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Sociology is the study of human society as a whole, encompassing social relationships and human behavior across institutions. Sociology is one of the domains in the CUET UG exam. The syllabus includes topics like Introducing Indian Society, Social Institutions, The Challenges of Unity in Diversity, and Social Change and the Economy among others. You must be thorough with all the chapters to get good marks in this section.
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Apart from studying using your notes and books, it is also important to go through CUET Sociology sample papers, CUET previous year questions papers, and take CUET Sociology mock tests to get an idea of the type of questions asked and the pattern. Given in this article are CUET UG sociology question paper PDF, some CUET Sociology questions, and Sociology MCQ for CUET for your practice.
Please download the CUET Sociology previous year question paper with the link given below -
1. Life expectancy refers to:-
A) The estimated number of years that an average person is expected to survive
B) Total number of live births that a hypothetical woman would have if she lived through the reproductive age
C) Difference between birth rate and death rate
D) The number of live births per 1000 women in the child bearing age group
Correct Option - A
Solution - The word "life expectancy" refers to how many years an individual can anticipate living. Life expectancy is defined as an estimate of the average age at which members of a certain population group will die.
2. A situation where a large cohort of women of reproductive age will fuel population growth over the next generation, even if each woman has fewer children than previous generation did is called:
A) Fertility Rate
B) Total Fertility Rate
C) Population Momentum
D) Population Growth
Correct Option - C
Solution - Population momentum refers to the situation in which a large group of women of childbearing age drives population growth in the next generation, even if each woman has fewer children than previous generations.
3. The type of demography that enquires into the wider causes and consequences of social Structures and processes on population is called:
A) Social Demography
B) Formal Demography
C) Arithmetic Progression
D) Geometric Progression
Correct Option - A
Solution - Social demography is a type of demography that investigates the broader causes and effects of social structures and processes on the population. It investigates the relationship between social factors and population dynamics, including how education, income, occupation, and social norms affect population trends and patterns.
4. Famines and diseases are nature's way of dealing with the imbalance of food supply vis-a-vis increase in population. Malthus identified this as :
A) Preventive checks
B) Positive checks
C) Negative checks
D) Promotive checks
Correct Option - B
Solution - In 1798, Thomas Robert Malthus published a Treatise on the Principle of Population, which proposed this hypothesis. Malthus believed that balance could be achieved in the provision of food to the people through positive and preventative inspections. These controls led to the Malthusian disaster.
5. Sex ratio refers to the :
A) Number of females per 100 males in a given area at a specified time period.
B) Number of males per 1000 females in a given area at a specified time period.
C) Number of females per 1000 males in a given area at a specified time period.
D) Number of females per 1000 males in a given area at a non-specified time period.
Correct Option - C
Solution - Gender composition is expressed in a ratio called the sex ratio. Sex ratio is defined as “the number of women per 1,000 men in a population”. Therefore, a sex ratio of 1,000 indicates total balance between the sexes. A ratio above 1,000 indicates there are more women than men, while a ratio below 1,000 indicates there are fewer women.
6. Match List I with List II
List I List II
A. Jatavas I. Muslim Community
B. Multani Lohars II. Meghalaya
C. Khasis III. Karnataka
D. Vokkaligas IV. Uttar Pradesh
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Correct Option - A
Solution -
According to the 2011 Census of India, the Jatava community in Uttar Pradesh accounted for 54% of the state's total SC population of 22,496,047.
Multani Lohar is a Muslim blacksmith community that originated in Multan and now has a global presence. Mostly found in Gujarat and western Uttar Pradesh, India.
The Khasi are an indigenous tribe of Meghalaya, and they make up the vast majority of the people in the state's eastern area, known as the Khasi Hills, accounting for 78.3 per cent of the total.
Vokkaliga is a community of closely related castes from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu in India.
7. Match List I with List II
List I - Contribution List II - Important Personalities
A. Brahmo Samaj I. M. G. Ranade
B. Widow remarriage II. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
C. Country's first school for girls III. Jyotiba Phule
D. Anti Caste Movement IV. Savitri Bai Phule
Correct Option - B
Solution -
Raja Ram Mohan Roy founded the Brahmo Samaj in 1828 to reform Brahmanism.
Justice Mahadev Govind Ranade founded the “Widow Marriage Association”
Savitribai Phule founded the first school for girls at Bhide Wada in Pune. The lower caste movement in India began around the mid-19th century.
8. The legal provisions against violence and humiliation to Dalits and Adivasis strengthened by :
A) Government of India Act, 1935
B) Scheduled Castes and Tribes Act, 1989
C) 93rd Constitutional Amendment, 2006
D) Article 17, Constitution of India 1950
Correct Option - B
Solution -Dalits account for roughly a sixth of India's population. They have been protected by the 'Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989', but the adequate implementation of this specific Act is called into doubt because several incidents of atrocities have occurred consecutively.
9. Which of the following is not the characteristic of Caste?
A) Social and Religious hierarchy
B) Segmental Division of Society
C) Unrestricted Choice of Occupation
D) Restrictions on feeding and Social Intercourse
Correct Option - C
Solution - According to G.S. Ghurye, the caste system has six basic characteristics. Social Division: The caste system divides society into many groups or sections. Hierarchy: The caste system is distinguished by a hierarchical organization. Limits on eating and social interaction: The caste system places a number of restrictions on food, drink, and social interaction.
10. The terms 'Matrilineal' and 'Patrilineal' are associated with:
A) Residence of family
B) Line of descent
C) Nature of marriage rules
D) Structure of family
Correct Option - B
Solution - A lineage is a group of people who have a common ancestor; for example, in matriarchy, people are related to each other through the female line. Matriarchy
is sometimes associated with group marriage or polyandry. Matrilineal: A lineage in which all intervening generations are maternal. Patriline: lineage in which successive generations are fathers.
11. Who wrote the book The Wealth of Nations?
A) John Smith
B) David Ricardo
C) Adam Smith
D) Emile Durkheim
Correct Option - C
Solution - Adam Smith, a Scottish economist and moral philosopher wrote the book, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (commonly known as The Wealth of Nations).
12. Liberalisation can be understood as:
A. Privatisation and Marketisation
B. Government regulations for industry
C. Promoting government investment
D. Increasing import duties on goods
Correct Option - C
Solution -The idea of liberalisation refers to the reduction of government rules and constraints in many sectors of the economy. It entails lowering trade obstacles, increasing competition, fostering private sector participation, and enhancing economic openness.
13. 'Other Backward Class' refers to:
Socially and educationally backward class
Part of SC , ST
Dominant Caste
Economically and politically powerful classes
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Correct Option - A
Solution - The term "Other Backward Class" (OBC) refers to castes with educational or social disadvantages, as defined by the Indian government. India's official population classifications include general castes, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and OBC.
14. Match List I with List II
List I Concept List II Characteristics
A. Third gender I. Separation of races
B. Apartheid II. Social category of persons who are neither male nor female
C. Adivasis III. Conversion of gender status of body into opposite gender by choice
D. Transgender IV. Indigenous population, identity struggles
Correct Option - A
Solution -
The concept of third gender refers to people who are classified as neither men nor women, either by themselves or by society.
Under Apartheid, race was determined by popular opinion. According to how they were regarded, a person could be white, native, or coloured.
Adivasis in India share similar features with other indigenous peoples around the world.
A transgender person's gender identity does not correspond to the sex on their original birth certificate.
15. The term that literally means 'pre-judgement', that is, an opinion formed in advance of any familiarity with the subject, before considering any available evidence is:
A) Stratification
B) Discrimination
C) Prejudice
D) Stereotypes
Correct Option - C
Solution - Prejudices are preconceived ideas or attitudes maintained by members of one group against another. The term technically means 'prejudgment,' which refers to an opinion formed before any knowledge of the subject and before analysing any available facts.
16. Match List I with List II
List I Books List II Authors
A. Stree Purush Tulana I. M. G. Ranade
B. Three Sermons on Human
Nature II. Tarabai Shinde
C. Sultana's Dream III. Bishop Joseph Butler
D. The texts of the Hindu law IV. Begum Rukkaiyah Hossain
Correct Option - B
Solution -
Tarabai Shinde, a feminist activist, wrote the pamphlet and book Stree Purush Tulana (A Comparison of Men and Women).
Bishop Joseph Butler wrote three sermons on human nature and a dissertation on the nature of virtue between 1692 and 1752.
Begum Rokeya, also known as Rokeya Sahkawat Hossain, a Muslim feminist, writer, and social reformer from Bengal, wrote the Bengali feminist utopian fiction Sultana's Dream in 1905.
The Shastra permission for widow remarriage has been presented in Ranade's works titled Hindu Law Texts on the Legality of Widow Remarriage and its Authorities There is Vedic authority on widow marriage.
17. Indian nationalism is inclusive because it recognises:
A) Diversity
B) Majority groups
C) Regionalism
D) Has one national language
Correct Option - A
Solution -Indian nationalism is a form of territorial nationalism that includes all of India's people, regardless of racial, linguistic, or religious heritage. Indian nationalism has roots in pre-colonial India, but it was fully established during the Indian independence movement, which advocated for independence from British authority.
18. Which of the following is NOT correct?
A) There is separation of religious and political authority in Western Secularism
B) In Indian Context, Secularism goes hand in hand with Communalism
C) Secular Indian state respect all religion
D) A Secular state does not favour any religion
Correct Option -B
Solution - Some of the features of Indian secularism include the state's equal respect for and acknowledgement of all religions. The state does not discriminate based on religion. The state does not interfere with the running of any religion. There is no official religion in India, and individuals have the freedom to practice, promote, and proclaim any faith. Secularism in India does not imply a separation of religion and state. In India, secularism refers to a government that is impartial to all religious groups.
19. Community Identity is based on:
A) Birth and belongingness
B) Qualification and achievements
C) Choice and competency
D) Competency and negotiation
Correct Option - A
Solution - Birth and belongingness are the primary factors that influence community identity. Individuals' identity and sense of belonging within their birth community are heavily influenced by the shared experiences, cultural heritage, and sense of belonging they gain from it.
20. Identify the correct statement:
A) During emergency, people experienced authoritarian rule
B) During elections, immediately after the emergency, people voted overwhelmingly for Congress party
C) The Civil liberties of people remain unaffected during the emergency
D) Press was given freedom of speech during emergency
Correct Option - C
Solution - During a national emergency, the enforcement of fundamental rights can be suspended, except rights under Articles 20 and 21, which protect conviction for offences and the protection of life and personal liberty, respectively. This suspension has far-reaching consequences for citizens' rights and liberties.
Unit I: Structure of Indian Society | Unit VI: Social Change and the Polity |
Unit II: Social Institutions: Continuity and Change | Unit VII: Social Change and the Economy |
Unit III: Social Inequality and Exclusion | Unit VIII: Arenas of Social Change |
Unit IV: The Challenges of Unity in Diversity | Unit IX: New Arenas of Social Change |
Unit V: Process of Social Change in India | Unity X: Social Movements |
Mode of Examination | Hybrid mode (Pen & Paper/Computer Based Test) |
Question Paper Format | Objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) |
Number of Sections | 4 Sections (Sections IA, IB, II, and III) |
Number of Questions | Section IA & IB- 40 (out of 50 questions to be attempted) Section II – 40 (out of 50 questions to be attempted) Section III – 50 (out of 60 questions to be attempted) |
Marking Scheme | +5 for each correct answer -1 for each incorrect answer |
Choice of Test Papers | Candidates can select up to 6 test papers, including 4 or 5 domain subjects, General Test, and 1 or 2 languages. |
Duration | Mathematics/Applied Mathematics, Accountancy, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Computer Science/Informatics Practices, and General Test - 60 minutes Rest of the papers - 45 minutes |
Shifts and Duration | - Proposed three shifts per day for pen & paper mode, each lasting approximately two hours. |
The candidates can practice selected chapter wise questions from CUET Sociology paper topics, from the Structure of Indian Economy to Social Movements.
The aspirants can practice selected chapter wise questions from each topic of the CUET Geography from the Introduction of human geography: Nature and Human Geography to Geographical perspectives on selected issues and problems.
The candidates can practice selected chapter wise questions from each topic of the CUET English syllabus from noun to poetic devices.
The aspirants can practice selected chapter wise questions from each topic of the CUET General Test syllabus from Indian History to other topics of General Awareness.
The students can practice selected chapter wise questions from each topic of the CUET History syllabus from the Stories of first cities - Harappan archeology to the Making of the constitution.
The students can practice selected chapter wise questions from each topic of the CUET Political Science syllabus from the era of one-party dominance to Globalisation and its critics.
The aspirants can practice selected chapter wise questions from each topic of the CUET Psychology syllabus from the variation in psychological attributes to developing psychological skills .
The aspirants can practice selected chapter wise questions from each topic of the CUET Physical Education syllabus from the Sociological aspects of physical education to psychology and sports.
The difficulty level of the CUET Sociology section is moderate. If you study well and practice a lot of questions, then you can secure good marks in this section.
You should attempt a minimum of 40 questions in the CUET Sociology section.
The syllabus includes: Introducing Indian Society, Social Institutions, Social Inequality and Exclusion, The Challenges of Unity in Diversity, Process of Social Change in India, Social Change and the Polity, Social Change and the Economy, Arenas of Social Change, and Social Movements.
Thoroughly read your textbook to understand the concepts and theories clearly.
Make concise notes and keep revising them.
Practice using sample questions and mock tests to gauge your preparation level.
Multiple choice questions or MCQs are asked in the CUET exam.
The tentative admission schedule for UG and Diploma Programmes of IGNTU, session 2024 is
1.Online Registration Start from 05-August-2024 to 25- August -2024
2.Declaration of the First Counselling List (Tentative) 28- August -2024
3.Date of Counselling and Document Verification in the respective Department (offline mode):
03 September 2024 – 04 September 2024
4.Declaration of the Selection list :7 September 2024
5.Deposition of the Admission fee by
the selected candidate :08 September 2024 to 11 September 2024
Hello aspirant,
Congratulations on scoring 308 in the CUET UG 2024 exam!
This is a good score and opens up several options for you in BA programs.
Explore different BA programs offered by various universities. Consider your interests and career goals to choose the right specialization. Each university has specific eligibility requirements, including minimum CUET scores. Ensure your score meets the criteria of your preferred colleges.
While your score is a crucial factor, other elements also influence your admission chances:
University Preferences: Different universities have varying admission criteria, including weightage given to CUET scores, board marks, and other factors.
Course Popularity: Highly sought-after programs often have higher cut-offs.
Reservations and Quotas: If you belong to a reserved category, it might influence your eligibility.
Additional Entrance Tests:
Some universities might conduct their own tests, which can impact your final selection.
Here are some tips that can help you to increase your chances:
Aim for Universities with Lower Cut-Offs:
Consider universities where your score aligns well with their previous year's cut-offs.
Apply to Multiple Universities: Increase your chances of admission by applying to several institutions.
Highlight Extracurricular Activities: A strong academic record combined with extracurricular achievements can enhance your profile.
Prepare for Interviews:
If required, practice your communication and interview skills.
For more information you can click on the college predictor link attached below.
With a CUET UG 2024 score of 452, your chances of getting into top B.Tech programs in Computer Science Engineering (CSE), Information Technology (IT), or Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML) will depend on the cut-offs for each college and the competition that year. While specific cut-offs can vary, here are some colleges that you could consider based on your score and preferences:
Delhi Technological University (DTU)
Netaji Subhas University of Technology (NSUT)
Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI)
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT Delhi)
Lovely Professional University (LPU)
Amity University
Galgotias University
SRM University
Sharda University
VIT Vellore (Vellore Institute of Technology)
Make sure to stay updated on the latest cut-offs and admission procedures for each university to maximize your chances of securing a spot in your desired program.
Hope it helps !
Hello Krish,
With a CUET score of 522 and belonging to the SC category, you have a good chance of securing admission to some reputed colleges for B.Com (Hons). Here are some suggestions for colleges that you might consider applying to:
Delhi University Colleges:
Sri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC)
One of the most prestigious colleges for commerce in India.
Hansraj College
Known for its excellent faculty and infrastructure.
Shaheed Bhagat Singh College
Offers good placement opportunities and has a strong commerce program.
Hindu College
Well-regarded for its academic environment and overall development.
Kirori Mal College
Offers good courses with ample extracurricular opportunities.
Other Universities and Colleges:
Christ University, Bangalore
Well-known for its commerce programs and vibrant campus life.
Loyola College, Chennai
Offers a strong commerce program with good faculty and resources.
St. Xaviers College, Kolkata
Renowned for its academic excellence and strong alumni network.
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai
Offers excellent commerce programs with good placement records.
Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce, Pune
Known for its quality education and diverse campus environment.
Hello ayush hope you are doing well
BSc is a future oriented course which emphasis on research as well as teaching oriented degree It gives you a depth on that subject But it depends on your future what you want to do. Btech is industry based course and Bsc is a research based academic degree and NEET is a entry level of professional course If you have enough courage to take a drop and crack any entrance of Engineering or neet for good colleges then you can drop a year. But firstly make sure that your drop year should be worth enough in totally depends on you how you are going to spend your coming year.
If you are not sure about any of these courses and want to take admission this year go for bachelor in science in private universities as they still open their admission process.
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