IIT JAM Syllabus 2025, Download Subject-Wise Syllabus PDF, Topics

IIT JAM Syllabus 2025, Download Subject-Wise Syllabus PDF, Topics

Edited By Anapally Rajesh | Updated on Nov 08, 2024 09:58 AM IST | #JAM
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IIT JAM Syllabus 2025 - Candidates preparing for Joint Admission Test for Masters exam are advised to go check the IIT JAM 2025 Syllabus to score more marks in the examination. The IIT JAM exam will be conducted for admission to MSc programmes. The IIT JAM 2025 syllabus consists of important topics that will be covered in the examination.

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This Story also Contains
  1. IIT JAM Syllabus 2025
  2. What is the Syllabus of IIT JAM?
  3. IIT JAM Subjects List 2025
  4. IIT JAM Syllabus 2025: Subject Wise
  5. IIT JAM Chemistry Syllabus 2025
  6. IIT JAM Biotechnology Syllabus 2025
  7. IIT JAM Mathematics Syllabus 2025
  8. IIT JAM Geology Syllabus 2025
  9. IIT JAM Physics Syllabus 2025
  10. IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Syllabus 2025
  11. Is IIT JAM Syllabus 2025 PDF Available?
  12. Best Books for IIT JAM 2025 Preparation
IIT JAM Syllabus 2025, Download Subject-Wise Syllabus PDF, Topics
IIT JAM Syllabus 2025, Download Subject-Wise Syllabus PDF, Topics

Candidates can download the JAM 2025 syllabus PDF from the official website of the conducting body. The IIT JAM 2025 syllabus contains Economics, Mathematical Statistics, Biotechnology, Maths, Chemistry, Geology, and Physics syllabus. The syllabus of IIT JAM 2025 discloses subjects, topics, and sub-topics of the examination. Candidates who qualify for the IIT JAM 2025 will get admission to MSc programmes IIT JAM participating universities. Read the complete article to know more about the IIT JAM syllabus 2025.

IIT JAM Syllabus 2025

The syllabus for the IIT JAM entrance exam holds great significance in the preparation for admission to PG courses at IITs and IISc. As such, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of all the IIT JAM subjects list 2025 and their respective topics and sub-topics included in the JAM exam. The IIT JAM 2025 syllabus PDF download includes comprehensive details on all seven subjects, ensuring candidates are well-informed about the topics they need to cover. In the previous year, the subject of economics was introduced as a new addition to the IIT JAM entrance exam syllabus. It is crucial for aspiring candidates to stay updated with any changes or modifications made to the syllabus for the upcoming IIT JAM 2025 exam.

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What is the Syllabus of IIT JAM?

The JAM exam syllabus is divided into three different sections - A, B, and C. Students aiming to score more marks in the entrance exam are required to practise the JAM exam subjects frequently. The IIT JAM subject list includes chemistry, physics, mathematics, biotechnology, geology, economics and mathematical statistics. Candidates can practise from the IIT JAM 2025 syllabus pdf to cover all the important topics in the examination.

IIT JAM Subjects List 2025

Students can practise for the entrance exam by going through the IIT JAM exam 2025 subject-wise syllabus to qualify for admissions in the participating universities. The IIT JAM subject list includes chemistry, physics, biotechnology, mathematics, geology, and mathematics. The JAM exam syllabus is listed subject-wise in this article. Aspirants can cover all the JAM exam subjects from this article.

IIT JAM Syllabus 2025: Subject Wise

The IIT JAM subject list 2025, as well as the topics and subtopics will be included in the JAM exam syllabus. With a wide range of subjects covered in the JAM question paper, it is important to familiarise yourself with all the topics and subtopics for each IIT JAM subjects list 2025. Students can easily access the IIT JAM 2025 syllabus official website. This will help you prepare effectively and achieve a higher score in the JAM exam 2025. By studying each topic and subtopic within each of JAM exam subjects, candidates can ensure they are prepared for the JAM exam in 2025 and have a better chance of scoring well. To enhance the preparation, candidates should prioritize the IIT JAM 2025 syllabus PDF download, which provides essential insights into the exam structure and key areas of focus in the syllabus of IIT JAM.

IIT JAM Chemistry Syllabus 2025

The Chemistry section of the JAM test paper covers three subjects: Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry. The specific IIT JAM chemistry syllabus for each subject is outlined below. The IIT JAM exam syllabus for chemistry can be accessed on the official website in PDF format.

IIT JAM 2025 Chemistry Syllabus

Physical Chemistry Atomic and Molecular Structure: Planck’s black body radiation, Photoelectric effect, Bohr’s theory, de Broglie postulate, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle; Schrödinger’s wave equation (including mathematical treatment), postulates of quantum mechanics, normalized and orthogonal wave functions, its complex conjugate (idea of complex numbers) and significance of Ѱ2 ; Operators; Particle in onedimension box, radial and angular wave functions for hydrogen atom, radial probability distribution; Finding maxima of distribution functions (idea of maxima and minima), energy spectrum of hydrogen atom; Shapes of s, p, d and f orbitals; Pauli’s Exclusion Principle; Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity.

Gaseous State: Kinetic molecular model of a gas: collision frequency; collision diameter; mean free path and viscosity of gases; Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution: molecular velocities, law of equipartition of energy, molecular basis of heat capacities; Ideal gases, and deviations from ideal gas behaviour, van der Waals equation of state; critical state, law of corresponding state

Liquid State: Physical properties of Liquid, vapour pressure, surface tension and co-efficient of viscosity and their applications; effect of concentration of solutes on surface tension and viscosity; effect of temperature on viscosity of liquid

Solid State: Unit Cells, Miller indices, crystal systems and Bravais Lattices, elementary applications of vectors to crystal systems; X-ray diffraction, Bragg’s Law, Structure of NaCl, CsCl, and KCl, diamond, and graphite; Close packing in metals and metal compounds, semiconductors, insulators; Defects in crystals, lattice energy; isomorphism; heat capacity of solid

Chemical Thermodynamics: Mathematical treatment: Exact and in-exact differentials, partial derivatives, Euler’s reciprocity, cyclic rule; Reversible and irreversible processes; Laws of thermodynamics, thermochemistry, thermodynamic functions, such as enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs free energy, their properties and applications; Partial molar quantities, dependence of thermodynamic parameters on composition, Gibbs Duhem equation, chemical potential and its application.

Chemical and Phase Equilibria: Law of mass action; Kp , Kc , Kx and Kn ; Effect of temperature on K; Le-Chatelier principle; Ionic equilibria in solutions; pH and buffer solutions; Salt hydrolysis; Solubility and solubility product; Acid – base titration curves; Indicators; Dilute solutions; Raoult’s and Henry’s Laws and their applications; Colligative properties; Gibbs phase rule; Phase equilibria; single and twocomponent phase diagram

Electrochemistry: Conductivity, equivalent and molar conductivity and their properties; Kohlrausch law; DebyeHückel-Onsager equation; Ionic velocities, mobilities, transference numbers; Applications of conductance measurement; Quantitative aspects of Faraday’s laws of electrolysis, applications of electrolysis in metallurgy and industry; Electromotive force of a cell, Nernst equation; Standard electrode potential, Electrochemical series; Concentration cells with and without transference; Applications of EMF measurements including potentiometric titrations.

Chemical Kinetics: Order and molecularity of a reaction, differential and integrated form of rate expressions - basic ideas of integration and differentiation; Kinetics of opposing, parallel, and consecutive reactions; Steady state approximation in reaction mechanisms; Chain reactions; Uni-molecular reaction (Lindemann mechanism); Temperature dependence of reaction rates, Arrhenius equation; activation energy; Collision theory of reaction rates; Types of catalysts, specificity and selectivity, mechanisms of catalyzed reactions at solid surfaces; Enzyme catalysis (Michaelis-Menten mechanism, Double reciprocal plot), Acid-base catalysis.

Adsorption: Gibbs adsorption equation; adsorption isotherm; types of adsorption; surface area of adsorbents; surface films on liquid

Spectroscopy: Beer-Lambert’s law; fundamental concepts of rotational, vibrational, electronic and magnetic resonance spectroscop

Organic Chemistry

Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry and Stereochemistry: Electronic effects (resonance, inductive, hyperconjugation) and steric effects and its applications (acid/base property); optical isomerism in compounds with and without any stereocenters (allenes, biphenyls); conformation of acyclic systems (substituted ethane/n-propane/n-butane) and cyclic systems, substituted cyclohexanes, and polycyclic (cis and trans decalins) system

Organic Reaction Mechanism and Synthetic Applications: Chemistry of reactive intermediates (carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, carbenes, nitrenes, benzynes); nucleophilic substitution, elimination reactions and mechanisms; Hofmann-CurtiusLossen rearrangement, Wolff rearrangement, Simmons-Smith reaction, Reimer-Tiemann reaction, Michael reaction, Darzens reaction, Wittig reaction and McMurry reaction; Pinacolpinacolone, Favorskii, benzilic acid rearrangement, Baeyer-Villeger reaction; oxidation and reduction reactions in organic chemistry; Organometallic reagents in organic synthesis (Grignard, organolithium , organocopper and organozinc (Reformatsky only); Diels-Alder, electrocyclic and sigmatropic reactions; functional group inter-conversions and structural problems using chemical reaction

Qualitative Organic Analysis: Identification of functional groups by chemical tests; elementary UV, IR and 1H NMR spectroscopic techniques as tools for structural elucidation of simple organic molecule

Natural Products Chemistry: Chemistry of alkaloids, steroids, terpenes, carbohydrates, amino acids, peptides and nucleic acid

Aromatic and Heterocyclic Chemistry: Monocyclic, bicyclic and tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and monocyclic compounds with one hetero atom: synthesis, reactivity and properties, aromaticity; Electrophilic and nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction

Inorganic Chemistry

Periodic Table: Periodic classification of elements, Aufbau’s principle, periodicity; Variations of orbital energy, effective nuclear charge, atomic, covalent, and ionic radii, ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, and electronegativity with atomic number, electronic configuration of diatomic molecules (first and second row elements).

Extractions of Metals: General methods of isolation and purification of elements; Principles and applications of Ellingham diagra

Chemical Bonding and shapes of molecules: lonic bond: Packing of ions in crystals, radius ratio rule, Born-Landé equation, Kapustinskii expression, Madelung constant, Born-Haber cycle, solvation energy, polarizing power and polarizability; Fajan’s rules; Covalent bond: Lewis structure, valence bond theory. Hybridization, molecular orbital theory, molecular orbital diagrams of diatomic and simple polyatomic molecules and ions; Multiple bonding (? and ? bond approach) and bond lengths; van der Waals forces, ion-dipole forces, dipole-dipole interactions, induced dipole interactions, instantaneous dipoleinduced dipole interactions, hydrogen bonding; Effect of intermolecular forces on melting and boiling points, solubility energetics of dissolution process; Bond dipole, dipole moment, and molecular polarizabilities; VSEPR theory and shapes of molecules; ionic solid

Main Group Elements (s and p blocks): Reactions of alkali and alkaline earth metals with oxygen, hydrogen and water; Alkali and alkaline earth metals in liquid ammonia; Gradation in properties of main group element in a group; Inert pair effect; Synthesis, structure and properties of diborane, ammonia, silane, phosphine and hydrogen sulphide; Allotropes of carbon; Oxides of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur; Oxoacids of phosphorus, sulphur and chlorine; Halides of silicon and phosphorus; Synthesis and properties of borazine, silicone and phosphazene; Synthesis and reactions of xenon fluoride

Transition Metals (d block): Characteristics of d-block elements; oxide, hydroxide and salts of first row metals; coordination complexes: structure, isomerism, reaction mechanism and electronic spectra; VB, MO and crystal field theoretical approaches for structure, color and magnetic properties of metal complexes; Organometallic compounds with metal-ligand single and multiple bonds (such as metal carbonyls, metal nitrosyls and metallocenes); Homogenous catalysis involving Wilkinson’s catalys

Bioinorganic Chemistry: Essentials and trace elements of life; basic reactions in the biological systems and the role of metal ions, especially Fe2+ , and Zn2+ ; structure and function of myoglobin, hemoglobin and carbonic anhydras

Instrumental Methods of Analysis: Basic principles; instrumentations and simple applications of conductometry, potentiometry and UV-vis spectrophotometry; analyses of water, air and soil sample

Analytical Chemistry: Principles of qualitative and quantitative analysis; Acid-base, oxidation- reduction and complexometric titrations using EDTA; Precipitation reactions; Use and types of indicators; Use of organic reagents in inorganic analysis; Radioactivity, nuclear reactions, applications of isotopes; Mathematical treatment in error analysis, elementary statistics and probability theory.

IIT JAM Biotechnology Syllabus 2025

The biotechnology exam will cover four subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. The syllabus for the IIT JAM biotechnology test can be found in the table below.

IIT JAM 2025 Biotechnology Syllabus

BIOLOGY (10+2+3 level)

Cell Biology: Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Membrane structure and function; Organelles and internal organization of the eukaryotic cell Protein trafficking in a eukaryotic cell; Cell communication – signalling pathways: endocrine and paracrine signalling; Extracellular matrix and apoptosis; Cell cycle – stages of mitosis and meiosis, and control of cell division cycle.

Biochemistry: Structure and function of biological macromolecules; Allostery; Enzymes – basic mechanisms of enzyme catalysis, Michaelis-Menten kinetics, enzyme inhibition, vitamins as coenzymes, and regulation; Bioenergetics – free-energy change, high-energy compounds, biological oxidation-reduction reactions and reduction potential; Metabolism – glycolysis, TCA cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, urea cycle, and regulation of glycolysis and TCA cycl

Genetics: Mendel’s laws; Inheritance patterns of polygenic traits; Mendelian inheritance patterns of human disorders; Pedigree analysis; Chromosomal basis of inheritance; Genetic recombination; Mapping genes on chromosomes based on linkage analysis; Plant breeding.

Molecular Biology: Landmark experiments that established DNA is the genetic material; DNA replication; Proof-reading and repair of DNA; DNA recombination; Transcription; RNA processing; Translation; Regulation of gene expression including operons bacteria and differential gene expression in multicellular eukaryote

Evolution: Darwinian view – natural selection, fossil record and descent with modification; Population genetics – sources of genetic variation, gene pools and allele frequencies, HardyWeinberg equation, genetic drift, gene flow and adaptive evolution; Different types of speciation; Phylogenetic classification; Origin of life – abiotic synthesis of biological macromolecules, protocell, dating fossils and origin of multicellularit

Microbiology: Isolation; Cultivation; Structural features of viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa; Pathogenic microorganisms; Nutrition-based classification of microbes; Microbial metabolism; Growth kinetics; Submerged fermentation techniques; Microbial genetic

Plant Biology: Types of tissues and organs; Primary and secondary growth; Morphogenesis; Transport in vascular plants; Plant nutrition; Development of flowering plants – gametophytic and sporophytic generations, different developmental phases, genetic control of flowering, gametogenesis, incompatibility, embryogenesis, dormancy, germination and environmental influence; Plant hormones; Photobiology; Plant response to biotic and abiotic stress

Animal Biology: Digestive, circulatory, respiratory, excretory, nervous, reproductive and endocrine systems; Basics of immunology – Innate and adaptive immunity, Immune cells and Immunoglobulins; Animal development – Fertilization, embryonic pattern formation, cleavage, gastrulation, cellular differentiation and morphogenesi

Ecology: Climate patterns; Terrestrial and aquatic biomes; Environmental constraints on species distribution; Factors affecting population density; Interactions among communities; Ecosystems; Ecologicalremediatio

Biotechnology: Plant tissue culture; Cloning of animals through somatic cell nuclear transfer; Applications of recombinant DNA technology in medicine, agriculture and forensic scienc

Methods in Biology

Cell Biology: Microscopy (light microscopy and electron microscopy); Staining proteins with antibodies; Visualizations using the GFP reporter.

Biochemical techniques: UV spectrophotometry; Biomolecular chromatography; cell fractionation by centrifugation; Electrophoresis; and Western blotting.

Molecular biology techniques: DNA cloning – plasmid vectors, and restriction enzymes; Polymerase Chain Reaction; Expression of cloned eukaryotic genes in bacteria; Hybridization techniques; DNA sequencin

CHEMISTRY (10+2+3 level)

Structure and properties of Atoms: Bohr's theory; Periodicity in properties.

Bonding in molecules: Chemical bonding; Complex formation; Physical and chemical basis of molecularinteractions.

Chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium: Chemical equilibrium; Chemical thermodynamics (first and second law); and Chemical kinetics (zero and first order reactions.

Physical and chemical properties of compounds: Chemical catalysis; Acid-base concepts; Concepts of pH and buffer; Conjugative effects and resonance; Inductive effects; Electromeric effects; Photochemistry; and Electrochemistry.

Chemistry of organic compounds: Hydrocarbons; Alkyl halides; Alcohols; Aldehydes; Ketones; Carboxylic acids; Amines and their derivatives; Aromatic hydrocarbons, halides, nitro and amino compounds, phenols, diazonium salts, carboxylic and sulphonic acids; Soaps and detergents; Stereochemistry of carbon compounds.

Instrumental techniques - Spectroscopy: fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy, emission and absorption spectroscopy, UV-Vis, IR and 1-D proton NMR spectroscopy, basics of mass spectrometry; Basics of calorimetry; Basic concepts of crystallography.

MATHEMATICS (10+2 level)

Sets; Relations and Functions; Mathematical Induction; Logarithms; Complex numbers; Linear and Quadratic equations; Sequences and Series; Trigonometry; Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates; Straight lines and Family; Three Dimensional Geometry; Permutations and Combinations; Binomial Theorem; Vectors; Matrices and Determinants; Boolean Algebra; Functions; Limits and Continuity; Differentiation; Ordinary Differential Equations; Application of Derivatives; Integration as inverse process of differentiation; Definite and indefinite integrals; Methods of Integration; Integration by parts.

Statistics: Measures of dispersion; Mean Deviation for grouped and ungrouped data; Variance and Standard Deviation; and Analysis of Frequency Distribution.

Probability: Random Experiments; Event; Axiomatic Approach to Probability; Conditional Probability and its properties; Multiplication Theorem on Probability; Independent Events; Bayes’ Theorem; Random Variables and its Probability Distributions; Bernoulli Trails and Binomial Distributions.

PHYSICS (10+2 level)

Units and measurements; Motion in one and two dimensions; Laws of motion; Work and kinetic energy; Conservation of energy; System of particles and rotational motion; Mechanical properties of solids and fluids; Thermal properties of matter; Heat and laws of thermodynamics; Kinetic theory of gases; Electric charge and field; Electric potential and capacitance; Current, resistance and simple circuits; Moving charges and magnetic field; Magnetism and matter; Electromagnetic induction; Electromagnetic waves; Alternating currents; Optics: Geometrical Optics – Reflection by spherical mirrors, Refraction at spherical surfaces and lenses, Total internal reflection and Optical instruments; Wave optics – Reflection and refraction of plane waves, Interference, Diffraction, Polarization, and Young’s experiment: Dual nature of radiation and matter; Atoms, nuclei and nuclear physics; Semiconductor materials, devices and simple circuits.

IIT JAM Mathematics Syllabus 2025

The table below provides the syllabus for IIT JAM mathematics, including topics and subtopics. Students can get the IIT JAM Mathematics syllabus 2025 pdf download from the official website. Some of the key topics covered in the IIT JAM exam syllabus are Linear Algebra, Calculus, and Group Theory. These topics are recommended for candidates to prepare from the IIT JAM syllabus Mathematics pdf free download.

IIT JAM 2025 Mathematics Syllabus

Real Analysis:

Sequences and Series of Real Numbers: convergence of sequences, bounded and monotone sequences, Cauchy sequences, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, absolute convergence, tests of convergence for series – comparison test, ratio test, root test; Power series (of one real variable), radius and interval of convergence, term-wise differentiation and integration of power series.

Functions of One Real Variable: limit, continuity, intermediate value property, differentiation, Rolle’s Theorem, mean value theorem, L'Hospital rule, Taylor's theorem, Taylor’s series, maxima and minima, Riemann integration (definite integrals and their properties), fundamental theorem of calculus.

Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations:

Functions of Two or Three Real Variables: limit, continuity, partial derivatives, total derivative, maxima and minima.

Integral Calculus: double and triple integrals, change of order of integration, calculating surface areas and volumes using double integrals, calculating volumes using triple integrals.

Differential Equations: Bernoulli’s equation, exact differential equations, integrating factors, orthogonal trajectories, homogeneous differential equations, method of separation of variables, linear differential equations of second order with constant coefficients, method of variation of parameters, Cauchy-Euler equation.

Linear Algebra and Algebra:

Matrices: systems of linear equations, rank, nullity, rank-nullity theorem, inverse, determinant, eigenvalues, eigenvectors.

Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces: linear independence of vectors, basis, dimension, linear transformations, matrix representation, range space, null space, rank-nullity theorem.

Groups: cyclic groups, abelian groups, non-abelian groups, permutation groups, normal subgroups, quotient groups, Lagrange's theorem for finite groups, group homomorphisms.

IIT JAM Geology Syllabus 2025

The IIT JAM Geology 2025 syllabus will cover a wide range of topics including planet earth, geomorphology, and others. To get a better understanding, candidates can refer to the following table.

IIT JAM 2025 Geology Syllabus

The Planet Earth: Origin of the Solar System and the Earth; Geosphere and the composition of the Earth; Shape and size of the Earth; Earth-Moon system; Dating rocks and age of the Earth; Volcanism and volcanic landforms; Interior of the Earth; Earthquakes; Earth’s magnetism and gravity, Isostasy; Basic elements of Plate Tectonics; Orogenic cycles.
Geomorphology: Weathering and erosion; Soil formation; Transportation and deposition by wind, ice, river, sea and resulting landforms.
Structural Geology: Orientation of planes and lines in space – concept of dip, strike, rake and plunge. Contour lines; Rule of ‘V’s and outcrop patterns; Interpretation of geological maps and cross-section construction; Classification and origin of folds, faults, joints, unconformities, foliations and lineations; Stereographic and equal-area projections of planes and lines; Numerical problems related to outcrop and bore-hole data.
Paleontology: Major steps in the evolution of life forms; Fossils, their mode of preservation and utility in age determination and paleoenvironmental interpretations; Morphology, major evolutionary trends and ages of important groups of animals – Brachiopoda, Mollusca, Trilobita, Graptolitoidea, Anthozoa, Echinodermata; Gondwana plant fossils; Elementary idea of vertebrate fossils in India.
Stratigraphy: Principles of stratigraphy; Litho-, Chrono- and biostratigraphic classification; Stratigraphic correlation techniques; Archaean cratons of Peninsular India (Dharwar, Singhbhum and Aravalli); Proterozoic mobile belts; Stratigraphy of Cuddapah and Vindhyan basins; Stratigraphy of Paleozoic – Mesozoic of Spiti and Kashmir, Gondwana Supergroup, Jurassic of Kutch, Cretaceous of Trichinopoly, Tertiary and Quaternary sequences of Assam, Bengal and Siwaliks.
Mineralogy: Symmetry and forms in common crystal classes; Physical properties of minerals; Isomorphism, polymorphism, solid solution and exsolution; Classification of minerals; Structure of silicates; Mineralogy of common rock-forming minerals; Elements of Optical Mineralogy, Optical properties of common rock-forming minerals.
Petrology: Definition and classification of rocks; Igneous rocks – forms of igneous bodies; Processes of evolution and diversification of magma; Classification, association, and genesis of common igneous rocks. Sedimentary rocks – classification, texture, and structure; Petrology of sandstone and limestone; Elements of sedimentary environments and facies. Metamorphic rocks – classification and texture; Types of metamorphism; Controls on metamorphism – pressure, temperature and fluids; Concept of projections – ACF, AKF and AFM diagrams; Phase Rule and its applications; Concepts of zones and facies, Characteristic mineral assemblages of pelites in the Barrovian zones and mafic rocks in common facies.
Economic Geology: Physical properties of common economic minerals; General processes of formation of mineral deposits; Mode of occurrence and distribution of metallic and non-metallic mineral deposits in India; Fundamentals of reserve calculation; Elements of coal and hydrocarbon geology, Coal and hydrocarbon occurrences in India.
Applied Geology: Groundwater and hydrological cycle, Types of aquifers, porosity and permeability; Principles of engineering geology; Geological considerations in construction of dams and tunnels.

Download IIT JAM Mathematics Syllabus PDF here

IIT JAM Physics Syllabus 2025

The syllabus for IIT JAM physics encompasses various topics, including Electricity and Magnetism. Some of the sub-topics under this section are the law of Coulomb, the law of Gauss, and others. It is essential for students to focus on the following areas while preparing for the IIT JAM 2025 examination.

IIT JAM 2025 Physics Syllabus

Mathematical Methods: Calculus of single and multiple variables, partial derivatives, Jacobian, imperfect and perfect differentials, Taylor expansion, Fourier series. Vector algebra, Vector Calculus, Multiple integrals, Divergence theorem, Green’s theorem, Stokes’ theorem. First order equations and linear second order differential equations with constant coefficients. Matrices and determinants, Algebra of complex numbers.
Mechanics and General Properties of Matter: Newton’s laws of motion and applications, Velocity and acceleration in Cartesian, polar and cylindrical coordinate systems, uniformly rotating frame, centrifugal and Coriolis forces, Motion under a central force, Kepler’s laws, Gravitational Law and field, Conservative and non-conservative forces. System of particles, Center of mass, equation of motion of the CM, conservation of linear and angular momentum, conservation of energy, variable mass systems. Elastic and inelastic collisions. Rigid body motion, fixed axis rotations, rotation and translation, moments of Inertia and products of Inertia, parallel and perpendicular axes theorem. Principal moments and axes. Kinematics of moving fluids, equation of continuity, Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s theorem.
Oscillations, Waves and Optics: Differential equation for simple harmonic oscillator and its general solution. Superposition of two or more simple harmonic oscillators. Lissajous figures. Damped and forced oscillators, resonance. Wave equation, traveling and standing waves in onedimension. Energy density and energy transmission in waves. Group velocity and phase velocity. Sound waves in media. Doppler Effect. Fermat’s Principle. General theory of image formation. Thick lens, thin lens and lens combinations. Interference of light, optical path retardation. Fraunhofer diffraction. Rayleigh criterion and resolving power. Diffraction gratings. Polarization: linear, circular and elliptic polarization. Double refraction and optical rotation.
Electricity and Magnetism: Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law. Electric field and potential. Electrostatic boundary conditions, Solution of Laplace’s equation for simple cases. Conductors, capacitors, dielectrics, dielectric polarization, volume and surface charges, electrostatic energy. Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, Self and mutual inductance. Alternating currents. Simple DC and AC circuits with R, L and C components. Displacement current, Maxwell’s equations and plane electromagnetic waves, Poynting’s theorem, reflection and refraction at a dielectric interface, transmission and reflection coefficients (normal incidence only). Lorentz Force and motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields.
Kinetic Theory, Thermodynamics: Elements of Kinetic theory of gases. Velocity distribution and Equipartition of energy. Specific heat of Mono-, di- and tri-atomic gases. Ideal gas, van-der-Waals gas and equation of state. Mean free path. Laws of thermodynamics. Zeroth law and concept of thermal equilibrium. First law and its consequences. Isothermal and adiabatic processes. Reversible, irreversible and quasi-static processes. Second law and entropy. Carnot cycle. Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations and simple applications. Thermodynamic potentials and their applications. Phase transitions and Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Ideas of ensembles, Maxwell Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distributions.
Modern Physics: Inertial frames and Galilean invariance. Postulates of special relativity. Lorentz transformations. Length contraction, time dilation. Relativistic velocity addition theorem, mass energy equivalence. Blackbody radiation, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, Bohr’s atomic model, X-rays. Wave-particle duality, Uncertainty principle, the superposition principle, calculation of expectation values, Schrödinger equation and its solution for one, two and three dimensional boxes. Solution of Schrödinger equation for the one dimensional harmonic oscillator. Reflection and transmission at a step potential, Pauli exclusion principle. Structure of atomic nucleus, mass and binding energy. Radioactivity and its applications. Laws of radioactive decay.
Solid State Physics, Devices and Electronics: Crystal structure, Bravais lattices and basis. Miller indices. X-ray diffraction and Bragg's law; Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, variation of resistivity with temperature. Fermi level. p-n junction diode, I-V characteristics, Zener diode and its applications, BJT: characteristics in CB, CE, CC modes. Single stage amplifier, two stage R-C coupled amplifiers. Simple Oscillators: Barkhausen condition, sinusoidal oscillators. OPAMP and applications: Inverting and non-inverting amplifier. Boolean algebra: Binary number systems; conversion from one system to another system; binary addition and subtraction. Logic Gates AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR exclusive OR; Truth tables; combination of gates; de Morgan’s theorem.

IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Syllabus 2025

The topics and sub-topics covered in IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics are listed as follows:

IIT JAM 2025 Mathematical Statistics Syllabus

The Mathematical Statistics (MS) Test Paper comprises following topics of Mathematics (about 30% weight) and Statistics (about 70% weight). Mathematics
Sequences and Series of real numbers: Sequences of real numbers, their convergence, and limits. Cauchy sequences and their convergence. Monotonic sequences and their limits. Limits of standard sequences. Infinite series and its convergence, and divergence. Convergence of series with non-negative terms. Tests for convergence and divergence of a series. Comparison test, limit comparison test, D’Alembert’s ratio test, Cauchy’s ? ? root test, Cauchy’s condensation test and integral test. Absolute convergence of series. Leibnitz’s test for the convergence of alternating series. Conditional convergence. Convergence of power series and radius of convergence.
Differential Calculus of one and two real variables: Limits of functions of one real variable. Continuity and differentiability of functions of one real variable. Properties of continuous and differentiable functions of one real variable. Rolle's theorem and Lagrange's mean value theorems. Higher order derivatives, Lebnitz's rule and its applications. Taylor's theorem with Lagrange's and Cauchy's form of remainders. Taylor's and Maclaurin's series of standard functions. Indeterminate forms and L' Hospital's rule. Maxima and minima of functions of one real variable, critical points, local maxima and minima, global maxima and minima, and point of inflection. Limits of functions of two real variables. Continuity and differentiability of functions of two real variables. Properties of continuous and differentiable functions of two real variables. Partial differentiation and total differentiation. Lebnitz's rule for successive differentiation. Maxima and minima of functions of two real variables. Critical points, Hessian matrix, and saddle points. Constrained optimization techniques (with Lagrange multiplier).
Integral Calculus: Fundamental theorems of integral calculus (single integral). Lebnitz's rule and its applications. Differentiation under integral sign. Improper integrals. Beta and Gamma integrals: properties and relationship between them. Double integrals. Change of order of integration. Transformation of variables. Applications of definite integrals. Arc lengths, areas and volumes.
Matrices and Determinants: Vector spaces with real field. Subspaces and sum of subspaces. Span of a set. Linear dependence and independence. Dimension and basis. Algebra of matrices. Standard matrices (Symmetric and Skew Symmetric matrices, Hermitian and Skew Hermitian matrices, Orthogonal and Unitary matrices, Idempotent and Nilpotent matrices). Definition, properties and applications of determinants. Evaluation of determinants using transformations. Determinant of product of matrices. Singular and non-singular matrices and their properties. Trace of a matrix. Adjoint and inverse of a matrix and related properties. Rank of a matrix, row-rank, column-rank, standard theorems on ranks, rank of the sum and the product of two matrices. Row reduction and echelon forms. Partitioning of matrices and simple properties. Consistent and inconsistent system of linear equations. Properties of solutions of system of linear equations. Use of determinants in solution to the system of linear equations. Cramer’s rule. Characteristic roots and Characteristic vectors. Properties of characteristic roots and vectors. Cayley Hamilton theorem.
Probability: Random Experiments. Sample Space and Algebra of Events (Event space). Relative frequency and Axiomatic definitions of probability. Properties of probability function. Addition theorem of probability function (inclusion exclusion principle). Geometric probability. Boole's and Bonferroni's inequalities. Conditional probability and Multiplication rule. Theorem of total probability and Bayes’ theorem. Pairwise and mutual independence of events.
Univariate Distributions: Definition of random variables. Cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.) of a random variable. Discrete and Continuous random variables. Probability mass function (p.m.f.) and Probability density function (p.d.f.) of a random variable. Distribution (c.d.f., p.m.f., p.d.f.) of a function of a random variable using transformation of variable and Jacobian method. Mathematical expectation and moments. Mean, Median, Mode, Variance, Standard deviation, Coefficient of variation, Quantiles, Quartiles, Coefficient of Variation, and measures of Skewness and Kurtosis of a probability distribution. Moment generating function (m.g.f.), its properties and uniqueness. Markov and Chebyshev inequalities and their applications.
Standard Univariate Distributions: Degenerate, Bernoulli, Binomial, Negative binomial, Geometric, Poisson, Hypergeometric, Uniform, Exponential, Double exponential, Gamma, Beta (of first and second type), Normal and Cauchy distributions, their properties, interrelations, and limiting (approximation) cases.
Multivariate Distributions: Definition of random vectors. Joint and marginal c.d.f.s of a random vector. Discrete and continuous type random vectors. Joint and marginal p.m.f., joint and marginal p.d.f.. Conditional c.d.f., conditional p.m.f. and conditional p.d.f.. Independence of random variables. Distribution of functions of random vectors using transformation of variables and Jacobian method. Mathematical expectation of functions of random vectors. Joint moments, Covariance and Correlation. Joint moment generating function and its properties. Uniqueness of joint m.g.f. and its applications. Conditional moments, conditional expectations and conditional variance. Additive properties of Binomial, Poisson, Negative Binomial, Gamma and Normal Distributions using their m.g.f..
Standard Multivariate Distributions: Multinomial distribution as a generalization of binomial distribution and its properties (moments, correlation, marginal distributions, additive property). Bivariate normal distribution, its marginal and conditional distributions and related properties.
Limit Theorems: Convergence in probability, convergence in distribution and their inter relations. Weak law of large numbers and Central Limit Theorem (i.i.d. case) and their applications.
Sampling Distributions: Definitions of random sample, parameter and statistic. Sampling distribution of a statistic. Order Statistics: Definition and distribution of the ??ℎ order statistic (d.f. and p.d.f. for i.i.d. case for continuous distributions). Distribution (c.d.f., p.m.f., p.d.f.) of smallest and largest order statistics (i.i.d. case for discrete as well as continuous distributions). Central Chisquare distribution: Definition and derivation of p.d.f. of central ?2 distribution with ? degrees of freedom (d.f.) using m.g.f.. Properties of central ?2 distribution, additive property and limiting form of central ?2 distribution. Central Student's ?-distribution: Definition and derivation of p.d.f. of Central Student's ?-distribution with ? d.f., Properties and limiting form of central ?-distribution. Snedecor's Central ?-distribution: Definition and derivation of p.d.f. of Snedecor's Central ?- distribution with (?, ?) d.f.. Properties of Central ?-distribution, distribution of the reciprocal of ?- distribution. Relationship between ?, ? and ?2 distributions.
Estimation: Unbiasedness. Sufficiency of a statistic. Factorization theorem. Complete statistic. Consistency and relative efficiency of estimators. Uniformly Minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE). Rao-Blackwell and Lehmann-Scheffe theorems and their applications. Cramer-Rao inequality and UMVUEs. Methods of Estimation: Method of moments, method of maximum likelihood, invariance of maximum likelihood estimators. Least squares estimation and its applications in simple linear regression models. Confidence intervals and confidence coefficient. Confidence intervals for the parameters of univariate normal, two independent normal, and exponential distributions.
Testing of Hypotheses: Null and alternative hypotheses (simple and composite), Type-I and Type-II errors. Critical region. Level of significance, size and power of a test, p-value. Most powerful critical regions and most powerful (MP) tests. Uniformly most powerful (UMP) tests. Neyman Pearson Lemma (without proof) and its applications to construction of MP and UMP tests for parameter of single parameter parametric families. Likelihood ratio tests for parameters of univariate normal distribution.

Is IIT JAM Syllabus 2025 PDF Available?

IIT Delhi will publish the JAM syllabus 2025 on their official website. This IIT JAM entrance exam syllabus will cover all the subjects offered in IIT JAM, such as biotechnology, mathematics, physics, economics, chemistry, and mathematical statistics. Interested students can access and download the IIT JAM Syllabus 2025 in PDF format from the JAM official website. The IIT JAM exam syllabus PDF helps the candidates to know about the topics of each subject.

Best Books for IIT JAM 2025 Preparation

Choosing appropriate study material is crucial for preparing for the IIT JAM exam. It is essential to select reliable sources that offer the best learning opportunities. To assist with this, here is a list of the top books recommended for IIT JAM preparation in 2025. By doing thorough research, students can save valuable time and ensure they have the right IIT JAM study materials. While there are numerous books available from various authors, it is important for candidates to choose credible sources for their preparation.

IIT JAM Preparation Books

Best Books for IIT JAM Geology 2025



Ground Water

H.M Ragunath


Todd and Karanth

Structure Geology

Prof. Haakon Fasten

A Remote Sensing Geology

R.P Gupta

Optical Mineralogy

P.K Verma

Igneous Petrology

M.K Bose

Best Books for IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics 2025



Complete Resource Manual M.Sc Mathematics

Suraj Singh

An Introduction to Probability and Statistics

V.K Rohatgi

Fundamental of Mathematical Statistics

S.C Gupta and V.K Kapoor

Introduction to Mathematical Statistics

Robert V. Hogg and Craig McKean Hogg

Vector Calculus

Murray R. Spiegel, A.R Vasishtha

An Introduction to the theory of Statistics

Mod and Graybill


Thomas and Finny

Best Books for IIT JAM Biotechnology 2025




Mount David W.


Michael Pelczar Jr.

Molecular Cloning

Sambrook and Russel

Basic Immunology

Abbas and Littmann

Best Books for IIT JAM Chemistry 2025



Physical Chemistry

Peter Atkins and Julio De Paula

Surface Chemistry


Introduction to Surface Chemistry and Catalysis

Gabor A. Somorjai

An Introduction to Electrochemistry

Samuel Glasstone

Solid State

Peter A W. Atkins

Organic Chemistry

Morrison and Boyd

Best Books for IIT JAM Physics 2025



Mathematical Models for Physics and Engineering

Riley, Hobson, and Bence


Zemanski Dittman, Saha Srivastava/ F.W. Sears, and G.L. Salinger

Molecular and Atomic Physics

Rajkumar/ White

Classical Mechanics

Herbert Goldstein

Classical Mechanics

John. R. Taylor

Best Books for IIT JAM Mathematics 2025



Mathematical Analysis

S.C Malik

IIT JAM Mathematics

Neha Tyagi


Murray and Spiegel

Fundamentals of Real Analysis

V.K. Krishnan

Abstract Algebra

Bhattacharya, Jain, and Nagpal

Principle of Mathematical Analysis


Geometry and Vectors



Thomas and Finny

Best Books for IIT JAM Mathematics 2025



Mathematical Analysis

S.C Malik

IIT JAM Mathematics

Neha Tyagi


Murray and Spiegel

Fundamentals of Real Analysis

V.K. Krishnan

Abstract Algebra

Bhattacharya, Jain, and Nagpal

Principle of Mathematical Analysis


Geometry and Vectors



Thomas and Finny

IIT JAM Exam Pattern 2025 - Key Points

  1. The IIT JAM 2025 exam is an online computer-based test that consists of a total of seven subjects.
  2. The subjects included in the IIT JAM syllabus 2025 are Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Economics, Biotechnology, and Geology.

  3. The syllabus for IIT JAM 2025 is divided into three sections - A, B, and C.

  4. Section A contains 30 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with a different marking scheme for each question. There are 10 questions worth one mark each and 20 questions worth two marks each.

  5. Section B of the IIT JAM syllabus is not as comprehensive as the other sections and consists of only 10 MCQs worth two marks each.

  6. The IIT JAM entrance exam syllabus also includes 20 numerical-type questions, with 10 questions worth one mark each and 10 questions worth two marks each.

  7. According to the IIT JAM exam pattern for 2025, the total number of questions is 60, with a maximum possible score of 100.

JAM Previous Year Papers
Candidates can download JAM previous year's papers to boost their exam preparation.
Download Now

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the subjects for IIT JAM examination 2025?

The subjects included in IIT JAM 2025 are biotechnology, chemistry, physics, economics, mathematical statistics, mathematics, and geology.

2. When will the IIT JAM 2025 exam take place?

The IIT JAM examination will be held in February 2025 in online mode.

3. What are the different subjects asked in the IIT JAM exam?

Physics, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Geology, Economics, Mathematics, and Mathematical Statistics are the total 7 subjects asked in this exam.

4. How can I obtain the detailed syllabus for my chosen subject in IIT JAM?

To obtain the detailed syllabus for your chosen subject in IIT JAM, you can visit the official website of IIT JAM. On the website, you will find a link to the JAM syllabus for each subject. You can click on the link for the syllabus of your chosen subject and download the document with the detailed syllabus. You can also find the syllabus on the official website of IIT JAM in the syllabus section.

5. How many papers are there in IIT JAM exam syllabus 2025?

There are a total of seven papers in the IIT JAM entrance examination 2025.

6. How can I obtain the detailed IIT JAM syllabus for my chosen subject?

The detailed syllabus for IIT JAM 2025 for each subject will be found on the official website of IIT JAM and in the information brochure provided by the organising institute for the specific year.

7. Is the syllabus the same for all subjects in IIT JAM 2025?

The syllabus for IIT JAM examination 2025 varies depending on the subject chosen. The available subjects are physics, chemistry, mathematics, biotechnology, mathematical statistics, geology, and economics. Students must select a subject based on their academic background and preferences and then prepare according to the specific syllabus for that subject.

8. How to download IIT JAM syllabus?

Candidates can download the IIT JAM 2024 syllabus by visiting the official website - jam.iitm.ac.in.


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Via National Law University, New Delhi
Astrophysics Cosmology
Via Australian National University
Digital Library
Via Information and Library Network Centre
Applied Environmental Microbiology
Via Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
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 505 courses
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 313 courses
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University of Essex, Colchester
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Lancaster University, Lancaster
 Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4YW
Indiana University, Bloomington
 107 S. Indiana Avenue, Bloomington, Indiana, 47405-7000
Bristol Baptist College, Bristol
 The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NJ

Questions related to JAM

Have a question related to JAM ?


To stay informed about admission portals for colleges and universities after the IIT JAM Biotechnology exam, follow these steps:

  1. Official IIT JAM Website : Regularly check the official IIT JAM website for updates on admission processes and participating institutes' timelines.

  2. JoSAA and CCMN Portals : For NITs, IIITs, and CFTIs, visit JoSAA (for engineering programs) or CCMN (for MSc admissions) portals for updates on counseling.

  3. Institute Websites : Visit the official websites of participating IITs and other institutes offering MSc Biotechnology through JAM to monitor admission notifications.

  4. Email and SMS Alerts : Ensure your email ID and phone number are registered correctly during application; institutes often send alerts.

  5. Social Media : Follow official social media accounts of IIT JAM and target universities for announcements.

  6. Education Forums : Join online forums or groups dedicated to IIT JAM for shared updates from peers.

  7. News Portals : Keep an eye on trusted education news websites for comprehensive admission updates.

To know more, visit : https://university.careers360.com/articles/jam-admission-form

Hope it helps !

Admission in MSC bioinformatics program at an IIT is through the Joint Admission Test for Masters (JAM). JAM is a nationwide entrance exam that's held annually for admission to post-graduate science programs at various institutions in India.

You can also apply to IISERs and JNCASR Bangalore for Integrated PhD. Course through jam.

Other exams which are accepted for MSc bioinformatics are Gate,jee advanced and some universities like jnu accept CUET-PG or GAT-B score.

To excel in the JAM exam, you should have a strong understanding of the fundamental concepts in biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics.

This link will help you in preparation and exam details


Your are not able to submit your rectified form because of server issue.you can try later after sometime you form will be submitted.

To get the most accurate and up-to-date information about the correction window, allowed changes, fees, and deadlines for the specific IIT JAM you're applying for, please visit the link


Hello aspirant,

I understand you situation and these are some steps that you can follow:

  • Contact JAM Helpline: Reach out to the official JAM helpline or support channel immediately. They are equipped to handle such technical issues and can provide specific guidance.
  • Check Application Status: Log in to your JAM application portal and verify if the issue persists. Sometimes, a temporary technical glitch might have caused the problem, and it might be resolved automatically.
  • Request Correction: If the issue persists, politely request a correction or re-upload option. Explain the situation clearly and provide any relevant screenshots or evidence.
  • Provide New Documents: If required, be prepared to provide new, clear scans of your photo and signature. Ensure they meet the specified dimensions and quality standards.

Important Considerations:

  • Deadline: Check the deadline for making changes or corrections to your JAM application. Act promptly to avoid missing the deadline.
  • Technical Support: Be patient and cooperative while dealing with the support team. They are working to resolve the issue.
  • Alternative Solutions: In case a quick resolution is not possible, inquire about any alternative solutions or procedures suggested by the JAM authorities.

    I hope this information helps you.


For the IIT JAM (Joint Admission Test for M.Sc.) exam, you need to provide a Central EWS (Economically Weaker Section) certificate.

The IITs (Indian Institutes of Technology) and other central institutions require a central format of the EWS certificate issued by a competent authority as per the guidelines set by the Government of India. State EWS certificates are generally not accepted unless explicitly specified in the application guidelines.

Make sure that your EWS certificate is up-to-date and issued by the designated authority, such as a Sub-Divisional Officer (SDO), Tehsildar, or similar, as prescribed by the central government.

Hope it helps !

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