How to Prepare for IIT JAM Mathematics 2025: Books & Question Papers

How to Prepare for IIT JAM Mathematics 2025: Books & Question Papers

Edited By Komal Miglani | Updated on Jan 23, 2025 07:27 AM IST | #JAM

How to prepare for JAM 2025 for Mathematics - IIT JAM is a national-level examination, conducted for Postgraduate and PhD admission so preparing for IIT JAM can be overwhelming, however, it is possible through conviction and consistent learning, so the candidates should efficiently prepare for the for IIT JAM Mathematics 2025. IIT JAM 2025 Exam will be conducted on 02nd February 2025 on a Sunday. You can find the syllabus for IIT JAM 2025 on the syllabus of JAM 2025. Candidates who are preparing should dedicate their time to each topic and then divide it into subtopics to create a goal for every week to complete, So this article will help students to navigate their preparation for IIT JAM 2025 efficiently.

This Story also Contains
  1. How to Prepare for JAM Mathematics 2025 – Syllabus
  2. IIT JAM Exam Pattern Overview and Marking Scheme
  3. How to Prepare for JAM Mathematics 2025 – Timetable
  4. IIT JAM Mathematics Study Material
  5. Preparation Tips for IIT JAM Mathematics Exam
  6. IIT JAM 2024 Mathematics Analysis
How to Prepare for IIT JAM Mathematics 2025: Books & Question Papers
How to Prepare for IIT JAM Mathematics 2025: Books & Question Papers

How to Prepare for JAM Mathematics 2025 – Syllabus

Mathematical topics are important because no one knows where the questions will come from. Therefore, candidates should make sure they devote enough time to each topic. Candidates must thoroughly read the syllabus of Mathematics before starting to prepare for the JAM 2025 Mathematics exam. Candidates are advised to download the IIT JAM syllabus Mathematics PDF for convenience.

IIT JAM Exam Pattern Overview and Marking Scheme

Here is an exam pattern overview for IIT JAM Mathematics:



Exam conducted

IIT Delhi

Type of questions

MCQs, MSQs and NAT


3 hours


Section A, B and C

Total Marks


Total no of questions


Here are the marking scheme for IIT JAM Mathematics:





  • 1 Mark questions

  • 2 Mark questions

  • -⅓ marks for 1 mark questions

  • -⅔ marks for 2 mark questions


  • 2 Mark for each question

  • No Negative Marking


  • 2 Mark for each question

  • No Negative Marking

Here are the units and their associated topics :



Sequences and Series of Real Numbers

Sequences and series of real numbers, Convergent and divergent sequences, bounded and monotone sequences, Convergence criteria for sequences of real numbers, Cauchy sequences, absolute and conditional convergence; Tests of convergence for series of positive terms – comparison test, ratio test, root test; Leibnitz test for convergence of alternating series

Functions of One Variable

Limit, continuity, differentiation, Rolle’s Theorem, Mean value theorem. Taylor's theorem. Maxima and minima.

Functions of Two Real Variables

Limit, continuity, partial derivatives, differentiability, maxima and minima. Method of Lagrange multipliers, Homogeneous functions including Euler’s theorem

Integral Calculus

Integration as the inverse process of differentiation, definite integrals and their properties, Fundamental theorem of integral calculus. Double and triple integrals, change of order of integration. Calculating surface areas and volumes using double integrals and applications. Calculating volumes using triple integrals and applications

Differential Equations

Ordinary differential equations of the first order of the form y'=f(x,y). Bernoulli’s equation, exact differential equations, integrating factor, Orthogonal trajectories, Homogeneous differential equations-separable solutions, Linear differential equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients, method of variation of parameters. Cauchy-Euler equation

Vector Calculus

Scalar and vector fields, gradient, divergence, curl and Laplacian. Scalar line integrals and vector line integrals, scalar surface integrals and vector surface integrals, Green's, Stokes and Gauss theorems and their applications

Group Theory

Groups, subgroups, Abelian groups, non-abelian groups, cyclic groups, permutation groups; Normal subgroups, Lagrange's Theorem for finite groups, group homomorphisms and basic concepts of quotient groups (only group theory).

Linear Algebra

Vector spaces, Linear dependence of vectors, basis, dimension, linear transformations, matrix representation with respect to an ordered basis, Range space and null space, rank-nullity theorem; Rank and inverse of a matrix, determinant, solutions of systems of linear equations, consistency conditions. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Symmetric, skew-symmetric, hermitian, skew-hermitian, orthogonal and unitary matrices.

Real Analysis

Interior points, limit points, open sets, closed sets, bounded sets, connected sets, compact sets; completeness of R, Power series (of real variable) including Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s, domain of convergence, term-wise differentiation and integration of power series

How to Prepare for JAM Mathematics 2025 – Timetable

Time tables should be created so that all topics and units on the syllabus get equal and adequate attention. To cover all the topics mentioned in JAM 2025’s syllabus, this time-table should be used for the first few months. In the last few months, the candidates should rearrange the timetable in order to fit in more time for revision and practice by solving sample papers. As a result, candidates should strictly follow this schedule as any carelessness could prove to be fatal. Using this schedule, the candidates will also be able to cover all the topics and save some time for revision.

IIT JAM Mathematics Study Material

Candidates preparing for JAM 2025 are advised to go through these study materials for IIT JAM Mathematics. Study materials for IIT JAM 2025 come in various forms such as books, journals and online resources. Here are a list of the best book for IIT JAM Mathematics for the convenience of the candidates.



Functions of One Variable

Mathematical Analysis - S.C. Malik

Mathematical Analysis – Apostol

Principle of Mathematical Analysis - Rudi

Functions of Two Real Variables

Integral Calculus

Mathematical Analysis - H.C. Malik

Calculus - Thomas & Finny

Integral Calculus- Gorakh Prasad

Vector Calculus

Geometry & Vectors – Vasishtha

Calculus – Thomas & Finny

Differential Equations

Ordinary Differential Equations - Earl.A.Coddington

Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems - Boyce-Diprima

Ordinary Differential Equation - Peter J. Collins, G.F. Simmons, M.D. Raisinghania

Real Analysis

Real Analysis – H. L. Royden

Linear Algebra

Schaum's Series

Gilbert Strang – Linear Algebra & its Applications

Modern Algebra – A.R. Vasishtha

University Algebra – N.S. Gopalakrishnan

Preparation Tips for IIT JAM Mathematics Exam

Candidates who are preparing for the IIT JAM Mathematics exam must know that scoring well in IIT JAM Math requires a well-structured approach to excel in this JAM entrance exam. Candidates are advised to follow these tips for a better IIT JAM Mathematics preparation:

  • Understand the Syllabus: Begin by thoroughly understanding the IIT JAM mathematics syllabus. It's crucial to know what topics are covered to create a focused JAM study plan.

  • Study Material: Candidates are advised to use recommended textbooks and study materials. Some popular choices include books by renowned authors and IIT JAM previous years' question papers.

  • Time Management: Create a study schedule that allocates sufficient time to each subject and topic. It is needless to say that consistency is key.

  • Practice Regularly: Mathematics is a subject that requires practice. Solve a variety of problems from different topics to improve problem-solving skills.

  • Mock Tests: Take regular mock tests to get a feel for the actual IIT JAM 2025 exam pattern and time constraints. It helps in improving speed and accuracy.

  • Concept Clarity: Focus on understanding the underlying concepts rather than rote learning. Clear concepts make problem-solving more efficient.

  • Seek Guidance: If you face difficulties, don't hesitate to seek guidance from professors, mentors, or join coaching classes.

  • Stay Healthy: Maintain a balanced lifestyle with proper nutrition and sleep. A healthy body supports a sharp mind.

  • Stay Updated: Keep yourself updated with any changes in the exam pattern or syllabus.

  • Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude and self-belief throughout your preparation. Remember, consistent and focused preparation is the key to success in the IIT JAM mathematics exam.

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How to Prepare for JAM Mathematics 2025 – Practicing Previous Year Questions Papers

Solving previous year's sample papers for JAM 2025 can help candidates get an idea of the actual question paper. The IIT JAM sample papers contain the questions that are important and repeated over the years. There are some unique questions in this set that may have been overlooked by candidates during their study and revision. JAM 2025 sample papers allow candidates to check their level of preparation for the actual exam. Furthermore, they will be able to notice their mistakes so they can focus on subjects that need more attention.

IIT JAM Previous Years Question Papers


Sample Papers

JAM 2024

Click Here

JAM 2023

Click Here

JAM 2022

Click Here

JAM 2021

Click Here

JAM 2020

Click Here

JAM 2019

Click here

JAM 2018

Click here

JAM 2017

Click here

JAM 2016

Click here

JAM 2015

Click here

JAM 2014

Click here

JAM 2013

Click here

How to Prepare for JAM Mathematics 2025 – Mock Tests

Candidates can benefit greatly from taking IIT JAM mock tests. The official website provides mock tests for candidates to practice. It is imperative that candidates take as many mock tests as possible to reach their full potential. Candidates will understand how to proceed in the exam by practicing through JAM 2024 Mock tests. This will boost their confidence as well. JAM 2025 mock tests will also help you manage your time efficiently on test day, thereby making the whole process much easier for you.

How to Prepare for JAM Mathematics 2025 – Time Management

Time management is a very important factor when preparing for subjects such as mathematics for IIT JAM 2025. It is very important for candidates to allocate their time carefully in order to cover such a vast syllabus. Each topic should be given the appropriate amount of time according to its complexity and how easy it is to complete. Thus, during the preparation period, the candidates are able to learn how to manage time, which will help them during the examination as well. Apart from setting a timetable, solving sample papers and previous year's question papers will also help students understand how much preparation they have done and what they need to do to pass the test. Because candidates have the same material in writing, they can take notes on important points to remember them. Writing down the important concepts instead of learning them directly from the textbook will help in retaining them.

IIT JAM 2024 Mathematics Analysis

The IIT JAM 2024 Mathematics paper featured a diverse set of questions across various mathematical disciplines. The paper was divided into three sections, each containing multiple-choice and numerical-answer type questions, with varying weightage. The exam tested conceptual understanding, computational skills, and problem-solving abilities.

Memory-Based Questions

1. Let G be a group of order 39 such that it has exactly one subgroup of order 3 and exactly one subgroup of order 13. Then, which one of the following statements is TRUE?

(A) G is necessarily cyclic
(B) G is abelian but need not be cyclic
(C) G need not be abelian
(D) G has 13 elements of order 13

2. Which one of the following is TRUE for the symmetric group S13?

(A) S13 has an element of order 42
(B) S13 has no element of order 35
(C) S13 has an element of order 27
(D) S13 has no element of order 60

3. Which one of the following is TRUE for the symmetric group S13?

(A) S13 has an element of order 42
(B) S13 has no element of order 35
(C) S13 has an element of order 27
(D) S13 has no element of order 60

4. Which one of the following groups has elements of order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 but does not have an element of order greater than or equal to 6?

(A) The alternating group A6
(B) The alternating group A5
(C) S6
(D) S5

5. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?

(A) The additive group of real numbers is isomorphic to the multiplicative group of positive real numbers.
(B) The multiplicative group of nonzero real numbers is isomorphic to the multiplicative group of nonzero complex numbers.
(C) The additive group of real numbers is isomorphic to the multiplicative group of nonzero complex numbers.
(D) The additive group of real numbers is isomorphic to the additive group of rational numbers.

Topic-Wise Weightage


Number of Questions

Key Focus Areas



Differential equations, series, and limits

Linear Algebra


Eigenvalues, vector spaces

Real Analysis


Convergence, continuity

Group Theory


Group actions, isomorphisms

Differential Equations


Exact equations, boundary problems

Complex Analysis


Cauchy’s integral, residue theorem

Probability and Statistics


Distributions, expected value

High Weightage Topics

  1. Calculus: This section focused heavily on differential equations and series convergence, requiring candidates to have a strong grasp of integration techniques and limit properties.

  2. Linear Algebra: Key concepts included vector space properties, matrix operations, and transformations, which appeared frequently in Sections B and C.

  3. Group Theory: Questions emphasized Sylow theorems, subgroup properties, and cyclic group characterization, reflecting the importance of abstract algebra.

JAM Previous Year Papers
Candidates can download JAM previous year's papers to boost their exam preparation.
Download Now

Overall Difficulty Level


Difficulty Level

Section A (1 mark questions)

Moderate – Tested basic concepts but required quick recall of fundamental results.

Section B (2 mark questions)

Challenging – Demanded advanced understanding and integration of multiple concepts.

Section C (Numerical Answer Type)

Moderate to Difficult – Prec

The paper had a moderate to high difficulty level. While the theoretical questions tested conceptual clarity, the numerical problems required precise calculations. Certain topics like Real Analysis and Differential Equations were relatively more challenging compared to previous years.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Does IIT JAM Mathematics have Negative Marks?

Yes, there is a negative mark for IIT jam mathematics for one mark there is a negative of -⅓ and for 2 marks there is -⅔   

2. How can I ace JAM 2025 without taking coaching classes?

All you need to do is know the syllabus, exam pattern, create an effective and strategic practicing timetable, and vigorous practicing from mock tests and sample papers to score well in the JAM 2025 entrance exam.

3. From which book should I study to cover Integral Calculus for IIT JAM 2025 Mathematics?

You should go through the Mathematical Analysis - H.C. Malik, Calculus - Thomas & Finny, Integral Calculus- Gorakh Prasad to cover Integral Calculus for IIT JAM 2025.

4. What is the purpose of IIT JAM 2025?

The IIT JAM entrance exam is conducted to allow the candidates take admissions into various M.Sc/PhD programmes into the IITs.

5. How can I prepare for IIT JAM Mathematics 2025?

Below given are 5 steps on how to prepare for JAM Mathematics 2025.

  • Know the IIT JAM Mathematics syllabus

  • Know the IIT JAM Mathematics exam pattern

  • Practice from the IIT JAM Mathematics mock tests

  • Practice from the IIT JAM Mathematics sample papers

  • Practice from the IIT JAM Mathematics books recommended

6. Is IIT JAM Mathematics hard?

The Mathematics exam in IIT JAM entrance is of moderate difficulty. With proper preparation it is manageable to score well in JAM Maths examination 2025.

7. How do I prepare for IIT JAM Mathematics?

Candidates appearing for the upcoming JAM 2025 exam to create a proper study plan for the IIT JAM 2025 exam, followed by practicing JAM mock tests regularly. It is crucial to understand the time management and learn to utilise all the useful resources. The IIT JAM exam preparation will not be complete without practisising JAM previous year question papers.


Certifications By Top Providers

Introduction to Practical Microbiology
Via British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Mastery of Math for Middle School-Decimals
Via TCS iON Digital Learning Hub
Human Rights Defenders
Via Amnesty International
Curriculum Pedagogy and Evaluation for Higher Education
Via Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod
 700 courses
 612 courses
 505 courses
 346 courses
 313 courses
 188 courses

Explore Top Universities Across Globe

University of Essex, Colchester
 Wivenhoe Park Colchester CO4 3SQ
University College London, London
 Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT
The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh
 Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh, Post Code EH8 9YL
Lancaster University, Lancaster
 Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4YW
Indiana University, Bloomington
 107 S. Indiana Avenue, Bloomington, Indiana, 47405-7000
Bristol Baptist College, Bristol
 The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NJ

Questions related to JAM

Have a question related to JAM ?

Congratulations on securing such a phenomenal rank...!!!

With 28.33 marks and AIR 1269 in JAM you have reasonable chance of securing admission in NITs and IISERs such as NIT Trichy, NIT Warangal , IISERs and NIT Surathkal.

To check if your rank of 2224 in JAM 2025 Math (GEN) is good enough for an NIT, it's important to look at the previous years' cutoffs and trends for Mathematics in various NITs. Generally, a rank like 2224 could allow admission to some NITs, especially in specific categories, but the chances depend heavily on the specific NIT and the course demand.

I would recommend checking the detailed JAM 2025 cutoff trends for Mathematics on the Careers360 website or consulting their JAM College Predictor to get a more precise idea based on recent data.


To prepare for the IIT JAM Geology 2026 entrance exam , consider the following resources:

  1. Comprehensive Guides :

    • The IIT-JAM Breaker Series: Geology (2024) by Niloy Chakrabarti and Rohan Nandy offers solved papers from 2005-2023, practice sets, and model papers.
    • IIT-JAM M.Sc. Geology Entrance Exam Guide by Ajhar Hussain includes previous years' solved papers.
  2. Subject-Specific Books :

    • Structural Geology by Haakon Fossen provides in-depth coverage of structural geology concepts.
    • Optical Mineralogy by P.K. Verma focuses on mineral identification techniques.
    • Igneous Petrology by M.K. Bose covers the classification and genesis of igneous rocks.
    • Hydrogeology by Todd and Karanth explores groundwater studies.
    • Remote Sensing Geology by R.P. Gupta discusses remote sensing applications in geology.
  3. Practice Materials :

    • Numerical Problems in Geology GATE & JAM by Mrinal Shreshtha offers practice problems tailored for geology exams.
    • IIT JAM Geology (Volume Wise Solved Papers) by Eduncle provides solved papers organized by topic.

These resources will help you build a strong foundation and enhance your problem-solving skills for the exam.

Hope you find it useful !

The IIT JAM (Joint Admission Test for Masters) is held annually for admission to postgraduate science programs at IITs, IISc, and other top institutes. The exam includes seven subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Biotechnology, Geology, and Economics.

The official syllabus for IIT JAM 2026 hasn't been released yet, but it generally stays the same each year. Based on IIT JAM 2025, here’s a rough idea of what to expect:


Mathematical Methods

Mechanics, Waves, and Optics

Electricity & Magnetism

Thermodynamics & Statistical Physics

Modern Physics & Solid-State Physics


Physical, Inorganic, and Organic Chemistry topics


Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations

Real Analysis, Vector Calculus, Group Theory


Concepts from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics


Earth Sciences, Paleontology, Petrology, Structural Geology

Mathematical Statistics

Probability, Random Variables, Matrices, and Statistical Inference

Since the syllabus may have minor changes, it's best to keep an eye on the official IIT JAM website for updates. If you're preparing, focusing on past papers and the latest syllabus from IITs will be the smartest approach!

If you haven't taken CUET, JAM, or GATE but still want to pursue an MSc in Data Science , consider applying to universities and colleges that offer admission based on your B.Sc. CS marks and may conduct their own entrance exams or interviews. Here are a few options to explore:

Central Universities:

Delhi University:

Offers MSc in Computer Science with a Data Science specialization, admissions are based on merit in your B.Sc. marks.

Jadavpur University:

Provides MSc in Data Science, with potential for admission based on merit and an interview.

Banaras Hindu University (BHU):

Offers MSc in Computer Science with a Data Science specialization, consider checking their admission criteria.

Private Universities:

Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT): Has a dedicated MSc in Data Science program with flexible admission criteria.

Christ University, Bangalore: Offers MSc in Data Science with a good reputation, check their admission process.

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham: Provides MSc in Data Science, consider their merit-based admission.

State Universities:

University of Hyderabad:

Offers MSc in Computer Science with a focus on Data Science, check specific program details.

University of Pune:

Provides MSc in Computer Science with Data Science specialization, inquire about their admission process.

University of Madras:

Consider their MSc in Computer Science program for potential Data Science focus.

Important Points to Consider:

Check individual university websites:

Each institution has its own admission criteria, so carefully review their eligibility requirements and application process.

Contact the admissions office:

Reach out to the universities you are interested in to inquire about their admission process and if they offer any alternative pathways for admission without entrance exams.

Focus on your B.Sc. performance:

Ensure you have a strong academic record in your B.Sc. CS to enhance your application.

Highlight relevant skills:

Emphasize any data science skills you have acquired through projects, internships, or online courses in your application.

Prepare for potential interviews:

Some universities may conduct personal interviews as part of the admission process.


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