CG PAT syllabus 2025, Agriculture, PCM, PCB Group Syllabus Here

CG PAT syllabus 2025, Agriculture, PCM, PCB Group Syllabus Here

Edited By Anapally Rajesh | Updated on Dec 26, 2024 12:26 PM IST | #CG PAT

CG PAT syllabus 2025: Candidates who are going to appear in the CG PAT must know the topics of the CG PAT 2025 syllabus. Syllabus and pattern both are important for the candidates to score well in the CG PAT examination. The CG PAT syllabus pdf helps candidates to cover all topics and subtopics of the paper. The syllabus of CG PAT 2025 discloses subjects, topics, and sub-topics of the examination.

CG PAT syllabus 2025, Agriculture, PCM, PCB Group Syllabus Here
CG PAT syllabus 2025, Agriculture, PCM, PCB Group Syllabus Here

Students can go through the complete syllabus plan before starting the preparation for the CG PAT examination. The CG PAT syllabus 2025 consists of two main sections, science and agriculture. The Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board will release the CG PAT 2025 syllabus PDF on its official website after the exam notification is released. To get more information about the CG PAT 2025 syllabus, exam pattern read the following article.

CG PAT Syllabus 2025

Going through the syllabus including subjects and units are important for the candidates who are going to appear in the CG PAT exam. The CG PAT syllabus subjects are science and agriculture. Candidates can find the detailed syllabus of CG PAT in the below table.

CG PAT Syllabus for Physics



Units and Dimensions

Measurements and Fundamental units, dimensional analysis

Motion in Two Dimensions

Uniform velocity, uniform acceleration, circular motion, Newton’s laws


Acceleration due to gravity, universal law of gravitation, escape velocity

Mechanical Properties of Solids and Gases

Hookes law, modulus of elasticity, kinetic theory of gases, gas laws


Specific heat, mechanical equivalent of heat, laws of thermodynamics

Heat Transfer

Conduction, convection, radiation, Stefan’s law, Newton’s law of cooling


Periodic motion, simple harmonic motion, wave principles, Doppler effect


Reflection, refraction, lenses, dispersion, optical instruments


Coulomb’s law, electric field, potential, Gauss’s law

Electric Circuits

Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws, resistors, temperature dependence, potentiometer


Bar magnet, magnetic field, electromagnetic induction

Electromagnetic induction

Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, electromagnetic waves

CGPAT Syllabus for Chemistry



Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding

Atomic nucleus composition and Bohr’s model, Quantum numbers and electronic configuration, Chemical bonding types and shapes of molecules, Valence Bond Theory and Molecular Orbital Theory

Solutions and Solid State Chemistry

Concentration expressions and types of solutions, Raoult’s law and non ideal solutions, Solid state: Crystal lattices, defects and properties, Nuclear chemistry: Radioactivity, nuclear reactions, isotopes

Chemical Equilibrium and Thermodynamics

Law of mass action and equilibrium constants, Le Chatelier’s principle and its application, Thermochemistry: ENthalpy, entropy, and free energy, Chemical kinetics: Rate laws, Arrhenius equation

Electrochemistry and Surface Chemistry

Oxidation-reduction reactions and electrode potentials, Faraday’s laws and electrochemical cells,Surface phenomena: Adsorption, colloids and catalysis

Inorganic Chemistry

Principles of metallurgical operations and extraction, Chemical periodicity and properties of s, p, d, f-block elements, Transition metals: Electronic configurations and properties

Coordination Compounds and Chemical Analysis

Nomenclature and bonding in coordination compounds, Simple inorganic qualitative analysis and acid base titrations

Organic Chemistry

Empirical and molecular formulas, nomenclature, Properties and uses of alkenes, alkenes, and benzene, Functional groups: Alcohols, phenols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, Polymers and biomolecules: Structures and biological significance

CG PAT Syllabus for Mathematics




Complex numbers, representation, modulus, argument, conjugate, inequalities and cube roots of unity, Progressions: Arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, Quadratic equations, permutations, combinations,Binomial theorem, exponential, logarithmic series, Determinants, matrices, simultaneous equations


Trigonometric functions, graphs, formulas, Solutions of triangles, height and distance problems

Coordinate Geometry

Cartesian coordinates, Straight lines, circles, conic sections: Parabola, ellipse, hyperbola

Three-Dimensional Coordinate Geometry

Rectangular coordinate system, equations of planes, Vectors: Addition, scalar and vector products

Differential Equations

Functions, limits, continuity, differentiability, differentiation, applications in mechanics, maxima, minima, Mean value theorem, Rolle’s theorem

Integral Calculus

Integration, methods of integration, Definite integrals, areas under carves

Differential Equations

Formulation, solutions by separation of variables, Linear differential equations of first order

Statistics and Probability

Probability laws, binomial distribution, Correlation, regression

Numerical Methods

Equation solving, numerical integration

Linear Programming

Problem definition, graphical solution

CGPAT Syllabus for Biology



Cell Structure and Function

Organelles: Nucleus, Mitochondria, Chloroplast, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi Complex, Lysosome, Ribosomes, Centrioles, Plasmids, Eukaryotic Chromosomes, Cell Membrane, Cell Division: Mitosis, Meiosis, Cell Cycle


Mendel’s Laws, Monohybris, Dihybrid Crosses, Genetic Material: DNA Replication, Genetic Code, Transcription, Translation, Gene Regulation, Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes, Viruses, Mycoplasma, Bacteriophage, Cyanobacteris, Bacteria

Classification and Morphology

Five Kingdom Classification, Binomial Nomenclature, Morphology and Life Cycle of Spirogyra, Mucor Funaria, Selaginella, Pinus, Reproduction in Angiosperms: Microsporogenesis, Megasporogenesis, Fertilisation, Endosprem, Embryo Development

Plant Physiology

Tissues and Tissue Systems, Meristematic and Permanent Tissues, Mineral Nutrition, Uptake and Transport, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Transpiration, Photorespiration, Enzymes, Growth Hormones, Photoperiodism, Phytochrome


Ecosystem Structure and Function, Major Ecosystems: Lake, Forest, Food Chain, Food Web, Energy low, Ecological Crises, Human Role in Environmental Pollution: Air, Water, Soil

Plants in Hu

man Welfare

Economic Plant Products: Drugs, Fibers, Cereals, Pulses, Oilseeds, Sugarcane, Coal, Petroleum, Food Preservation Methods, Plant Breeding Principles, Biotechnology: Agriculture, Industries, Cheese, Yoghurt, Alcohol, Antibiotics

CG PAT Syllabus for Agriculture Group

The syllabus of CG PAT agriculture group consists of elements of science mathematics useful for agriculture, crop production and horticulture and elements of animal husbandry and poultry farming.

CG PAT Syllabus for Agricultural Physics



Principles of Physics in Agriculture

Archimedes Principle, Atmospheric Pressure, Barometer, Manometer, Pumps, Friction Laws, Machines

Gravitation and Gravity

Relation between ‘G’ and ‘g’ simple, Harmonic motion, Simple pendulum, law of gravitation

Heat and Light

Unit of Heat, Specific Heat, Latent Heat, Transmission of Heat, Rectilinear pPropagation of Light, Dispersion of Light, Optical Instruments

Electricity and Magnetism

Electric Charge, Electric Potential, Ohm’s Law, Resistance, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Movement, Electrical Capacity, Potentiometer

CG PAT Syllabus for Agricultural Chemistry



Atomic Structure

Bohr’s atomic model distribution of electrons according to Bohr Bory Rules, radio activity and atomic disintegration

Chemical Bonds

Characteristic of electroyalent, Covalent and coordinate bonds

Ionic Theory

Uses of ionization, solubility product, Hydrolysis, neutralization, ionic product of water, determination of pH. Buffer solution. Nutritional importance of soil pH


Lyophilic and lyophobic, properties of colloids, colloids, colloidal solutions, protective colloids, gold number, soil colloids clay and humus


Chemical fertilizers, manufacture of different fertilizers of NPK and their utilization, micronutrients

Elementary Biochemistry

Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins and enzymes

Organic Compounds

Fermentation, ethyl alcohol, aliphatic carboxylic acid acetic acid, urea, methane, ethylene, acetylene and more.

CG PAT Syllabus for Agricultural Mathematics



Arithmetic Progression

Definition, formula to find the nth term. Formula to find sum of n terms, definition of arithmetic mean, insertion of given number of means between two given quantities, finding of remaining quantity when any three of S, a, d, n are given.

Geometric Progression

Definition, formula to find the nth term, geometric mean, insertion of geometric means between two given quantities finding of remaining quantity when any three of k, s, a, n are given


Definition logarithm of product division of number raised to any power, characteristics of the logarithm of any number greater than unity, characteristics of the logarithm of decimal fraction


Trigonometric ratios, geometric proof


Calculation of mean, mode, median and standard deviation, variance and mean deviation for grouped data using various formula

CG PAT Syllabus for Agricultural Botany, Zoology



Plant Anatomy

Root structure and functions, stem structure and functions, leaf structure and functions

Agricultural Botany-Zoology

Classification of plants, outline of classification of plants, study of the following families

Plant Breeding

Definition of genetics and plant breeding and role of genetics in plant breeding, cell its structure and cell division, principle of inheritance, self and cross pollinated crops, methods of breeding field crops

Plant Physiology

Respiration, photosynthesis, transpirations, plant growth arid development

CG PAT Syllabus for Crop Production and Horticulture



Crop Production

Introduction and activities of agriculture and crop production, importance of crop production in natural economy, different branches of farming and their importance

Soil Fertility

Soil and its constituents, physical properties of soil-soil texture and structure porespace, specific gravity, plasticity, cohesion and soil temperature, formation of soil classification of soil in C.G and their characteristics, soil corrosion its kinds, their causes and control, measures of soil conservation, soil acidity and alkalinity and their reclamation, soil pH

Manures and Fertilizer

Essential elements for plant growth, description and uses of organic manures F.Y.M. compset green manures, Different nitrogenous, phosphate and potash fertilizers, properties and uses


Objectives of tillage, tillage operations, ploughing, leveling, harrowing, intercultivation, tillage implements, country plough improved ploughs, harrows and cultivators, threshers, winnowers and seed drills, tractor driven implements

Irrigation land drainage

Object of irrigation and drainage, sources of irrigation and drainage, methods, water requirements of crops, duty and discharges of water, common water lifts


Cropping scheme, Vegetable Gardening, Fruit cultivation, Ornamental Gardening, Fruit and Vegetable preservation, Rural finance,Agriculture business planning and management

CG PAT Syllabus for Elements of Animal Husbandry and Poultry Farming




Live stock in Indian Economy, Improved cattle breeds, care and management of cattle, Breeding of cattle

Dairy Farming

Scope, Milk production, Composition of milk, Physical properties of milk

Feed and Feeding

Principles, Judging of cattle, Dairy appliances, Milk products, Common diseases of cattle, Poultry farming, Housing and ration for poultry birds, Diseases of poultry

CG PAT 2025 Exam Pattern

The exam pattern for CG PAT 2025 will be released by the Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board on its official website. The exam pattern for CG PAT is important for candidates to understand in order to improve their preparation. The exam pattern for CG PAT contains comprehensive information regarding the exam's duration, medium, mode, total number of questions asked, and total marks.

CG PAT Exam Pattern 2025: Science Group

Subject Name

No of questions per section

Total marks











200 questions

200 marks

CG PAT 2025 Exam Pattern- Agriculture Group

Subject Name

No of questions per section

Total marks

Crop production and horticulture



Elements of animal husbandry and poultry farming



Elements of science mathematics useful for agriculture




200 questions

200 marks

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the CG PAT 2025 examination subjects?

The subjects included in CG PAT  are physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and agriculture subjects.

2. How many sections are included in the CG PAT science group?

A total of three sections in the CG PAT syllabus for science group - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (PCM) or Physics, Chemistry, Biology (PCB).

3. How many sections are included in the CG PAT agriculture group?

A total of three sections are included in the CG PAT syllabus for agriculture group  elements of science mathematics useful for agriculture, crop production and horticulture and elements of animal husbandry and poultry farming.

4. What is the syllabus of CG PAT?

The syllabus of the CG PAT exam includes topics such as work, inorganic chemistry, energy, power, differential calculus,algebra, linear programming, trigonometry, statistics, multicellular, development biology and genetics, pesticides, alcoholism, drug addiction and more.

5. Is there any negative marking in CG PAT examination?

No, there is no negative marking in the CG PAT 2025 examination.


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University of Essex, Colchester
 Wivenhoe Park Colchester CO4 3SQ
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 Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh, Post Code EH8 9YL
Lancaster University, Lancaster
 Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4YW
Indiana University, Bloomington
 107 S. Indiana Avenue, Bloomington, Indiana, 47405-7000
Bristol Baptist College, Bristol
 The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NJ
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