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MA Books are an important part of any academia for students with higher aspirations in education. They give an advanced understanding of the disciplines. Continuous and consistent engagement with the academic materials is the only way to get comfortable with the strenuous academic life of a master's student so it is important to know the right authors and publishers who will help you get there by expanding your knowledge on your respective discipline,
So we bring this article to you to give you insights about the best books and Publisher for MA Books
MA Books are mainly research-oriented books that are important for master's education, there are designed for advanced education by experts in your respective discipline, they are quite different from undergraduate books, there are no single Texts in post-graduate education to gain new perspectives and trends in the discipline it is necessary to read more books to conduct a research on your own and later on lays the groundwork If you have the desire to pursue a PhD program.
Also Read,
When it comes to finding MA Books, It is important to look at the authors and publishers because it relates to the overall quality of the book and the publisher's experience in publishing academic books, Journals, and Articles, Here are some of the best publishers that have experience in publishing MA Academic Books:
Oxford Publishers
Macmillan Publishers
Harper Collins Publishers
Sage Publishers
Cambridge University Press
Penguin Random House
Here are some top MA Books for English Literature Students:
Literature for English, Advanced One Student Text | Burton Goodman |
A Manual of English Literature: Designed for the Use of Advanced Grades | Noble Kibble Royse |
Advanced Writing Skills for Students of English | Phil Williams |
A Critical History of English Literature | David Daiches |
A Glossary of Literary Terms | MH Abrams, Geoffrey Galt Harpham |
Here are some MA Fiction Books for English Literature Students:
Great Expectations | Charles Dickens |
Hamlet | William Shakespeare |
The Catcher in the Rye | J D Salinger |
The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer |
Les Miserables | Victor Hugo |
One hundred years of Solitude | Gabriel Garcia Marquez |
Midnight Children | Salman Rushdie |
God of Small things | Arundathi Roy |
Interpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri |
The Shadow Lines | Amitav Ghosh |
Family Matters | Rohinton Mistry |
A Suitable Boy | Vikram Seth |
Swami and Friends | R.K Narayanan |
August: An Indian History | Upamanyu Chatterjee |
Some of the best publishers and authors in english academic world are Oxford Publications, Harper Collins, Penguin Random House, Cambridge University Press and they have produced authors in academia and fiction like Burton Goodman, Phil Williams, David Daiches when it comes to fiction we have Charles dickens, Emily bronte, Gabriel Garcia Marquez they books have been reprinted by these publishers for decades now and finally for the Indian english Literature R.K Narayanan, Arundathi Roy, Rohinton Mistry there books has been an integral part of the development of Indian english Literature
Here are some of the core MA Books for Psychology
Psychology: Themes and Variations | Wayne Weiten |
Psychology | Saundra K. Ciccarelli and J. Noland White |
Theories of Personality | Jess Feist and Gregory J. Feist |
Development Across the Lifespan | Robert S. Feldman |
Abnormal Psychology | Ronald J. Comer |
Here are some of the best MA books for research methodology:
Research Methods in Psychology: Investigating Human Behavior | Paul. G. Nestter, Russell k Schutt |
Research in Psychology: Methods and Design | C. James Goodwin |
Handbook of Qualitative Research Method | Denzin and Lincoln |
Reading Between The Lines: Interpreting Silences in Qualitative Research | Blake Poland and Ann Paderson |
On Becoming a Qualitative Researcher: The Value of Reflexivity | Daine Watt |
Some of the best publishers in psychology are the American Psychiatric Association, Sage Publishers, Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd, Pavilion Publishing Etc.
Here are some MA books for Macro Economics:
Advanced Macroeconomics | David Romer |
Recursive Macroeconomic Theory | Lars Peter Hansen and Thomas J. Sargent |
Economic Dynamics: Theory and Computation | John Stachurski |
Macroeconomic Theory | Michael Wickens |
Rethinking the Theory of Money, Credit, and Macroeconomics | Charles I. Jones |
The Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Policy | Alberto Alesina and Roberto Perotti. |
Here are some recommended MA Books for Microeconomics:
Microeconomic Analysis | Hal R. Varian |
Microeconomic Theory | Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston, Jerry R. Green |
Microeconomics | D. Besanko and R.R. Braeutigam |
Managerial Economics | Dominick Salvatore and SK Rastogi |
Advanced Microeconomic Theory | Geoffrey A. Jehle and Philip J. Reny |
Microeconomic Theory | Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green |
Here are some recommended books for MA Books for Indian Economy:
Indian Economy: Performance and Policies | Uma Kapila |
The Unequal Effects of Liberalization: Evidence from Dismantling the License Raj in India, | P. Aghion, R. Burgess, SJ Redding ,F. Zillibotti |
Regional Economic Diversity: Lessons from an Emergent India | Poornima Dore |
Remoteness, urbanization and India’s unbalanced growth | S. Das, P. Robertson and C. Ghate |
The Indian Economy | Mathew McCartney |
Regional divergence and inequalities in India | P. Sanga, A. Shaban |
Here are some MA Books on Ancient History:
India, an Archaeological History: Palaeolithic: beginnings to early history foundations | Dilip k Chakrabarti |
History of Ancient India | Rama Shankar Tripathi |
The Cambridge History of Southeast Asia vol. 1: From early times to c.1500 | Nicholas Tarling |
Indian Art (A History of Indian Art from the earliest Times up to the third century AD, (Vol.I) | Vasudev Sharan Agrawala |
Ancient Indian Social History: Some Interpretations | Romila Thapar |
Social and Rural Economy of Northern India, 600 BC – 200 AD, 2 Vols | Atindra Nath Bose |
Trade in Early India | Ranabir Chakravarti |
Here are some MA Books on Modern History
A Concise History of Modern India | Barbara. D. Metcalf |
India Since Independence | Bipan Chandra |
India After Gandhi | Rama Chandra Guha |
Economic History of India | R.C Dutt |
The Pity of Partition: Manto's Life, Times, and Work Across the India-Pakistan Divide | Ayesha Jalal |
The East India Company: A History | P. Lawson |
Rethinking Early Modern India | R. Barnett |
The Aftermath of Revolt: India, 1857-1870 | Thomas R Metcalf |
The Emergence of Indian Nationalism | Anil Seal |
Essays in the Social History of Modern India | Ravinder Kumar |
Bipan Chandra, RS Tripathi , Dilip K. Chakrabarti, Romila thapar Barbara D Metcalf are the most notable authors in Indian History they are published under Oxford Publications, Orient Longman, Manohar , Cambridge University Press etc.
Here are some MA Books for Indian Political Thought:
Indian Political Thought | Urmila Sharma, S.K Sharma |
Modern Indian Political Thought | V.P Verma |
History and Politics: Perspective from South Asia | Asim Roy |
State and Politics in India | Partha Chatterjee |
Colonialism and Its Forms of Knowledge | Bernard Cohen |
Here are some MA Books for Comparative Politics
Comparative Politics: Interests, Identities, and Institutions in a Changing Global Order. | J. Kopstein and M. Lichbach |
Nationalism | Craig Calhoun |
Comparative Political Theory and Third-World Sensitivity | M. Mohanty |
Limits of Comparative Political Analysis | N. Chandhokhe |
Comparative Politics | Daniel Caramani |
Then and Now: Comparative Politics | J. Blondel |
Argumentative Indian by Amartya sen , Bonfire of Creeds by Devadutt Pattanaik, The Indian Middle Class by Rajni Kothari, India after Gandhi by Ramachandra Guha are some of the notable works and authors in the Political Science Discipline.
Here are some of the best MA Books on Introduction to Sociology
Sociology Themes and Perspectives | H. Haralambos and RM Heald |
Sociology: Basic Concepts | S.K Rawat |
The Sociological Imagination | C. Wright Mills |
The Social Construction of Reality | Thomas Luckmann and Peter. L. Berger |
Here are some of the best MA Books on Sociology of Gender and Social Structures
The Sociology of Gender | Amy S Wharton |
Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies | Margaret Mead |
Gender: A Sociological Reader | S. Jackson and S. Scott |
The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and, the State, London | Friedrich Engels |
Seeing Like a Feminist | Nivedita Menon |
Female Forms of Power and the Myth of Male Dominance: A Model of Female/Male Interaction in Peasant Societies | S.C Rogers |
Structure of Social Action | Talcott Parsons |
Family, Kinship, and Marriage in India | Patricia Uberoi |
Caste | M.N Srinivas |
Power and Inequality | Fabio Rojas |
Changing Poverty, Changing Policies | Maria Cancian, Sheldon Danziger |
Here are some recommended MA Books on Social Stratification
Social Stratification and Change in India | Yogendra Singh |
Caste | M.N Srinivas |
Stratification in India Issues and Themes | K.L Sharma |
Hierarchy and Diffrence | Dipankar Gupta |
Gender, Caste and Labour | Uma Chakravarti |
Enforcing Cultural Codes: Gender and Violence in Northern India | P. Chowdhry |
Siva and her Sisters: Gender, Caste and Class in South India | K. Kapadia |
Top Journalism Books on Media Ethics and Law
Here are some Top MA Books on Media Ethics and Law:
Media Ethics and Law | Maraimalai Neelamalar |
Media Law and Ethics | Roy. L. Moore |
Introduction to Media Law and Ethics | Dr. Juhi P Pathak |
Ethics for Journalist | Richard Keeble |
Law Relating to Computers, Internet and E-commerce | Nandan Kamath |
Here are some MA Books on Social Media and Communication:
Introduction to Mass Communication | Keval J Kumar |
Introduction to Social Media | Cheryl Lawson |
Media, Journalism, and Communication | M. Schuchardart |
Social Media for Journalists Principles and Practice | Megan Knight and Clare Cook |
Mass Media Research: An Introduction | Roger D. Wimmer and Joseph R. Dominick |
Here are some MA Books for Investigative Report
The Investigative Reporters: Handbook | Brant Houston |
Investigative Journalism: Context and Practice | Hugo De Burgh |
Investigative Reporting: Premise to Publication | Marcy Burstiner |
All the Presidents Men | Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward |
The way of the Knife: The CIA, a Secret Army, and a war at the Ends of the Earth | Mark Mazzett |
Investigative Journalism | William C Gaines |
Investigate Journalism and its Triumphs | John Pilger |
Here are some Key MA books on Indian and Western Philosophy:
A History of Western Philosophy | Bertrand Russell |
Republic | Plato |
The Story of Philosophy | Will Durant |
A Critical History of Western Philosophy: Greek, Medieval and Modern | Yakub Masih |
Nous in Aristotle's De Anima. Philosophy compass | C. Cohoe |
De Anima | Aristotle |
Meditations 1 and 2. Cottingham J (Trans.) [with an introduction by Bernard Williams]. | Rene Descartes |
Plato’s Meno | D Scott |
An Introduction to Indian Philosophy | Satishchandra Chatterjee |
A History of Indian Philosophy | Surendranath Dasgupta |
Indian philosophy: A collection of readings, Vol. 3: Metaphysics. | Roy Perret |
Classical Indian Philosophy: A History of Indian Philosophy without any gaps | Peter Adamson |
An Oxford Handbook to Indian Philosophy | Oxford Publications, Edited by Jonardon Ganeri |
Perception: An essay on classical Indian theories of knowledge | B.K Mathilal |
Here are some MA Books on Ethics and Philosophy:
Groundwork of the Metaphysics for Morals | Immanuel Kant |
The nicomachean ethics | Aristotle Translated by W.D Ross |
Beyond good and evil. In The Philosophy of Nietzsche | Friedrich Nietzsche |
Socratic Logic: A Logic Text Using Socratic Method, Platonic Questions, and Aristotelian Principles | Peter Kreeft |
Introduction to Logic | Carl Cohen, Irving M Copi |
Practical Ethics | Peter Albert David Singer |
Utilitarianism | J.S Mill |
Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric | Cavender, Nancy, and Kahane, Howard |
The development of modern logic | Mohanty, J.N.; Saha, S.R.; Chatterjee, Amita; Kanti Sarkar, Tushar; and Bhattacharyya, Sibajiban. |
Here are some of the MA Books on understanding Public Policy:
Public Policy in India | Kaushiki Sanyal |
Oxford handbook of classics in public policy and administration | Balla, Steven J., Lodge, Martin & Page, Edward C. |
Public Policy and Politics in India: How Institutions Matter | Kuldeep Mathur |
Policy Paradox: The Art of Political Decision-Making | Deborah Stone |
Regional development and public policy challenges in India. | Rakhee Bhattacharya |
The Public Policy Primer: Managing the Policy Process | Micheal P Howlett |
Making and implementing public policy: key concepts and issues. | Catherine Bochel and Hugh Bochel |
In Service of the Republic: The Art and Science of Economic Policy | Vijay Kelkar |
Here are some MA Books on Indian Government and Administration Books
Bureaucracy | Martin Albrow |
Administrative Thinkers | D. Ravindra Prasad and Y. Parthasarathy |
Administration In States: Issues And Perspectives | Mohit Bhattacharya |
Public Administration and Public Affairs | Nicholas Henry |
Indian Government and Politics | Bidyut Chakrabarty and Rajendra Kumar Pandey |
Governance in the State and the Politics of Development, Development, and Change | A Leftwich |
Administrative Theories and Politics | Peter Self |
When it comes to choosing the best MA Books there are some factors to be considered look at the author and the publisher that the person is academically in your respective discipline, always buy the re-edited editions, then you can know that the the books are updated according to latest academic trends and always check the book that it contains the topics you need for your academic pursuits
Supplementary Books are important in your advanced academic education many prescribed MA Books are always in the syllabus but reading supplementary books in your discipline can broaden your perspectives even when you are going to something like research you need additional books on the topic of your research interest to know the contemporary trends that have happened in your discipline and help you to carve out your niche in your disciplineWhere to Find and Purchase MA Books
Some of the best online platforms to buy MA Books to compare prices and get books for the best deal are:
McGraw Hill India
Sage Publications India
MA Books can be expensive and hard to find because of the lack of availability so in comparison to buying books you can always reach out to Libraries and other online resources because many Common Libraries, as well as the University ones, are converting Hardcopies into E-Books so it can be available to everyone and when it comes to other resources there is JSTOR, Project Gutenberg, Bookshare etc are some of the academic online platforms that provide books to undergraduate as well as postgraduate students.
if you want to find Online copies of the MA Books in Online Platforms like JSTOR, Project Gutenberg, Bookshare, etc.
BA Books are more introductory compared to advanced academic books for masters.
A textbook is a general version with simple explanations and makes your basic understanding stronger When it comes to academic books there is complex information about the discipline that keeps your advanced understanding stronger an academic text happens when a scholar writes for another scholar.
Academic texts can be watertight when it comes to broadening your mind New information supplementary books can enable students to understand the latest academic developments and perspectives in their field and help students adapt to new things.
The Top publishers are Oxford Publications, Sage Publishers, and Cambridge University Press.
Hello, generally, 10th and 12th marksheets are not required in universities for PG courses. their primary focus is on your undergraduate degree and any enterence exam or interviews. however some universities can ask for the marksheets.
Hello aspirant,
Unfortunately, there might be a limited number of dedicated Hindi language books specifically for the CUET PG (COQP11) entrance exam.
However, you can explore these options:
1. General Hindi Language Books:
* Focus on grammar, vocabulary, and literature: These books will provide a strong foundation for the language section.
* Consider authors like:
* Vishnu Prabhakar
* Premchand
* Jayashankar Prasad
* Nirala
* Mahadevi Varma
2. CUET PG General Paper Books:
* Some books for the general paper section (COQP11) might include Hindi language questions. Look for books that cover:
* Reading comprehension
* Grammar
* Vocabulary
3. Online Resources and Mock Tests:
* Many online platforms offer practice questions and mock tests for CUET PG.
* Utilize these resources to improve your Hindi language skills.
Recommended Books (General Hindi):
While not specifically for CUET PG, these books can be helpful:
* Arihant Hindi Grammar and Composition
* Objective General Hindi by Rakesh Yadav
* Lucent's General Hindi
Greeting Student,
To downland cuet pg. Hindi previous year question paper click on the attached link and select year, exam type -P.G and Subject -Hindi literature and click on search. NTA official website (
Thank you and all the best.
If you have completed the application processthen you can download the admit card from the CUET admit card download direct link provided in the official website ( You can download the admit card and take a print out of it. The NTA will release the CUET UG Admit card 2024 in online mode in the second week of May 2024.
You can know more about the CUET UG 2024 using the below link.
There are a wide variety of courses offered by University in Kerala. All these courses or programs have great scope. After 12th commerce, consider these courses in Kerala universities:
1) B.Com
2) BBA
3) Bachelor of Economics
4) BHM
5) LLB
6) BCA
Hope this helps,
Thank you
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