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How to Prepare for JAM Chemistry 2025 - The IIT JAM chemistry examination is a national-level examination and it is also one of the crucial exams for candidates and researchers who want to pursue higher studies in chemistry programmes like MSc as well as higher postgraduate programmes at IITs and IISc Bangalore. IIT Delhi has released the official exam date of IIT JAM 2025, this year exam will take place on 2nd February 2025. To ace the examination or to get admission to top IITs it is necessary to have the right preparation strategy which includes time management, previous year papers and mock test papers.
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IIT JAM 2025 is a very comprehensive and difficult examination to crack in India. For IIT JAM 2025 Chemistry preparation, one must devote an equal amount of time to each of the three major components of the syllabus: Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry. The article, How to Prepare for JAM Chemistry 2025, will assist students in developing a preparation strategy for the IIT JAM 2025 entrance test by providing information such as tips and tricks, curriculum, exam pattern, reference books, previous year question papers and cut-off marks. To learn more about how to crack IIT JAM Chemistry, read the entire article.
Candidates should review the IIT JAM 2025 syllabus for Chemistry to learn more about the essential subjects and units included in the exam. The JAM Chemistry syllabus 2025 will assist students in creating a study schedule.
Units | Topics |
Physical Chemistry | |
Basic Mathematical Concepts | Functions, Maxima and Minima, Integrals, Ordinary Differential Equations, Vectors and Matrices, Determinants, Elementary Statistics and Probability Theory |
Atomic and Molecular Structure | Fundamental Particles, Bohr’s Theory of Hydrogen-like Atom, Wave-Particle Duality, Uncertainty Principle, Schrödinger’s Wave Equation, Quantum Numbers, Shapes of Orbitals, Hund’s Rule and Pauli’s Exclusion Principle, Electronic Configuration of Simple Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules |
Theory of Gases | Equation of State for Ideal and Non-Ideal (Van Der Waals) Gases, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution Law, Equipartition of Energy. |
Solid state | Crystals and Crystal Systems, X-rays, NaCl and KCl Structures, Close Packing, Atomic and Ionic Radii, Radius Ratio Rules, Lattice Energy, Born-Haber Cycle, Isomorphism, Heat Capacity of Solids. |
Chemical Thermodynamics | Reversible and Irreversible Processes, First Law and Its Application to Ideal and Nonideal Gases, Thermochemistry, Second Law, Entropy and Free Energy, Criteria for Spontaneity. |
Chemical and Phase Equilibria | Law of Mass Action, Kp, Kc, Kx and Kn, Effect of Temperature on K, Ionic Equilibria in Solutions, PH and Buffer Solutions, Hydrolysis, Solubility Product, Phase Equilibria–Phase Rule and its Application to One-Component and Two-Component Systems, Colligative Properties |
Electrochemistry | Conductance and its Applications, Transport Number, Galvanic cells, EMF and Free Energy, Concentration Cells with and without Transport, Polarography, Concentration cells with and without Transport, Debye-Huckel-Onsager Theory of Strong Electrolytes, Chemical Kinetics, Reactions of Various Order, Arrhenius Equation, Collision Theory, Transition State Theory, Chain Reactions – Normal and Branched, Enzyme Kinetics, Photochemical Processes, Catalysis. |
Adsorption | Gibbs Adsorption Equation, Adsorption Isotherm, Types of Adsorption, Surface Area of Adsorbents, Surface Films on Liquids. |
Spectroscopy | Beer-Lambert Law, Fundamental Concepts of Rotational, Vibrational, Electronic and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. |
Organic Chemistry | |
Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry and Stereochemistry | Electronic Effects (Resonance, Inductive, Hyperconjugation) and Steric Effects and its Applications (Acid/Base Property), Optical Isomerism in Compounds with and without any Stereocenters (Allenes, Biphenyls), Conformation of Acyclic Systems (Substituted Ethane/n-Propane/n-Butane) and Cyclic Systems (Mono- and Di-Substituted Cyclohexanes). |
Organic Reaction Mechanism and Synthetic Applications | Dozens Reaction, Wittig Reaction and McMurry Reaction, Pinacol-Pinacolone, Favorskii, Benzilic Acid Rearrangement, Dienone-Phenol Rearrangement, Baeyer-Villiger Reaction, Oxidation and Reduction Reactions in Organic Chemistry, Organometallic Reagents in Organic Synthesis (Grignard, Organolithium and Organocopper), Diels-Alder, Electrocyclic and Sigmatropic Reactions, Functional Group Interconversions and Structural Problems using Chemical Reactions, Chemistry of Reactive Intermediates (Carbocations, Carbanions, Free Radicals, Carbenes, Nitrenes, Benzynes etc…), Hofmann-Curtius-Lossen Rearrangement, Wolff Rearrangement, Simmons-Smith Reaction, Reimer-Tiemann Reaction, Michael Reaction. |
Qualitative Organic Analysis | Identification of Functional Groups by Chemical Tests, Elementary UV, IR and 1H NMR Spectroscopic Techniques as Tools for Structural Elucidation |
Natural Products Chemistry | Chemistry of Alkaloids, steroids, Terpenes, Carbohydrates, Amino Acids, Peptides and Nucleic Acids. |
Aromatic and Heterocyclic Chemistry | Monocyclic, Bicyclic and Tricyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, and Monocyclic Compounds with One Hetero Atom, Synthesis, Reactivity and Properties. |
Inorganic Chemistry | |
Periodic Table | Periodic Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, General Methods of Isolation and Purification of Elements, Chemical Bonding and Shapes of Compounds, Types of Bonding, VSEPR Theory and Shapes of Molecules, Hybridization, Dipole Moment, Ionic Solids, Structure of NaCl, CsCl, Diamond and Graphite, Lattice Energy |
Main Group Elements (s and p blocks) | General concepts on Group Relationships and Gradation in Properties, Structure of Electron Deficient Compounds involving Main Group Elements |
Transition Metals (d block) | Characteristics of 3d Elements, Oxide, Hydroxide and Salts of First Row Metals, Coordination Complexes, Structure, Isomerism, Reaction Mechanism and Electronic Spectra, VB, MO and Crystal Field Theoretical Approaches for Structure, Color and Magnetic Properties of Metal Complexes, Organometallic Compounds having Ligands with Back Bonding Capabilities such as Metal Carbonyls, Carbenes, Nitrosyls and Metallocenes, Homogeneous Catalysis. |
Bioinorganic Chemistry | Essentials and Trace Elements of Life, Basic Reactions in Biological Systems and the Role of Metal Ions, especially Fe2+, Fe3+, Cu2+ and Zn2+, Structure and Function of Hemoglobin and Myoglobin and Carbonic Anhydrase. |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis | Essentials and Trace Elements of Life, Basic Reactions in Biological Systems and the Role of Metal Ions, especially Fe2+, Fe3+, Cu2+ and Zn2+, Structure and Function of Hemoglobin and Myoglobin and Carbonic Anhydrase. |
Analytical Chemistry | Principles of Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, Acid-Base, Oxidation-Reduction and Complexometric Titrations using EDTA, Precipitation Reactions, Use of Indicators, Use of Organic Reagents in Inorganic Analysis, Radioactivity, Nuclear Reactions, Applications of Isotopes. |
Here is an exam pattern overview for IIT JAM Chemistry:
Exam | IIT JAM |
Exam conducted | IIT Delhi |
Type of questions | MCQs, MSQs and NAT |
Duration | 3 hours |
Sections | Section A, B and C |
Total Marks | 100 |
Total no of questions | 60 |
Here are the marking scheme for IIT JAM Chemistry
A |
B |
C |
Preparing for the IIT JAM Chemistry exam would require a strategic approach. It is important to begin with mastering the fundamentals of organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry. Candidates are advised to create a study schedule to cover all topics systematically. It is also important to utilize IIT JAM books for Chemistry and online resources for practice. Solve previous years' question papers to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern. Group study and discussions can aid comprehension. Needless to say that regular revision is key to retaining information. Lastly, candidates are advised to stay updated with current trends in chemistry. Balancing theory and practice, along with dedication, will greatly enhance your chances of success in the IIT JAM Chemistry exam.
Selecting the right study material is crucial for success in the IIT JAM Chemistry exam. Key components of effective IIT JAM Chemistry study material include IIT JAM Chemistry books , solved examples, practice questions, and previous years' papers. Candidates must seek out renowned authors and publishers known for their quality content, like Morrison and Boyd for Organic Chemistry, J.D. Lee for Inorganic Chemistry, and P.W. Atkins for Physical Chemistry. Additionally, online resources and coaching institutes can provide supplementary study materials, further enhancing the preparation and understanding of the subject.
The IIT JAM exam includes a wide range of questions coming from each and every subject, therefore relying only on the IIT JAM preparation books for chemistry does not always suffice. Candidates must make sure that they cover all the available books, some of which are recommended below in the table.
Topics | Books and Authors |
Physical Chemistry | |
Theory of Gases | Physical Chemistry–Puri, Sharma, Pathania |
Atomic and Molecular Structure | Physical Chemistry–Peter W. Atkins |
Chemical and Phase Equilibria | Principles of Chemical Equilibrium & Phase Rule–K.G. Denbigh Phase Rule–Gurdeep Raj |
Basic Mathematical Concepts | Differential Equation & Matrices–Shanti Narayan Engineering Mathematics–B.S. Grewal |
Chemical Thermodynamics | Physical Chemistry–Thomas Engel & Phillip Reid Basic Physical Chemistry–Peter W. Atkins |
Adsorption | Surface Chemistry–A. Goel Introduction to Surface Chemistry & Catalysis–Gabor A. Somorjai |
Electrochemistry | An Introduction to Electrochemistry–Samuel Glasstone Electrochemistry–Philip H. Rieger A textbook of Physical Chemistry (Vol-III)-K. L. Kapoor |
Chemical Kinetics | Chemical Kinetics–Keith J. Laidler Physical Chemistry–Thomas Engel & Phillip Reid A textbook of Physical Chemistry (Vol-V)-K. L. Kapoor |
Solid state | Solid State–Peter W. Atkins Solid State Physics–R.K. Puri & V.K.Babbar |
Organic Chemistry | |
Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry and Stereochemistry | Stereochemistry Conformation and Mechanism-P.S. Kalsi Stereochemistry of Organic Compound-E. L. Eliel Organic Chemistry (Vol-I)-I. L. Finar |
Heterocyclic Chemistry | Organic Chemistry (Vol-I)-I. L. Finar |
Natural Products Chemistry | Organic Chemistry (Vol-II)-I. L. Finar |
Organic Reaction Mechanism and Synthetic Applications | Organic Chemistry-Clayden, Greeves, Warner and Wothers Organic Chemistry-T.W. Graham Solomons Organic Chemistry-Morrison & Boyd |
Qualitative Organic Analysis | Qualitative organic Analysis Qualitative Organic Analysis-A. I. Vogel |
Inorganic Chemistry | |
Chemical Bonding and Shapes of Compounds | Inorganic Chemistry-J. E. Huheey Inorganic Chemistry-Miessler & Tarr |
Analytical Chemistry | Quantitative Inorganic Analysis-A. I. Vogel |
Bioinorganic Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry–Shriver & Atkins Inorganic Chemistry–James E. Huheey, E.A. Keiter, R. L. Keiter, O. K. Medhi |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis | Instrumental method-Skoog, Holler & Crouch |
Periodic Table | Concise Inorganic Chemistry-J. D. Lee Basic Inorganic Chemistry-F. A. Cotton & Wilkinson |
Main Group Elements (s and p blocks) | Concise Inorganic Chemistry-J. D. Lee |
Transition Metals (d block) | Concise Inorganic Chemistry-J. D. Lee Inorganic Chemistry-Miessler & Tarr |
The IIT JAM sample papers are the previously asked question papers which can help the candidates practice more for the IIT JAM 2025. These questions will give a basic idea to the candidates about the marking scheme, type of questions, etc. Therefore, it is suggested for candidates to go through the sample papers of IIT JAM Chemistry.
Year | Question Paper |
2024 | |
2023 | |
2022 | |
2020 | |
2019 | |
2018 | |
2017 | |
2015 |
The IIT JAM Chemistry cut off is the minimum score a candidate must achieve in order to pass the admission exam. Aspirants should check the previous year's cutoff marks to learn the qualifying marks required for the JAM 2025 Chemistry examination in the previous few years. With the help of the JAM cutoff 2025 Chemistry, candidates will get an idea of the marks they need to score to pass the entrance examination. JAM Chemistry has varied cutoffs for different test papers and student categories.
Years | Gen | SC/ST/PwD | OBC (NCL) |
2020 | 16.96 | 8.48 | 15.26 |
2019 | 20.31 | 10.15 | 18.28 |
2018 | 28.46 | 14.23 | 25.61 |
2017 | 23.35 | 11.68 | 21.02 |
For the IIT JAM 2025 Chemistry examination, a proper approach should be developed.
Always begin your preparation by reviewing the test paper's syllabus and exam format.
Create a timetable that covers all of the subjects and units, allotting enough time to each component of the syllabus.
Physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and inorganic chemistry are the three types of chemistry.
For covering the units of the JAM 2025 syllabus, use the finest books available.
While covering the course, take short and long notes.
Practice IIT JAM 2025 sample papers and IIT JAM 2025 mock tests to gain a better understanding of the main themes and to assess their level of preparedness.
Revise all of the topics when you've finished the entire course. Revision aids pupils in recalling information, which proves to be extremely useful on exam day.
The IIT JAM 2024 Chemistry exam was structured into three sections, testing candidates on theoretical knowledge, numerical skills, and problem-solving ability. It covered diverse topics in physical, organic, and inorganic chemistry. Below is a detailed analysis based on the question paper provided.
Here are five purely theory questions from the paper, along with their answers and explanations:
Question: The following dipeptide derivative is used as an artificial sweetener:
Correct Answer: (B) Phenylalanine and aspartic acid.
Explanation: The artificial sweetener is aspartame, which consists of phenylalanine and aspartic acid linked via a peptide bond. Its structure confirms these constituents.
Question: Among the complexes [Ti(H₂O)₆]³⁺, [NiCl₄]²⁻, [CrO₄]²⁻, and [Mn(H₂O)₆]²⁺, which exhibits the largest molar absorptivity in the visible region?
Correct Answer: (C) [CrO₄]²⁻.
Explanation: The chromate ion ([CrO₄]²⁻) is highly colored due to charge transfer transitions, leading to strong absorption in the visible region.
Question: What is the shape of SCN⁻?
Correct Answer: (A) Linear.
Explanation: The thiocyanate ion (SCN⁻) adopts a linear geometry due to the sp hybridization of the central carbon atom.
Question: A system undergoes one clockwise cycle in a thermodynamic process. What is true about the work performed?
Correct Answer: (C) System performs work on the surroundings during the cycle.
Explanation: In a clockwise thermodynamic cycle, the system's work on the surroundings is positive due to the net expansion.
Question: For the equilibrium reaction H₂(g) + I₂(g) ⇌ 2HI(g), how does changing the reaction vessel volume affect the equilibrium extent?
Correct Answer: (B) Unaffected.
Explanation: As the number of moles of gaseous reactants and products are the same, changes in volume have no effect on equilibrium according to Le Chatelier's Principle.
Topic | Number of Questions | Key Focus Areas |
Organic Chemistry | 15 | Reaction mechanisms, stereochemistry, spectroscopy |
Inorganic Chemistry | 12 | Coordination compounds, periodic trends |
Physical Chemistry | 13 | Thermodynamics, kinetics, quantum chemistry |
Analytical Chemistry | 5 | Spectroscopy, titrations |
Environmental Chemistry | 3 | Pollution, green chemistry |
Biochemistry | 2 | Proteins, enzymes |
Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Chemical Kinetics, Quantum Chemistry.
Organic Chemistry: Reaction Mechanisms, Spectroscopy, Biomolecules.
Inorganic Chemistry: Coordination Compounds, Chemical Bonding, Periodic Properties.
Section A (1 Mark): Moderate, with direct conceptual questions.
Section B (2 Marks, Multiple Select): Challenging due to difficult options requiring deeper understanding.
Section C (Numerical): Difficult, demanding strong calculation skills and accuracy.
Section | Difficulty Level |
Section A (1 mark question) | Moderate – Conceptual questions requiring direct application of principles. |
Section B (2 mark questions) | Challenging – Required multi-concept integration and advanced problem-solving skills. |
Section C (Numerical Answer Type) | Moderate to Difficult – Precision and calculation-based questions with limited room for error. |
Overall: Moderate to Difficult, with a fair emphasis on application-based and conceptual questions.
You can get the previous year's question papers from the official website of any IIT’S JAM 2025 Official Website.
It will be conducted on 2nd February, 2025.
The total mark for IIT JAM is in 100.
Yes there is a negative marking in the exam, particularly in section A for 1 mark there will be a deduction of -⅓ and for 2 marks there will be a deduction of -⅔.
The IIT JAM Exam has a duration of 3 hours.
To clear the IIT JAM Chemistry examination, candidates are advised to use quality textbooks, practice papers, and online resources, while maintaining consistency and prioritizing health.
To prepare for the IIT JAM Geology 2026 entrance exam , consider the following resources:
Comprehensive Guides :
Subject-Specific Books :
Practice Materials :
These resources will help you build a strong foundation and enhance your problem-solving skills for the exam.
Hope you find it useful !
The IIT JAM (Joint Admission Test for Masters) is held annually for admission to postgraduate science programs at IITs, IISc, and other top institutes. The exam includes seven subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Biotechnology, Geology, and Economics.
The official syllabus for IIT JAM 2026 hasn't been released yet, but it generally stays the same each year. Based on IIT JAM 2025, here’s a rough idea of what to expect:
Mathematical Methods
Mechanics, Waves, and Optics
Electricity & Magnetism
Thermodynamics & Statistical Physics
Modern Physics & Solid-State Physics
Physical, Inorganic, and Organic Chemistry topics
Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations
Real Analysis, Vector Calculus, Group Theory
Concepts from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics
Earth Sciences, Paleontology, Petrology, Structural Geology
Mathematical Statistics
Probability, Random Variables, Matrices, and Statistical Inference
Since the syllabus may have minor changes, it's best to keep an eye on the official IIT JAM website for updates. If you're preparing, focusing on past papers and the latest syllabus from IITs will be the smartest approach!
If you haven't taken CUET, JAM, or GATE but still want to pursue an MSc in Data Science , consider applying to universities and colleges that offer admission based on your B.Sc. CS marks and may conduct their own entrance exams or interviews. Here are a few options to explore:
Central Universities:
Delhi University:
Offers MSc in Computer Science with a Data Science specialization, admissions are based on merit in your B.Sc. marks.
Jadavpur University:
Provides MSc in Data Science, with potential for admission based on merit and an interview.
Banaras Hindu University (BHU):
Offers MSc in Computer Science with a Data Science specialization, consider checking their admission criteria.
Private Universities:
Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT): Has a dedicated MSc in Data Science program with flexible admission criteria.
Christ University, Bangalore: Offers MSc in Data Science with a good reputation, check their admission process.
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham: Provides MSc in Data Science, consider their merit-based admission.
State Universities:
University of Hyderabad:
Offers MSc in Computer Science with a focus on Data Science, check specific program details.
University of Pune:
Provides MSc in Computer Science with Data Science specialization, inquire about their admission process.
University of Madras:
Consider their MSc in Computer Science program for potential Data Science focus.
Important Points to Consider:
Check individual university websites:
Each institution has its own admission criteria, so carefully review their eligibility requirements and application process.
Contact the admissions office:
Reach out to the universities you are interested in to inquire about their admission process and if they offer any alternative pathways for admission without entrance exams.
Focus on your B.Sc. performance:
Ensure you have a strong academic record in your B.Sc. CS to enhance your application.
Highlight relevant skills:
Emphasize any data science skills you have acquired through projects, internships, or online courses in your application.
Prepare for potential interviews:
Some universities may conduct personal interviews as part of the admission process.
If you are covering topics like differential equations and functions of two and three variables, you're on the right track for the IIT JAM 2025 exam. However, cracking the exam requires a thorough understanding of all subjects in the syllabus, consistent practice, and time management. Focus on all key topics, solve previous years' papers, and take mock tests to boost your preparation. With dedication and strategy, success is achievable.
Hope this helps you,
Thank you
Hello there,
Yes, you can apply for IIT JAM 2026 after completing your B.Sc. in August 2024 .
Here’s the eligibility criteria:
Educational Qualification
: You must have completed or be in the final year of your
undergraduate degree
(B.Sc.) by the time of admission. Since you will be graduating in
August 2024
, you are eligible for
IIT JAM 2026
Age Limit
: There is no age limit for applying to IIT JAM.
Subject Requirement : Make sure you are applying for the subject you studied during your B.Sc. (such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, etc.).
You can apply for
IIT JAM 2026
in the year
(usually the exam takes place in February) as long as you meet the eligibility requirements.
I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.
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