career decisions.
No | Name of the institution | Courses |
1 | ||
2 | ||
3 | ||
4 | ||
5 | ||
67 | ||
8 | ||
9 | ||
10 |
What are the eligibility criteria for B.Sc Agriculture Science?
Ans: In order to be eligible, candidates must qualify PCB/ PCBM/ PCM/ 10+2 Agriculture with a minimum of 50% marks secured.
What is the course duration of B.Sc. Agricultural Science?
Ans: The duration of a degree in Agricultural Science is 4 years at the Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur.
Do the top Agriculture science colleges offer scholarships?
Ans: Yes, most of the top colleges in Kerala for agricultural science offer scholarships to meritorious students.
Do the best colleges in Kerala for Agricultural science offer internships?
Ans: Yes, the best Kerala colleges for agriculture science offer internships to students at the last semester of the programme.
Can apply for internships while studying agricultural science?
Ans: Yes, students can find internships on their own while studying B.Sc in Agriculture.
Is Kerala Agricultural University good to study agricultural science?
Ans: Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur is one of the top-tier universities in the country for Agricultural science.
Who are eligible for scholarships at the top colleges in Kerala for Agricultural science?
Ans: The best colleges in Kerala for Agricultural science offer merit-based scholarships to eligible students. Students who belong to financially disadvantaged backgrounds or those who belong to minority communities can also apply for scholarships.