CPGET Syllabus 2025 PDF: Latest Subject-Wise Syllabus & Important Topic

CPGET Syllabus 2025 PDF: Latest Subject-Wise Syllabus & Important Topic

Edited By Mangane Priyanka | Updated on Feb 03, 2025 10:46 AM IST | #CPGET

CPGET Syllabus 2025: Students preparing to take admission to various postgraduate courses at the Osmania University though CPGET 2025 are advised to check the syllabus in this article. The CPGET syllabus 2025 consists of all the important chapters students must study to be able prepare for the entrance. Candidates are advised to go through the syllabus of CPGET 2025 to score the highest marks and prepare a timetable accordingly for exam preparation. The CPGET entrance exam syllabus 2025 will help students to get a better understanding of the topics covered in the exam.

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  1. CPGET Syllabus 2025
  2. CPGET Syllabus 2025 - PDFs
  3. CPGET 2025 Syllabus for 5-Year Integrated Programmes
CPGET Syllabus 2025 PDF: Latest Subject-Wise Syllabus & Important Topic
CPGET Syllabus 2025 PDF: Latest Subject-Wise Syllabus & Important Topic

Candidates are required to qualify in the CPGET 2025 entrance exam to be eligible for Osmania University admissions. Those who pass the exam with the minimum qualifying marks will be eligible to apply for CPGET counselling 2025. Students can prepare for the exam by practising the CPGET 2025 subjects list. Candidates are advised to prepare on the important topics for the CPGET entrance exam 2025 from the provided syllabus. Read the below article to learn more about the CPGET 2025 syllabus pdf download, how to download the pdf, etc.

CPGET Syllabus 2025

The Osmania University entrance exam syllabus has the information required on the important topics, marking schemes for both UG and PG courses in different subjects, exam patterns, etc. Here are the lists of all the courses and their respective CPGET 2025 syllabus pdf.

CPGET Syllabus 2025 - M.Sc Biotechnology

Aspirants can prepare for Biotechnology by practising the CPGET 2025 syllabus for Biotechnology. The Biotechnology syllabus also includes topics related to CPGET 2025 syllabus for M.Sc Microbiology. Check out the CPGET M.Sc Biotechnology syllabus 2025.

CPGET M.Sc Biotechnology Syllabus 2025

  1. Fundamentals Of Biotechnology: Perspectives of Biotechnology - Nature and properties of biomolecules involved in information storage retrieval signalling and executing mediator.

  2. Catalytic function: DNA, RNA, Proteins and other signal molecules, basic units of living systems, classification, ultrastructure.

  3. Composition of cells, cell division, cell cycles, cell-to-cell interactions.

  4. Laws of inheritance - linkage and crossing over, sex determination and sex-linked inheritance, mapping, and genetic recombination (Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes).

  5. Classification, structure-function of micro-organisms-microscopy, and microbial techniques.

  6. Measures of central tendencies and distribution probability distribution, sampling theory, confidence levels - Applications of computers in the biological system.

  7. Biochemical Techniques Intermediary metabolism and biocatalysis: Spectrophotometry and colourimetry - Beer-Lambert Law - physical methods of determining molecular structure - Methods of cell disruption and analysis by fractionation - dialysis centrifugation, chromatography, Electrophoresis, manometry, and its application.

  8. Intermediary metabolism - glycolysis, TCA cycle, electron transport, photosynthesis, respiration and fermentation, Biosynthesis of amino acids, nucleotides, polysaccharides, and lipids.

  9. Biocatalysis - Enzymes, their catalysis, inhibition, and regulation.

  10. Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering: Nucleic acids as genetic material structure replication of DNA & RNA.

  11. Mutation and damage to DNA - Molecular basis, Gene expression: Transcription & Processing of RNA - Genetic code - Regulation.

  12. Plasmids and transposable elements.

  13. Outlines of DNA technology - enzymes used in gene cloning, vectors, genomic DNA, and cDNA libraries and expression of cloned genes.

  14. Applications. Immune system and its functions.

  15. Antibody diversity - vaccines and their production. Purification antigens and antibodies, Hybridoma technology and Monoclonal antibodies ELISA, RIA synthetic vaccines.

  16. Application of Biotechnology: Animal Cell Biotechnology, Plant Biotechnology, Microbial Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology.

CPGET 2025 Syllabus - M.Sc Statistics

Here’s the M.Sc Statistics syllabus for the CPGET 2025 exam.

CPGET M.Sc Statistics Syllabus 2025

Part A (50 Marks)

Part B (50 Marks)

  1. Analysis of Quantitative Data:- Univariate data – Measures of central tendency (Mean, Median and Mode with simple applications).

  2. Measures of Dispersion - Definitions and simple examples, relative Dispersion and their areas of application.

  3. Importance of Moments - Central and Non-central Moments, Sheppard’s corrections for moments for grouped data.

  4. Skewness and Kurtosis - Measures including those based on quartiles and moments with real-life examples.

  5. Probability and Random Experiment:- Definition of Probability, Classical and Relative frequency approach to Probability, merits and demerits of these approaches.

  6. Random experiment, sample point and sample space, definition of an event, operation of events.

  7. Properties of probability based on axiomatic approach.

  8. Addition theorem for ’n’ events, conditional Probability, Multiplication rule of probability for ‘n’ events, Boole’s inequality, Independence of events.

  9. Baye’s theorem and its applications (with examples of real life). Random Variables:- Notion of a Random variable, Distribution function and its properties. Discrete random variable, Probability Mass function, Continuous random variable, Probability Density function. Transformation of one-dimensional random variable (simple 1-1 functions only). Mathematical Expectation:- Mathematical expectation of random variable and its properties.

  10. Moments - Raw and Central moments with examples.

  11. Definition of Moment generating function (m.g.f), Cumulant generating function (c.g.f). Probability generating function (p.g.f) and Characteristic function, statements of their properties with applications.

  12. Chebychev’s inequality and its applications.

  13. Statement and applications of Weak law of Large numbers and Central limit theorem for i.i.d. random variables with finite variance.

  14. Discrete Distributions:- Standard discrete distributions and their properties such as m.g.f, c.g.f, p.g.f., Characteristic function, moments up to fourth order of Uniform, Binomial, Poisson, Negative Binomial, Geometric and Hyper-Geometric distributions. Reproductive property wherever it exists.

  15. Binomial approximation to Hyper-Geometric, Poisson approximation to Binomial and Negative Binomial Distributions. Applications of these distributions in real life.

  16. Continuous Distributions:- Normal distribution-Definition, properties and its importance in Statistics.

  17. Normal distribution as limiting case of Binomial and Poisson distributions. Definitions and properties such as m.g.f, c.g.f, Characteristic function, moments up to fourth order of Rectangular, Gamma, Exponential, and Cauchy distributions. Reproductive property wherever it exists. Application of these distributions in real life.

  18. Bivariate date.

  19. Scattered diagram.

  20. Principle of Least squares, fitting of Straight line, Quadratic, Power and Exponential curves.

  21. Product moment Correlation coefficient and its properties, Partial and Multiple Correlation coefficients (only for three variables).

  22. Spearman’s Rank correlation coefficient. Simple linear regression, Correlation and regression-comparison, Coefficient of Determination, Correlation ratio.

  23. Bivariate random variable – discrete and continuous, joint, marginal and conditional distributions, the distribution function of a bivariate random variable, statement of its properties, simple illustrations.

  24. Mathematical expectation of bivariate random variable.

  25. Covariance, additive and multiplication theorems of mathematical expectation, correlation coefficient and lines of regression with illustrations.

  26. Concept of Population, Parameter, Random Sample, Statistic.

  27. Sampling distribution of the sum of observations from Binomial, Poisson and Normal distribution, Standard error.

  28. Exact Sampling Distributions – Statements and Properties of x2, t and F distributions and interrelations.

  29. Theory of Estimation:- Point Estimate of parameter, concept of bias and mean square error of an estimate.

  30. Criteria of a good estimator - Consistency, Unbiasedness, Efficiency and Sufficiency, Statement of Nyman’s Factorization theorem, derivations of Sufficient statistics in Binomial, Poisson, Normal and Exponential cases (one parameter only).

  31. Estimation by the Method of Moments and Maximum Likelihood Method.

  32. Statements of asymptotic properties of Maximum Likelihood Estimators.

  33. Concept of Interval estimation, Confidence intervals of parameters of Normal population.

  34. Statistical Tests:- Concepts of null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, critical region, two types of errors, level of significance and power of a test.

  35. Neyman – Pearson lemma for testing a simple null hypothesis against a simple alternative and examples on the case of Binomial, Poisson, Exponential and Normal (for mean with known SD) distributions.

  1. Analysis of Categorical Data:- Consistency of Categorical data.

  2. Independence and Association of Attributes, various measures of association for two-way data with real-life examples.

  3. Large Sample Tests:- Use of central limit theorem for testing and interval estimation of a single mean and a single proportion and difference of two means and two proportions.

  4. Fisher’s Z Transformation and its uses. Tests of significance based on t, 2 and F distributions, 2 test for goodness of fit, test for independence of attributes.

  5. Comparison of Parametric and Nonparametric tests, their advantages and disadvantages.

  6. Nonparametric tests:- One sample Run test. Sign test and Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests for one sample and two related samples.

  7. Tests for two independent samples: Median test, Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney U-test, Wald-Wolfowitz Runs test. (Small and Large samples).

  8. Designs of Experiments:- Analysis of variance of one-way and two-way classifications.

  9. Expectation of various sums of squares. Importance and applications of designs of experiments, principal of Experimentation. Analysis of completely Randomized Design (CRD), Randomised Block Design (RBD) and Latin Square Design (LSD) including one missing observation, comparison of their efficiencies, and expectation of various sums of squares. Designs of Sample Surveys:- Random Numbers, drawing random samples, Sample surveys versus census surveys. Planning and execution of large-scale sample surveys, notion of non-sampling errors, sources and treatment of non-sampling errors.

  10. Estimation of population mean, population total, population proportion and variance of the estimators by

  • i) Simple Random sampling with and without replacements.

  • ii) Stratified Random sampling with proportional and Neyman’s optimal allocation.

  • iii) Symmetric sampling with N = nk. Comparison of their efficiencies.

  1. Time Series Analysis:- Components of Time Series, Determination of trend by graphical, semi-average, Least squares and moving average methods.

  2. Determination of Seasonal indices by Simple averages, Ratio to moving averages, Ratio to trend and Link relative methods.

  3. Index Numbers:- Construction, uses and limitations of Index numbers. Simple and Weighted index numbers, consistency tests for an Index number, base shifting, splicing and deflation.

  4. Fixed and Chain base Index numbers. Cost of living Index numbers and Wholesale Price Index numbers.

  5. Demand Analysis:- Introduction, Demand and Supply, Price Elasticity of Supply and Demand, Methods of Determining.

  6. Demand and Supply Curves: Time Series Data, Leontief’s method of finding Demand Curve from Time Series Data. Limitations of the method, Pigous’s method from Time Series Data, Pareto’s law of Income distribution, and Curve of concentration.

  7. Vital Statistics and Indian Official Statistics:- Rates and ratios, Standardised rates, Fertility and Reproduction rates, Construction and uses of complete and abridged life tables.

  8. Functions and organisation of CSO and NSSO.

  9. Agricultural statistics, Area and Yield statistics.

  10. National Income and its computation.

  11. Utilities and difficulties in estimation of National Income.

CPGET Exam Syllabus 2025 - M.Sc Chemistry

The table below shows the CPGET exam syllabus 2025 for M.Sc Chemistry.

CPGET 2025 Syllabus - M.Sc Chemistry

Part A (40 Marks)

Part B (60 Marks)

  • Coordination Compounds - Applications of Coordination Compounds, Organometallic Chemistry, Metal Carbonyls and Related Compounds, Boranes and Carboranes, Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Hard and Soft Acids and Bases (HSAB).

  • Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives, synthesis Based on Carbanions, Nitro Hydrocarbons, Amines, Cyanides and Isocyanides, Heterocyclic Compounds, Carbohydrates, Amino Acids and Proteins, Pericyclic Reactions, Synthetic Strategies, Asymmetric Synthesis.

  • Electrochemistry and Emf, Chemical Kinetics, Thermodynamics.

  • Photochemistry - Molecular Spectroscopy, Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Mass Spectroscopy.

  • S-Block Elements, P-Block Elements, Chemistry of Zero Group Elements, Chemistry of d-Block Elements, Chemistry of f-Block Elements.

  • General Principles of Inorganic Qualitative Analysis, Symmetry of Molecules, Non-Aqueous Solvents, Chemical Bonding, Molecular Orbital Theory, Theory of Quantitative Analysis, Theories of Bonding in Metals.

  • Structural Theory in Organic Chemistry - Acyclic Hydrocarbons, alicyclic Hydrocarbons, aromatic Hydrocarbons, Arenes and Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Halogen Compounds, Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers and Epoxides, Carbonyl Compounds, Conformational Analysis, Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds.

  • Atomic Structure and Elementary Quantum Mechanics - Gaseous State, Liquid State, Solutions, Dilute Solutions and Colligative Properties, Solid State Chemistry, Phase Rule, Colloids and Surface Chemistry, adsorption, Material Science, Nanomaterials, Evaluation of Analytical Data.

CPGET Syllabus Master of Commerce 2025

Check out the master of commerce syllabus for the CPGET entrance exam 2025.

CPGET Master of Commerce 2025

Part A (40 Marks)

Part B (60 Marks)

  • Business Laws (10 Marks): Law of contracts including essential elements of a valid contract, contingency contracts, performance, discharge, breach and remedies for breach of contract contracts. Special contracts including Bailment contracts and agency contracts. Sale of Goods Act. Conditions and warranties Consumer Protection Act - District, State and National level councils. Companies Act 1956 including appointment, duties, powers of directors, doctrine of Ultra Vires-Doctrine of indoor management.

  • Financial Accounting (10 Marks): Introduction to Accounting including accounting concepts and conventions-Accounting Process-journalizing, posting to ledger accounts- subsidiary books including cashbook. Bank Reconciliation Statement-Preparation of trial balance and Final Accounts-Errors and Rectification-Consignment and joint ventures- Depreciation and reserves. Hire purchase and instalment system Entry and non-trading concerns partnership Accounts including admission, retirement, death of a partner and dissolution of a firm-Branch and Departmental Accounts-Company Accounts including issue of shares and debentures, forfeiture, reissue of forfeiture shares-Redemption of Debentures.

  • Corporate Accounting (10 Marks): Company final accounts of Bonus Shares-Acquisition of Business and Profit Before incorporation-Accounting Standards, Need, Importance and overview of Indian Accounting Standards-valuation of good will-need and methods-valuation of shares, need for valuation and methods of valuation-Bank Accounts Legal Provision Preparation of Final Accounts-Accounts of Insurance companies-Amalgamation and reconstructions (Simple problems).

  • a) Auditing (5 Marks): Types of Audits-Advantages & Limitation of Audit-Personal Qualities of an auditor-Audit planning & Control-Audit of Limited Companies-Investigation-Difference between Investigation and Auditing-Organisational vouching and verification. Business Correspondence and report writing.

  • b) Fundamentals of Information Technology (5 Marks): Elements of Computers-Dos, Windows operating system, word processing, Spreadsheet, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint.

  • Business Economics (10 Marks): Introduction to Economics, Nature, scope and importance including micro and macro Economics, supply and market equilibrium, production costs, Market structure and factors of production, national income, Trade cycles and International trade.

  • Business Organisation And Management (10 Marks): Concepts of business industry, commerce, trade, plant and firm-forms of business organisations stock company, Management, Different approaches to management and functions of management-Planning and Organising, Delegation of authority, Centralization.

  • Business Statistics (10 Marks): Introduction of Statistics - Meaning, functions and limitations of statistics-Collection of Data-Primary and Secondary sources-classification, Tabulation and Diagrammatic Presentation of Data-Data analysis interpretation of tables and graphs. Measures of Central Tendency- Mode, Median-Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic measures of dispersion, range, quartile deviation, mean deviation and standard deviation-Karl Pearson and Bowley’s Measures of Skewness-Simple Correlation and Regression analysis of time series includes trend analysis and seasonal variations. Index numbers including time and factor reversal tests of price index numbers.

  • Financial Services-Banking and Insurance (10 Marks): Types of banks-Banking System in India- Function & Credit Creations-Banking Sectors Reforms-Impact of Reforms-Money Market Reforms and Capital Market Reforms in India-Merchant Banking-Banker & Customer Relationship-Classification and Characteristics of Cheques consequence of wrongful dishonour-Lending policies for loans and advances- modes of creating charge-Pledge-Hypothecation-lien. Life Insurance, Non-life insurance and its regulation.

  • General English (Comprehension) (10 Marks): Synonyms, antonyms and comprehending a passage; Report Writing-Types of reports, content of the report, Business report and academic report- Essentials of good report writing.

  • General knowledge and current affairs (10 Marks): In the field of Commerce & Business.

CPGET 2025 Syllabus - M.Sc Zoology

Here’s the CPGET syllabus 2025 for M.Sc Zoology.

CPGET 2025 Syllabus - M.Sc Zoology

  1. Animal Physiology - Genetics & Evolution.

  2. Physiology of Digestion: Definition of digestion and types of digestion-extra and intracellular; Digestion of Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and cellulose digestion; Absorption and assimilation of digested food materials; Gastrointestinal hormones, control of digestion.

  3. Physiology of respiration: Types of respiration-external and internal respiration.

  4. Structure of mammalian lungs and gaseous exchange - Transport of oxygen-formation of oxyhaemoglobin and affinity of haemoglobin for Oxygen, Oxygen dissociation curves; Transport of CO2-Chloride shift, Bohr effect.

  5. Cellular respiration - Main steps of glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport, Oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production (Chemiosmotic theory).

  6. Physiology of Circulation: Open and closed circulation; Structure of mammalian heart and its working mechanism - Heartbeat and cardiac cycle. Myogenic and neurogenic hearts; Regulation of heart rate-Tachycardia and Bradycardia.

  7. Physiology of Excretion: Definition of excretion; Forms of nitrogenous waste material and their formation: classification of animals based on excretory products; Gross organisation of mammalian excretory system and structure of kidney; Structure and function of Nephron-Countercurrent mechanism.

  8. Physiology of muscle contraction: General structure and types of muscles; Ultrastructure of skeletal muscle; Sliding filament mechanism of muscle contraction; Chemical changes during muscle contraction-role of calcium, ATP utilisation and its replenishment.

  9. Physiology of nerve impulse: Structure of nerve cell; Nature of nerve impulse-resting potential and action potential. Properties of nerve impulse-threshold value, refractory period, all or none response; Conduction of nerve impulse along an axon-local circuit theory and saltatory conduction theory; Structure of synapse, mechanism of synaptic transmission - electrical and chemical transmissions.

  10. Physiology of Endocrine System: Relationship between hypothalamus and pituitary gland; Hormones of the hypothalamus; Hormones of Adenohypophysis and Neurohypophysis; Hormones of the pineal gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid, thymus, adrenal and pancreas; Endocrine control of mammalian reproduction - Male and female hormones- Hormonal control of menstrual cycle in humans.

  11. Physiology of Homeostasis: Concept of homeostasis and its basic working mechanism; Mechanism of Homeostasis - giving three illustrations viz., Hormonal control of glucose levels, Water and ionic regulation by freshwater and marine animals and temperature regulation in man;

  12. Genetics: Mendel’s laws - Law of segregation and independent assortment; Genetic interactions Incomplete dominance, codominance and epistasis; Identification of DNA as the genetic material - Griffith’s experiment and Hershey-Chase experiment; Central dogma of molecular biology-Brief account of DNA replication (Semi-conservative method), Replication fork (Continuous and discontinuous synthesis);

  13. Transcription - Brief account initiation, elongation and termination in eukaryotes;

  14. Translation - Genetic code; gene regulation as exemplified by lac operon;

  15. Human karyotyping - Barr bodies and Lyon hypothesis and Amniocentesis chromosomal disorders-Autosomal and sex chromosomes;

  16. Organic Evolution: Genetic basis of Evolution, Gene pool and gene frequencies, Hardy-Weinberg’s Law, Force of destabilization, natural selection, genetic drift, Mutation, isolation and Migration; Speciation - Allopatry and sympatry.

  17. Fisheries and Aquaculture - Haematology, Immunology, Animal Biotechnology: Fisheries - Introduction; Types of fisheries, Fishery resources from Freshwater, Brackish water and Marine habitats; Finfish and shellfisheries; Fishing gears and fishing crafts; Freshwater, Brackish water and Mariculture; Site selection criteria; Aquaculture systems; induced breeding;

  18. Hatchery design and Management - Larval rearing-Nursery ponds, rearing and growing out ponds; Shrimp and Prawn culture; Hatchery systems, Seed transport, common diseases and control; Post-harvest technology; Preservation and processing-Freezing, solar drying, Canning, salting smoking, By product of fish cool mineral;

  19. Clinical Science: Haematology, Blood composition and functions; Blood groups and transfusion problems;

  20. Blood diseases - Anaemia, Leukaemia, Leukocytosis, Leukopenia; Biopsy and autopsy-Clinical importance; Immunology.

  21. Types of Immunity - Innate and Acquired; Antigens-Haptens and epitopes and their properties;

  22. Structure and biological properties of human immunoglobulin G; Hypersensitivity Immediate and delayed;

  23. Important Human Parasites Blood parasites;

  24. Intestinal parasites - Structure and clinical significance Entamoeba, Giardia, Taenia Solium, Ancylostoma, Enterobius;

  25. Animal Biotechnology: Scope of Biotechnology, Cloning vectors-Characteristics of vectors, Plasmids;

  26. Gene Cloning-Enzymatic cleavage of DNA, Restriction enzymes (Endonucleases) and Ligation;

  27. Transgenesis and Production of transgenic animals (Fish and Goat);

  28. Application of stem cell technology in cell-based therapy (Diabetes and Parkinson’s diseases).

  29. Biology of Invertebrates and Cell Biology: Phylum protozoa: General characters and outline classification up to classes.

  30. Type study: Paramecium; Phylum Porifera: General characters and outline classification up to classes.

  31. Type study: Sycon; Canal system in Sponges; Phylum coelenterata: General characters and outline classification up to classes.

  32. Type study: Obelia; Polymorphism in Coelenterates; Corals and coral reef formation; Phylum Platyhelminthes: General characters and outline classification up to classes.

  33. Type study - Fasciola hepatica: Phylum Nemathelminthes: General characters and outline classification up to classes.

  34. Type study: Ascaris lumbricoides; Phylum Annelida: General characters and outline classification up to classes.

  35. Type study: Leech; Coelom and coelomoducts in Annelids; Phylum Arthropoda: General characters and outline classification of up to classes

  36. Type study - Prawn: Crustacean larvae; Peripatus- Characters and Significance; Phylum Mollusca: General characters and outline classification of up to classes.

  37. Type study: Pila: Pearl formation in Molluscs; Phylum Echinodermata: General characters and outline classification of up to classes.

  38. Type study: Starfish: General characters of Hemichordata: Structure and affinities of Balanoglossus; Cell Biology: Cell theory; Ultrastructure of Animal cell; Structure of Plasma membrane-Fluid-mosaic mode.

  39. Transport functions of Plasma membrane - Passive transport, active transport (Antiport, symport and uniport) and bulk transport; Structure and functions of Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi body, Ribosomes, lysosomes and Mitochondria; Chromosomes-nomenclature types and structure.

  40. Giant chromosomes - Polytene and Lampbrush chromosomes;

  41. Cell division - Cell-cycle stages (G1, S, G2 and M phases), Cell-cycle checkpoints and regulation.

  42. Mitosis - Meiosis: Its significance; Biomolecules of the cell:

  43. Carbohydrates: Classification of Carbohydrates; Structure of Monosaccharides (Glucose and Fructose);

  44. Structure of Disaccharides (Lactose and Sucrose);

  45. Structure of Polysaccharides (Starch, Glycogen and Chitin);

  46. Proteins: Amino acids: General properties, nomenclature, classification and structure; Classification of proteins based on functions, chemical nature and nutrition, peptide bond and structure (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary structures);

  47. Lipids: Classification. Structure of Fatty acids (Saturated and unsaturated); Triacylglycerols, Phospholipids (Lecithin and cephalin) and Steroids (Cholesterol);

  48. Nucleic acids: Structure of purines, pyrimidines, ribose and deoxyribose sugars;

  49. Watson and Crick model of DNA - Nucleoside, Nucleotide, Chargaff’s rule Structure of RNA, Types of RNA - rRNA, tRNA and mRNA;

  50. Biology of Chordates, Embryology, Ecology and Zoogeography: Protochordates: Salient features of Urochordata and Cephalochordata Structure and life-history of Herdmania, Significance of retrogressive Metamorphosis; General organization of chordates; General characters of Cyclostomes;

  51. General characters of fishes, classification up to sub-class level with examples;

  52. Type study - Scoliodon: Morphology, respiratory system, circulatory system, excretory system, nervous system and sense organs; Migration in fishes and types of scales; General characters and classification of Amphibia up to order level;

  53. Type study - Rana: Morphology, digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, excretory system, nervous system and reproductive system; Parental care in amphibians; General characters and classification of Reptilia up to order level;

  54. Type study - Calotes: Morphology, digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, urinogenital system and nervous system; General characters and classification of Aves up to order level with examples;

  55. Type study - Pigeon (Columbia Livia): Exoskeleton, respiratory system, circulating system and excretory system; significance of migration in birds; Flight adaptation in birds; General characters and classification of Mammalia up to order level with examples; Dentition in mammals;

  56. Embryology: Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis and Fertilization; Types of eggs; Types of cleavages; Development of frog up to gastrulation and formation of primary germ layers; Foetal membranes and their significance placenta: types and functions; Regeneration regarding Turbellarians and lizards;

  57. Ecology and Zoogeography: Biogeochemical cycles or nutrient cycles-Gaseous cycles of Nitrogen and carbon;

  58. Sedimentary cycle - phosphorus; Definition of community- Habitat and ecological niche;

  59. Community interactions: Brief account of Competition, predation, mutualism, commensalism and parasitism;

  60. Ecological succession: Primary and Secondary, seral stages, climax community with examples;

  61. Population ecology: Density and dispersions of animal populations; growth curves and growth of animal populations -r- selected and k-selected species; Population regulation mechanisms - both biotic and abiotic; Growth of human population its control.

CPGET Syllabus 2025 - M.Sc Biochemistry

Candidates can check out the CPGET syllabus 2025 for M.Sc Biochemistry in the following table.

CPGET M.Sc Biochemistry Syllabus 2025

  • Elementary aspects of cell structure-function, tissues, and body fluids.

  • Chemistry, physiological role, and metabolism of biomolecules like carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, Lipids & nucleic acids.

  • Basic aspects of nutrition, endocrinology & Physiology, clinical biochemistry, enzymology, biological oxidations, photosynthesis.

  • Physiological role of vitamins and minerals.

  • Basic aspects of immunology.

  • Replication, transcription, and protein synthesis.

  • Fundamental aspects of microbiology.

  • Elementary aspects of rDNA technology and genetic engineering.

  • Principles, methodology and applications of various biochemical techniques used in biochemistry.

CPGET 2025 Exam Syllabus - M.Sc Geology

Here is the syllabus of the CPGET exam for M.Sc Geology.

Part A (40 Marks)


  • Definition of palaeontology, conditions of fossilisation, modes of preservation, and uses of fossils.

  • Phylum Echinodermata and Phylum Brachiopod, Phylum Mollusca* and Phylum Arthropoda.

  • Study of the following fossils for their classification, morphology, and geological distribution: Cidaris, Micraster, Hollister, Hemiaster, Terebratula, Spirifer, Rhynchonella, Productus, Turritella, Murex, Cypraea, Nautica, Voluta, Pecten, Gryphaea, Glycymeris, Arca Cardita, Exogyra, Nautilus, Ammonoids, Belemnites, Calymene, Paradoxide.

  • Plant fossils glossopteris, gangamopteris, ptilophyllum.

Indian Geology:

  • Definition of stratigraphy, principles of stratigraphy, standard geological time scale.

  • Physiographic divisions of India with their stratigraphic and structural characteristics. Dharwar system, cuddapah system; Vindhyan system; Kurnool system and Gondwana System.

  • Triassic of Spiti, Jurassic of Kutch, Cretaceous of Tiruchirapalli, Deccan Traps and their Age, Siwaliks with vertebrate fossils, Archaean - Proterozoic boundary problem and cretaceous - Tertiary boundary problem.

  • Geology of Andhra Pradesh.

Economic Geology:

  • Definition of Economic geology, mineral resources and mineral deposit; importance of economic minerals and rocks; ore minerals, gangue minerals (gangue), ore, industrial minerals, tenor and grade; syngenetic deposits, epigenetic deposits.

  • Classification of mineral deposits - Bateman’s classification was modified by Jensen. Processes of formation of mineral deposits; endogenetic and exogenetic processes - cavity filling and replacement, sedimentation; residual and mechanical concentration; oxidation and supergene enrichment.

  • Study of ore deposits of gold, copper, lead, zinc, aluminium, iron, manganese, chromium, uranium and thorium, for their mineralogy, uses, mode of occurrence (forms), origin and distribution in India of the industrial minerals and rocks required for the following industries;

  • Abrasives, Cement, Ceramic & Glass, Fertilisers and Chemicals, Insulators, Refractories and Fluxes.

  • Fuels(Coal, Oil and natural gas) - their origin, occurrence and distribution in India, Major mineral resources of Andhra Pradesh. Asbestos, Baryte, Bauxite, Coal, Clays, Gemstones, Limestone, Manganese, Mica., Oil and Natural gas.

  • Ground Water Exploration: Hydrological cycle. Definition of aquifer, Aquitard and Aquifuge. Porosity and Permeability, Darcy’s law. Types of aquifers. Suitability of groundwater for drinking purposes. Causes of groundwater pollution; Basic principles of Geophysical exploration methods- Electrical methods - Schlumberger and Wenner configuration. Resistivity profiling.

Part B (60 Marks)

Physical Geology:

  • General aspects, Definition of geology - Basic assumptions of Geology. Its relationship with other sciences - Branches of geology Aim and applications of geology.

  • Earth as a planet - its shape, size, density - movements and their effects. Origin and age of earth.

  • Geological processes - exogenic and endogenic, Definition of weathering - Types of weathering of rocks- Physical and Chemical;

  • Definition of erosion and denudation, cycle of erosion; erosion, transportation and deposition; agents of erosion.


  • Erosion, transportation and deposition of river (fluvial) cycle in different stages - Development of typical landforms by river erosion and deposition.

  • V-shaped valley, waterfall, alluvial fans, meander, ox-bow lake - flood pane, natural plane, peneplain and deltas Types of rivers,


  • Definition of a glacier - types of glaciers - development of typical landforms by glacial erosion and deposition - cirque, U-shaped valley - hanging valley, Roches - moutonnees.

  • Moraines, drumline, kames-Eskers and Varves, Characteristic features of glaciated regions, groundwater - storage of groundwater - porosity permeability, aquifer, water table - zone of saturation, artesian well, spring, geysers - development of typical landforms by erosion and deposition by groundwater (Karst topography) sinkhole, cavern, stalactites and stalagmites.

  • Seas - Offshore profile - continental shelf- Continental slope.

  • The abyssal plane, deep movement of sea water-tides-currents, waves, development of typical landforms by sea erosion and deposition of coral reefs.

  • Lakes - origin of lake basins, geological importance of lakes, lacustrine deposits.


  • Development of Characteristic features by winds (arid cycle) erosion and deposition-pedestal rock-mushroom topography Inselberg-ventifacts - loess - dunes. Earth movements - definition of diastrophism, epeirogenic and orogenic movements.


  • Cause, kinds of earthquake waves, mode of propagation, intensity of earthquakes, Richters scale - seismograph and seismogram.

  • Effect of earthquakes, earthquake zones.

  • Interior of the earth - structure and constitution, volcanoes - parts of a typical volcano, products of Volcanoes, Origin of volcano.


  • Definition of crystal - amorphous and crystalline, States, Morphology of crystals - face, edge, solid angle interfacial angle. Forms: Simple, combination, closed and open forms.


Plane, axis, centre, Crystallographic axis, Parameters, indices; crystallographic notation - parameter. System of weiss, index following classes of symmetry.

  • I. Cubic system - Normal (Galena)

  • II. Tetragonal system - Zircon type

  • III. Hexagonal system - Beryl type

  • IV. Trigonal system - Calcite type.

  • V. Orthorhombic system - Barytes type.

  • VI. Monoclinic System - Gypsum type.

  • VII. Triclinic system - Axinite type. Twinning in crystals - Definitions of twin, twin plane, twin axis, composite plane.


  • Definition of a mineral - Classification of minerals into rock-forming and ore-forming minerals.

  • Physical properties of minerals - colour, streak, play of colours, opalescence, asterism, transparency, lustre luminescence, fluorescence, form hardness, tenacity, cleavage parting, fracture; specific gravity, magnetic properties, Electrical properties, pyro and piezoelectricity.

  • Modes of Mineral Formation: Occurrence and Association of Minerals. Chemical properties of minerals - isomorphism, solid solution, polymorphism, allotropy, pseudomorphism, radio-activity; silicate structure.

  • Descriptive of the following mineral groups: Nesosilicate (Olivine, Garanet, Aluminium Silicates) Sorosilicate (Epidote) ‘Cyclosilicate (Beryl) Inosilicate (Pyroxene; Amphibole) Phyllosilicate (Mica, Hydrous magnesium silicate) Tectosilicate (Feldspars, Feldspathoids).

  • Miscellaneous: Staurolite, Tourmaline, Zircon, Calcite, Corundum, Apatite.

Optical Mineralogy:

  • Optical properties of minerals - Isotropic and anisotropic substances - Polarised light refractive index, double refraction, uniaxial and biaxial minerals - Nicol Prism and its construction - concept of crossed Nicols.

  • Petrological microscope (polarising) - its mechanical and optical parts - the behaviour of isotropic and anisotropic minerals between crossed nicols - extinction, pleochroism, interference colour. optical properties of important minerals.

  • Petrology: Nature and scope of petrology - definition of rock classification of rocks into igneous, sedimentary metamorphic. Distinguishing features of three types of rocks.

Igneous rocks:

  • Classification into plutonic, hypabyssal and volcanic rocks;

  • Forms- Lava flows, Intrusions, sills, laccolith, lopolith, dykes ring dykes, cone sheets volcanic necks, phacoliths and batholiths.

  • Structures - vesicular, amygdaloidal, block lava ropy lava pillow, flow, jointing and sheeting structures. Plates, columnar and prismatic.

  • Textures - Definition of textures, micro-textures, devitrification, allotriomorphic, hypidiomorphic, panidiomorphic, porphyritic, poikilitic, ophitic, intergranular, interseptal, trachytic, graphic and micro-graphic textures.

  • Reaction structures - corona, myrmekitic, orbicular, spherulitic, perlitic.

  • Classification of igneous rocks - CIPW and Tyrrell tabular classification.

  • A descriptive study of the following rock types: Granite, Granodiorite, Syenite, Nepheline syenite, and Diorite porphyry.

  • Pegmatite, Aplite, Gabbro, Anorthosite, Peridotite, Pyroxenite, Dunite, Dolerite, Rhyolite, Obsidian, Trachyte, Andesite and Basalt.

  • Composition and constitution of magma - Crystallisation of Magma, uni-component binary system, eutectic and solid solutions.

  • Origin of igneous rocks - Bowen’s reaction principle, differentiation and assimilation.

Sedimentary Rocks:

  • Sources of sediments - mechanical and chemical weathering modes of transportation, sedimentary environments.

  • Definitions of diagenetic lithification and cementation, stratification, Sedimentary structures, Types of bedding, surface marks, deformed bedding, and solution structures.

  • Classification of sedimentary rocks: clastic - rudaceous, arenaceous, argillaceous, non-clastic - calcareous, carbonaceous, ferruginous, phosphatic, evaporites.

  • A descriptive study of the following sedimentary rocks - Conglomerate, Breccia, sandstone, Grit, Arkose, Graywacke, Shale, Limestone, and shelly limestone.

Metamorphic Rocks:

  • Definition of metamorphism, agents of metamorphism, type of metamorphism, grade and zones of metamorphism, Metamorphic minerals - stress and antistress minerals.

  • Structures of metamorphic rocks - Cataclastic, maculose, schistose, granulose and gneissose.

  • Textures of metamorphic rocks - crystalloblastic, palimpsest, xenoblastic, idioblastic, Classification of metamorphic rocks - concept of metamorphic facies.

  • Cataclastic metamorphism of argillaceous and arenaceous rocks.

  • Thermal metamorphism of argillaceous, arenaceous and calcareous rocks.

  • Dynamothermal metamorphism of argillaceous, arenaceous and igneous rocks. Plutonic metamorphism, metasomatism and additive processes. Definition of anatexis and palingenesis.

  • A descriptive study of the following metamorphic rocks: - Gneiss, schist, slate, phyllite, quartzite, marble, granulite eclogite amphibolite migmatite.

  • Indian examples are gondite, Charnockite and Khondalite.

Structural Geology:

  • Definition of structural geology, aim and objectives of the structural Geology, Attitude of beds - strike, dip and apparent dip; use of clinometer, Primary Structures as Folds - description, nomenclature of folds, recognition of folds in the field.

  • Joints - geometrical and genetic classification of joints.

  • Faults - geometrical and genetic classification of faults, recognition of faults in the field effects of faults on the outcrops.

  • Unconformities - definition of unconformity - types of unconformities, recognition of unconformities in the field distinguishing the faults from unconformities.

  • Definition of overlap, of the flap, outlier, inlier, cleavage, schistosity; foliation and lineation.

CPGET Syllabus 2025 - M.A English

Students applying for MA English are required to practise the CPGET MA English syllabus. Check out the CPGET syllabus 2025 for M.A. English.

CPGET 2025 Syllabus - MA English

Part A (40 Marks)

Part B (60 Marks)

  • Spelling & Punctuation

  • Vocabulary: Antonyms – Synonyms - One-word substitutes - Words often confused – Idiomatic expressions

  • Grammar: Tenses - Propositions - Concord - Auxiliary verbs. Active passive Voice.

  • Correction of sentences: Identify the error - Identify the correct sentence

  • Exercises in Jumbling: Jumbled words to be arranged in the right order to form a sentence - Paragraph sequencing.

  • History of English Literature

  • Literary Terms

  • Literary Forms

  • Literary Movements

  • Books & Authors (canonical texts)

  • Comprehension (Poetry)

  • Comprehension (Prose)

CPGET 2025 Syllabus - M.Sc Mathematics

Here’s the syllabus of the CPGET 2025 for M.Sc Mathematics.

Part A (40 Marks)


  • Binary operations - Definitions and properties, Groups - Definition and elementary properties, Finite groups and group composition tables, Subgroups and cyclic subgroups.

  • Permutations - Functions and permutations, groups of permutations, cycles and cyclic notation, even and odd permutations, The alternating groups.

  • Cyclic groups - Elementary properties, The classification of cyclic groups, subgroups of finite cyclic groups.

  • Isomorphism - Definition and elementary properties, Cayley’s theorem, Groups of cosets, Applications,

  • Normal subgroups - Factor groups, Criteria for the existence of a coset group, Inner automorphisms and normal subgroups, factor groups and simple groups,

  • Homomorphism - Definition and elementary properties, The fundamental theorem of homomorphism, applications.


  • Definition and basic properties, Fields, Integral domains, divisors of zero and Cancellation laws, Integral domains, The characteristic of a ring, some non-commutative rings, Examples, Matrices over a field, The real quaternions,

  • Homomorphism of Rings - Definition and elementary properties, Maximal and Prime ideals, Prime fields.

  • Rings of Polynomials - Polynomials in an indeterminate form, The evaluation of homomorphism.

Linear Algebra:

  • Vector spaces, General properties of vector spaces, vector subspaces, Algebra of subspaces, linear combination of vectors.

  • Linear span, linear sum of two subspaces, Linear independence and dependence of vectors, Basis of vector space, Finite dimensional vector spaces, Dimension of a vector space, Dimension of a subspace.

  • Linear transformations, linear operators, Range and null space of linear transformation, Rank and nullity of linear transformations, Linear transformations as vectors, Product of linear transformations, Invertible linear transformation.

  • The adjoint or transpose of a linear transformation, Sylvester’s law of nullity, characteristic values and characteristic vectors, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, and Diagonalizable operators.

  • Inner product spaces, Euclidean and unitary spaces, Norm or length of a vector, Schwarz inequality, Orthogonality, Orthonormal set, complete Orthonormal set, Gram - Schmidt Orthogonalisation process.

Part B (60 Marks)

Differential Equations:

  • Differential equations of first-order and first-degree

  • Linear differential equations

  • Differential equations reducible to linear form

  • Exact differential equations; integrating factors; Change of variables.

Differential equations of the order but not of the first degree:

  • Equations solvable for p;

  • Equations solvable for y;

  • Equations solvable for x;

  • Equations that do not contain x (or y);

  • Equations of the first degree in x and y-Clairaut’s equation.

Applications of first-order differential equations:

  • Orthogonal trajectories.

  • Higher order linear differential equations: Solution of homogeneous linear differential equations of order n with constant coefficients.

  • Solution of the non-homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients through polynomial operators.

  • Method of undetermined coefficients;

  • Method of variation of parameters;

  • Linear differential equations with non-constant coefficients;

  • The Cauchy-Euler equation.

System of linear differential equations: Solution of a system of linear equations with constant coefficients; an equivalent triangular system.

Solid Geometry:

  • The Plane: Equation of plane in terms of its intercepts on the axis,

  • Equations of the plane through the given points,

  • Length of the perpendicular from a given point to a given plane,

  • Bisectors of angles between two planes,

  • Combined equation of two planes,

  • Orthogonal projection on a plane.

The Line:

  • Equations of a line,

  • The angle between a line and a plane,

  • The condition that a given line may lie in a given plane,

  • The condition that two given lines are coplanar,

  • The Number of arbitrary constants in the equations of a straight line of conditions which determine a line,

  • The shortest distance between two lines.

  • The length and equations of the line of the shortest distance between two straight lines,

  • Length of the perpendicular from a given point to a given line,

  • The intersection of three planes,

  • Triangular Prism.

The Sphere:

  • Definition and equation of the 2 spheres,

  • Equation of the sphere through four given points,

  • Plane sections of a sphere. Intersection of two spheres;

  • Equation of a circle. Sphere through a given circle;

  • The intersection of a sphere and a line.

  • Power of a point;

  • Tangent plane.

  • Plane of contact.

  • Polar Plane,

  • Pole of a plane,

  • Conjugate points, Conjugate planes;

  • The angle of the intersection of two spheres.

  • Conditions for two spheres to be orthogonal;

  • Radical plane.

  • Coaxial system of spheres;

  • Simplified form of the equation of two spheres.

  • Cones, Cylinders and conicoids: Definitions of a cone, vertex, guiding curve, generators.

  • Equation of the cone with a given vertex and guiding curve.

  • Enveloping cone of a sphere.

  • Equations of cones with vertex at origin are homogenous.

  • The condition is that the general equation of the second degree should represent a cone.

  • Condition that a cone may have three mutually perpendicular generators Intersection of a line and a quadric cone.

  • Tangent lines and tangent planes at a point.

  • A condition that a plane may touch a cone.

  • Reciprocal cones. The intersection of two cones with a common vertex.

  • Right circular cone. Equation of the right circular cone with a given vertex, axis and semi-vertical angle.

  • Definition of a cylinder. Equation to the cylinder whose generators intersect a given conic and are parallel to a given line, Enveloping the cylinder of a sphere.

  • The right circular cylinder. Equation of the right circular cylinder with a given axis and radius.

  • The general equation of the second degree and the various surfaces represented by it; Shapes of some surfaces.

  • Nature of Ellipsoid. Nature of Hyperboloid of one sheet.

Real Numbers:

  • The Completeness Properties of R, Applications of the Supremum Property.

  • Sequences and Series-Sequences and their limits, Limit theorems, Monotonic Sequences,

  • Sub-sequences and the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, Cauchy’s Criterion, properly divergent sequences,

  • Introduction to series, Absolute convergence, test for absolute continuous Functions—continuous functions, combinations of continuous functions, continuous functions on intervals, Uniform continuity.

Differentiation and Integration:

  • The derivative,

  • The mean value theorems,

  • The L’Hospital Rule, and Taylor’s Theorem.

  • Riemann integration - Riemann integral, Riemann integrable functions, fundamental theorem.

Multiple integrals and Vector Calculus:

  • Multiple integrals: Introduction, the concept of a plane, Curve, line integral - sufficient condition for the existence of the integral.

  • The area of a subset of R2, Calculation of double integrals, Jordan curve, Area, Change of the order of integration, Double integral as a limit, and Change of variable in a double integration.

  • Lengths of Curves, surface areas, Integral expression for the length of a curve, surfaces, surface areas.

  • Vector differentiation.

  • Ordinary derivatives of vectors, Space curves, Continuity, Differentiability, Gradient, Divergence, Curl operators, and Formulae involving these operators.

  • Vector integration, Theorems of Gauss and Stokes, Green’s theorem in plane and applications of these theorems.

Syllabus of CPGET 2025 - M.A Sanskrit

Here’s the CPGET MA Sanskrit syllabus 2025.

CPGET Syllabus 2025 - MA Sanskrit

Part A (40 Marks)

Part B (60 Marks)

  • Declensions: Marking the correct declensional form as indicated, Marking the correct Vibhakti as indicated

  • Conjugation: Marking the correct Tinganta verbal forms, Marking the correct Takara tense and mood.

  • Samasas - Compounds: Marking the correct vigraha vakya, Marking the correct samasas against given vigraha vakya.

  • Sandhis: Joining the words, Disjoin the sandhis.

  • Kridantas: Marking the correct Kridanta form.

  • Alankaras: Identify alankara, Define alankara.

  • History of Literature: Identifying the poet. Identifying the text.

CPGET Exam Syllabus 2025 - M.A Hindi

Check out the syllabus of the CPGET 2025 for M.A. Hindi.

CPGET M.A. Hindi 2025 Syllabus

Part A (40 Marks)

Part B (60 Marks)

  • Spelling of Words,

  • The correct form of sentences,

  • Basic Grammar (Gender, Case, Tense Number),

  • Meaning of the words.

  • History of Hindi Literature;

  • Basic Hindi Grammar (Theory);

  • Hindi, Prose, Poetry and Fiction etc;

  • General Awareness about Hindi Language and Literature.

CPGET 2025 Exam Syllabus - M.A Political Science

Candidates can check out the CPGET 2025 syllabus for M.A. Political Science.

Part A (40 Marks)

Political Thought:

  1. Ancient Indian Political Thought:

  • Sources of Ancient Indian Political Thought

  • Manu: Varna Dharma and Dandaniti

  • Kautilya: State and Society

  • Goutama Budha: Dharma and Sangha.

  1. Modern Indian Political Thought:

  • Gandhi: Ahimsa and Satyagraha

  • Nehru: Democratic Socialism

  • Ambedkar: Annihilation of Caste

  • M.N. Roy: Radical Humanism.

  1. Western Political Thought:

  • Plato, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, J.J Rousseau, Jermy Bentham, J.S. Mill, Hegel, Marx, and Gramsci.

International Relations:

  1. International Relations: Evolution, Nature, Scope, and Significance.

  2. History of International Relations:

  • Rise of the Sovereign Nation-State System.

  • First World War,

  • Second World War -

  • Impact on International Relations.

  1. Concepts of International Relations:

  • Power - Elements of National Power, Cold War, Super Power, Regional Power,

  • Unilateral Hegemony - Uni- Polarity, Bipolarity, Multipolarity & Security.

  1. International Political Economy:

  • Historical Overview: Colonialism, Decolonisation, Developing Nations, and Problems.

  • International Financial Institutions: World Bank, WTO Functions, and Role

  • Globalisation and its Impact on Developing Nations.

  1. International organisations: United Nations, Structure and Role, Need for revision of the charter, Regional Organisations, European Union, SAARC, and ASEAN.

  2. International Security: Arms Race, Arms Control and Disarmament, Issues in Nuclear Politics.

  3. Foreign Policy: India’s Foreign Policy, Determinants and Features, Non-Alignment, Evaluation and Relevance -Recent Trends.

  4. Contemporary Issues in International Relations: Environment, Human Rights and Terrorism.

Part B (60 Marks)

Political Science Concepts, Theories and Institutions:

  1. Introduction: Definition, Scope and Importance of Political Science.

  2. Approaches to the Study of Political Science: Liberal and Marxist.

  3. State: Nation and Civil Society.

  4. Sovereignty: Monism and Pluralism.

  5. Theories of Origin of the State: Social Contact and Evolutionary (Historical).

  6. Concepts:

a) Law: Sources of Law and Concepts of Rule of Law.

b) Liberty and Equality - Their Relationship.

c) Theories and kinds of Rights; Human Rights.

d) Power and Authority.

  1. Ideologies: Individualism, Anarchism, Fascism and Socialism.

  2. Forms of Government:

a) Democracy: Direct (Direct and Democratic Devices) and Indirect.

b) Unitary and Federal

c) Parliamentary and Presidential

Theory of Separation of Powers:

Organs of Government:

  • Legislature: (i) Unicameral and Bicameral (ii) Powers and Functions

  • Executive: (i) Powers and Functions

  • Judiciary: (i) Powers and Functions (ii) Independence of Judiciary and Judicial Review.

Indian Government and Politics:

  • Salient Features of the Indian Constitution: A Comparative Perspective with the Constitutions of the UK, USA and Switzerland

  • Evolution of Indian Constitution - Nationalist Movement and Philosophical Foundations

  • Indian Federation - Centre-State Relations -Recent Trends

  • Fundamental Rights and Duties, Constitutional Remedies with special reference to writs - Directive Principles of State Policy

  • President - Election, Powers and Functions -Prime Minister and Council of Ministers

  • Parliament - Composition, Powers and Functions

  • Judiciary - Supreme Court, Composition, Powers, Functions and Judicial Review - Judicial Activism

  • Party System: National and Regional Parties; Coalitional Politics

  • Election Commission - Electoral Reforms and Voting behaviour

  • State Government - Governor, Chief Minister and Council of Ministers- Powers and Functions

  • Social and Economic Factors - Language, Religion, Caste and Regional Identities

  • Social Movements: Agrarian, Working Class, Women, Tribal, Dalit and Environmental

  • Challenges to National Integration - Communalism and Terrorism

  • Local Government Institutions - 73rd & 74th Constitutional Amendments.

CPGET Syllabus 2025 - M.A Philosophy

Check out the CPGET syllabus 2025 for M.A. Philosophy.

CPGET 2025 Syllabus - M.A. Philosophy

Part A (40 Marks)

Part B (60 Marks)

  • Definition of Philosophy - Different Branches of Philosophy Introduction to Greek Philosophy

  • Characteristics of Indian Philosophy - Vedas, Upanishads, and Bhagavad Gita.

  • Definition, nature, and scope of Ethics. Moral concepts - Relation of Ethics to Religion and Politics.

  • Definition, scope, and value of logic - knowledge and its sources - Forms of knowledge - The uses of logic.

  • Problem of substance - The Problem of Being and Becoming Sophists -Socrates and his method -Plato and his theory of ideas -Aristotle and his theory of causation.

  • Modern Western Philosophy - Rationalism of Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz. The empiricism of Locke, Berkeley and Hume. Synthesis of rationalism and empiricism in Kant.

  • Hegel's Dialectical method. Marxian approach to History. Existentialism - Linguistic analysis and Pragmatism.

  • Carvaka Philosophy, Buddhism and Jainism. Sankhya and Yoga School of Thought

  • Nyaya and Vaisheshika's theory of knowledge. Mimamsa and Vedanta School of Philosophy

  • Ethics of Bhagavad Gita - Ashramadharmas - Doctrine of Purusharthas - Ethics of Gandhi - Concept of Ahimsa and Satyagraha.

CPGET 2025 Syllabus - M.A Urdu

Here’s the M.A. Urdu Syllabus for the CPGET Exam 2025.

CPGET Syllabus 2025 - M.A. Urdu

  1. Poetry:

  • Tawheed by Nazeer Akbarabadi

  • Mustaqbil by Akber Allahabadi

  • Funoon-e-latifa by Allama Iqbal

  • Baarish by Zafar Ali Khan

  • Preet Ka Geet by Hafeez Jalandhari

  • Aay Shareef Insaanau by Sahir Ludhyanavi

  • Ab Ke Baras by Shaaz Tamkanat

  1. PROSE:

  • Hikayaat by Mazhar Ali Vila - Chand Muntaqab Hikayat

  • Drama by Imtiaz Ali Taaj & Begum Qudsia Zaida- Talash

  • Safarnama by Saleha Abed Hussain - Hindustan Jannat Nishan

  • Swaneh by Khaja Altaf Hussain Hali-mirza Ghalib Ke Aqlaq-o-adab

  • Inshaiya by Mushtaq Ahmed Yousufi - Padhye Gar Beemr

  • Afsana by Qur-atul-ain Hyder-yeh Ghazi Yeh-tere Purasrar Bande

  • Khaka by Mujtaba Hussain-sulaiman Areeb.

  1. GHAZALS: Selected two Ghazals of every poet like Quli Qutub Shah-Wali Deccani Siraj Aurangabadi - Meer Taqi Meer, Hyder Ali Aatish-Mirza Ghalib-Khaja Altaf Hussain Hali- Maqboom Mohiuddin.


    • Suno Aaqilan Sab Ke Dunai Hai Fani

    • Meri Sanwli manki piyari dise


    • Pi ke hote Na Kar Too Mah Ki Sana

    • Sajan ke bad Aalam mein Dagar nain.


    • Mujhku Ek dam kharar Nain Hargis

    • Jo Tere gham ki Tamanna Na Kiya


    • Koei Nahin Jahan Mein Jo Andhogeen nahin

    • Hum se tuk Aage Zaman-e-mein Huwa Kya Kya Kuch


    • Soon To Sahi Jahan Mein Hai Tera Fasana Kya

    • Khusha wa dil ke ho jis dil mein Aarzoo Teri


    • Koyi Din Gar Zindagani Aur hai

    • Koi ko deke dil koi Nawasaje Fughan Kyun Ho


    • Mujhe-wo Taab-e Zabt-e-shikyat kahan Hai HALI

    • Dekhna Her Tarafna Majlis main


    • Aap ki Yaad Aati Rahi Raat bhar

    • Zindagi Moutiyoun ki Dhalakti ladi

  1. POETRY:

  • MASNAVI - Aman Nama by Jaan Nisar Akhtar.

  • QASIDA - Dar Shan-e-Hameedud Dawla by Zauq Dehelvi

  • MARISA - Garmi Ka Saman by meer Anees


    • Anees - Pursan Kue Kab Jawhar - e - Zati Ka hai Anees-Duniya bhi Ajab Saray - e - Fani Dekhi

    • Hali - Duniya - e - Duniko Naqshe Fani Samjho Hali - Yaro Nahin Waqt Aaram ka Yeh

    • Rawan - Iflas accha Na Fikr - e - Daulat acchi Rawan - Aazad Zameer Huwa Fakhiri Yeh Hai

    • Amjad - Koshish hai apni Tamam Sataesh ke liye Amjad - Kam Zarf Agar daulat - o - Zar Pata hai


    • Akbar Allahabadi - Chod literature ko apni history ko bhool Ja

    • Allama Iqbal-Andaz-e-Bayan Gar che bohoot shookh Nahi hai

  1. PROSE:

  • DAASTAN - Intequab - e-Sabras by Mulla Wajhi (Selected from “Sabras”)

  • NOVEL - Nasooh ki Saleem Se Guftagoo by Deputy Nazeer Ahmed (Selected from “Tauba Tun Nasooh”)

  • INSHAIYA - Zauq-e-chai Noshi-By Maulana Azad

  • KHUTOOT - Two Letters by Safia Akhtar 5. MAZMOON- Qadeem Urdu Mein Natural Shaeri - By Naseeruddin Hashmi

  • SATIRE - Murda Badast Zinda - By Mirza Farhatulla Baig

  • REPORTAZ - Kul Hind Conference By Izhar Asar.

CPGET Exam Syllabus 2025 - M.A Kannada

Check out the following table for the CPGET syllabus 2025 - M.A. Kannada.

CPGET M.A. Kannada Syllabus 2025

Part A (40 Marks)

Part B (60 Marks)

  • Finding the correct form of words and sentences, meanings of words, basic grammar, and composition.

  • History of Literature, Literary works and authors, grammar, Prosody, and general awareness of the language.

Syllabus of CPGET 2025 - M.Sc Computer Science

Candidates can check out the CPGET 2025 syllabus of M.Sc Computer Science in the following table.

CPGET Syllabus 2025 - PDFs



M.A Arabic

Click here


Click here


Click here

M.Sc Electronics

Click here

M.Sc.Food Science & Technology

Click here

M.Sc Geo-Informatics

Click here

M.A.Islamic Studies

Click here


Click here

M.Sc.Nutrition & Dietetics

Click here

M.Sc.Psychology (Offered at Kakatiya University)

Click here

M.A Theater Arts

Click here

CPGET 2025 Syllabus for 5-Year Integrated Programmes

Candidates can download the CPGET syllabus 2025 pdf of five-year integrated programmes for preparation. Here are the links to the pdf.



Bio-Technology(5 years Integrated)

Click Here

Chemistry(5 years Integrated)

Click here

Economics(5 years Integrated)

Click Here

M.B.A.(5 years Integrated)

Click Here

Note: Students need to understand the syllabus well to effectively prepare for the CPGET 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Where can I download the CPGET syllabus 2025?

You can download the CPGET 2025 syllabus on the Osmania University's official website.

2. Who is the conducting body of the CPGET entrance exam 2025?

Osmania University is considered as the conducting body of the CPGET 2025 exam.

3. What is the duration of the CPGET exam 2025?

The duration of the CPGET 2025 entrance exam is 90 minutes.

4. What is the duration of the TS CPGET Exam 2024?

The TS CPGET 2024 exam will be conducted for a duration of 90 minutes.

5. What are the benefits of including the CPGET syllabus 2025 into my preparation strategy?

Candidates should include CPGET 2025 syllabus in their preparation to get first hand knowledge about the topics, sub-topics and units from which the questions will be asked in the entrance exam.

6. Can I prepare the same syllabus for every all subjects in CPGET exam 2025?

The syllabus for all subjects in CPGET 2025 differs from programme to programme.


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Hello aspirant,

A rank of 74 in the CPGET for MA Psychology is generally considered a good rank. It puts you in a competitive position for admission to many colleges, including OU Arts College.

However, the final decision depends on the specific cutoff for MA Psychology at OU Arts College for the current year. The cutoff can vary depending on factors like the number of applicants, the performance of candidates, and the availability of seats.

To get a more accurate estimate of your chances, I recommend the following:

  1. Check the official OU Arts College website or contact their admissions office directly. They should have the most up-to-date information on the cutoff for the MA Psychology program.
  2. Consider your category (General, OBC, SC, ST, etc.). Cutoffs can differ based on these categories.
  3. Keep track of the counseling process. Once the results are announced, follow the counseling schedule closely to ensure you don't miss any important deadlines.

If you're unable to find the exact cutoff, you can try contacting students who have recently been admitted to the program. They might be able to provide you with insights based on their experiences.

By following these steps, you can get a better understanding of your chances and make informed decisions during the admission process.

I hope this information helps you.

With a rank of 384 in CPGET (Common Post Graduate Entrance Test) for Biotechnology, your chances of securing a seat in various institutions are quite favorable. Here’s an overview of your prospects:

### 1. **Osmania University (OU), Hyderabad**:

- **Biotechnology Department**: OU is known for its strong biotechnology program. With a rank of 384, you have a good chance of securing a seat in the Biotechnology program at OU. The cut-offs for Biotechnology are generally competitive, but your rank positions you favorably.

### 2. **Koti Women’s College**:

- **Biotechnology Program**: Koti Women’s College, affiliated with Osmania University, also offers Biotechnology. Given your rank, you are likely to be offered a seat here as the cut-off ranks for Koti Women’s College may be slightly higher compared to top-tier institutions.

### 3. **Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH)**:

- **Biotechnology Program**: JNTUH is a prominent engineering and technology university. While it is more known for its engineering programs, it does offer biotechnology courses. With your rank, you stand a good chance of securing a seat here as well, especially if you are open to the interdisciplinary approach in biotechnology.

### Recommendations:

- **Check Previous Year’s Cut-offs**: Refer to the cut-off ranks from previous years for these institutions to gauge more accurately.

- **Participate in Counseling**: Ensure you actively participate in the counseling process and explore all available options.

Given your rank, you are well-positioned to secure a seat in these esteemed institutions for Biotechnology.

Your chances are very high to get admission in m.a psychology through cpget rank to give you better Idea.the last candidate who admitted in the course in m.a psychology at osmania university was around 240.all the best


With a rank of 144 in the CPGET (Common Postgraduate Entrance Test) and belonging to the BC-B (Backward Classes-B) category, you have a good chance of getting a seat at Koti Women’s College, depending on the specific cutoff for the program you’re interested in.

To get a more accurate assessment:

1. Check Previous Year Cutoffs: Look at the cutoff ranks for Koti Women’s College from previous years for the course you're interested in. This will give you an idea of whether your rank is within the range.

2. Contact the College: Reach out to Koti Women’s College's admission office or visit their website to get the latest information about cutoffs and seat availability for your category.

3. Participate in Counseling: Ensure you participate in the counseling process as it will help in understanding the available options and securing a seat.

By following these steps, you can get a clearer picture of your chances of admission.

Hello aspirant,

With a rank of 1217 in CPGET, securing a seat in MSc Nutrition and Dietetics at Osmania University (OU) can be competitive, depending on factors such as category, seat availability, and the number of applicants. Typically, the cutoff ranks vary each year, so I recommend checking the previous year's cutoff ranks for a more accurate prediction.

You should also consider participating in the counseling process, where you might get a clearer idea based on the seat matrix and available options.

You can go through the following article to get clearer idea about previous year cutoff trends and your chances of getting college :-


Hope it helps !

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