LPU Scholarships

LPU Scholarships

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on May 31, 2024 06:19 PM IST | #LPU Jalandhar

Lovely Professional University (LPU), Phagwara offers a wide range of scholarships to support all deserving candidates. LPU offers scholarship benefits up to Rs. 6.5 lakh per student. LPU scholarships help students to achieve academic success regardless of their financial situation. Candidates can explore various options at LPU ranging from degrees to doctorates. LPU provides financial aid and scholarships to deserving students from every background to excel. Students can acquire diverse scholarships across LPU courses and make their educational dreams a reality. Students have been awarded scholarships worth Rs. 100+ crores in the last year only.

LPU Scholarships
LPU Scholarships

A candidate can get scholarships at LPU on the basis of one’s performance in LPUNEST or based on other scholarship schemes offered by the university based on the score in qualification previous to eligibility qualification, performance in sports, cultural, R&D, co-curricular, social service, bravery awards or performance in national level tests like JEE (Main), NEET, UCEED, CAT, MAT, GATE, GPAT etc.

LPU Scholarship Categories

Scholarships at Lovely Professional University are divided into different categories. Lovely Professional University scholarship can be availed on more than 150+ programmes ranging from diploma programmes to post graduation, offered by the university. Students can avail the LPU scholarships if they fulfill all the eligibility requirements. The LPU scholarship categories are mentioned below:

LPU Scholarship Categories: Different Categories

LPU Scholarship Categories

On the basis of Qualification After 10th

On the basis of Qualification After 12th

On the basis of Qualification After Graduation

Lateral Entry Programmes

On the basis of LPUNEST

On the basis of Work Experience for MBA

On the basis of National Level Tests

Based on Innovation, Startup & Entrepreneurship

On the basis of Sports, Cultural, R&D, Co-curricular, Social Service and Bravery Awards

Scholarship/ Fee Benefits for PhD

Special Scholarship for Toppers of Education Board

LPU Scholarships: Financial Aid-Need Based

LPU provides financial help to make higher education more accessible to meritorious students who fall into a specific category and whose yearly family income is below a certain limit. Below are the benefits, the process of application submission, and the selection of applications pertaining to the scheme. The objective of the LPU Need Based Scholarship is to provide financial assistance to students who need support for pursuing their higher education and to increase attainment and enhance their employability.

This scholarship is for those students who belong to any of the categories covered under the scheme i.e. Economically Weaker Sections (EWS), and special categories that include Single Girl Child, Single Mother, Students from Minorities, Transgender, and Non-Traditional Student. However, the benefits of 30% scholarship on the programme fee as financial aid will be awarded to selected students. The details of the scholarships are mentioned below:

LPU Scholarships: Financial Aid-Need Based Scholarship Criteria


Annual Family Income

Benefits as Financial aid

For Students from Economically Weaker Sections

Equal to or less than Rs. 5,00,000

30% of Programme Fee

For Special Categories

(Single Girl Child, Single mother-child, Students from Minorities, Transgender, and Non-Traditional Student)

Equal to or Less than Rs. 8,00,000

LPU Need-Based Scholarship: Seats and Categories

A total of 100 seats are offered under the scholarship scheme in selected programmes. The seats are divided into two categories, first for students belonging to the economically weaker section and second for special categories. The complete details are mentioned below:

Lovely Professional University Need-Based Scholarship: Seats and Categories




Economically Weaker Section Category

Person belonging to economically weaker section as per the scheme (EWS)


Special Category

Single Girl Child (SGC)


Child of Single Mother (SMC)


Minorities (religious)(MR)


Transgender (TG)


Non-Traditional Students(NTS)


LPU Scholarships: Financial Aid to Orphans

LPU offers financial aid in an effort to make higher education more accessible to orphans. Under this scholarship scheme, students will get benefits such as Full Programme fee waiver and Examination fee waiver. Meanwhile, 20 seats are offered under the scheme in selected programmes of the university.

LPU Scholarships: Financial Aid to Persons With Certain Disability

Lovely Professional University offers financial aid to individuals with benchmark disability and Locomotor disability caused by Spinal Cord Injury in order to make higher education more accessible to them. Students will get several benefits under this scheme like Full Programme fee waiver and Examination fee waiver. A total of 25 seats are offered under the scheme in selective programmes.

A person with benchmark disability means a person having not less than 70% (Seventy per cent) of a specified disability where specified disability has been defined in measurable terms, as certified by the certifying authority. (excluding Deaf & Dumb disability). Locomotor disability (specially caused by Spinal Cord Injury-SCI) wherein a person is unable to execute distinctive activities associated with movement of self and objects resulting from affliction of the musculoskeletal or nervous system or both.

LPU Scholarships: Financial Aid for Serving/ Retired Defence/ CAPF/ Para- Military Personnel And Their Dependents

Lovely Professional University (LPU) is providing financial aid to encourage dedicated soldiers in the Defence and Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) and their dependents.

Defense forces considered under the scheme: Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Air Force, Indian Coast Guard, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Border Security force (BSF), Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Railway Protection Force (RPF), National Security Guards (NSG), Special Frontier Force (SFF), Assam Riffles, Border Road Organisation, General Reserve Engineer Force (GREF), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Military Engineers Service (MES), Defence Security Corps (DSC), Ordnance Factory Board.

Financial Aid to Serving Defense Personnel and those who are nominated through study leave: The scholarship listed below is for all regular programmes only (Distance learning programmes not included).

The categorisation of recipients for eligibility relaxation and Financial aid to serving officers are mentioned below:



Financial Aid

Category - A

Recipients of Gallantry awards- (ParamVir Chakra, Ashok Chakra, Mahavir Chakra, Kirti Chakra, Veer Chakra & Shaurya Chakra, President’s Tatrakshak Medal and Tatrakshak Medal, President’s Police medal for Gallantry, President’s Police Medal for Meritorious Service, President’s Police Medal for Distinguish Service, President’s Police medal, Sena medal,

disabled in action & boarded out)

50% on programme fee

Category - B

Serving Officers (Other than above) nominated through study leave

30% on programme fee

Financial aid to dependents of recipients of various awards and Ex-Servicemen/ Retired Defense Personnel: Categorisation of dependents of recipients of various awards and Ex-Servicemen for eligibility relaxation and Financial aid to dependents are mentioned below:



Financial Aid

Category - C

All the dependents of Recipients of Gallantry awards- (ParamVir Chakra, Ashok Chakra, Mahavir Chakra, Kirti Chakra, Veer Chakra & Shaurya Chakra, President’s Tatrakshak Medal and Tatrakshak Medal, President’s Police medal for Gallantry, President’s Police Medal for Meritorious Service, President’s Police Medal for Distinguish Service, President’s Police medal, Sena medal, and Killed in action, disabled in action & boarded out)

30% on programme fee

Category - D

Serving personnel/ ex-servicemen/ retired personnel (from all defence forces mentioned above)

20% on programme fee

Note: A relaxation of 5% in eligibility will be given for all categories and programmes (Diploma, Programmes after 10+2, Programmes after Graduation etc.) except for programmes where certain regulatory bodies have imposed minimum eligibility conditions.

All the serving officers (from all the forces covered under this policy), who are willing to take admission in LPU through study leave will be exempted from the entrance exam and interview conducted by LPU (Except PhD and LLM programmes) and any other programme where eligibility test is compulsory as per the regulatory authorities.

LPU Scholarship Brackets

Lovely Professional University scholarship amounts vary by programme. Each programme offers 1-3 bracket of scholarship, with stricter criteria and higher awards for top performers.


Scholarship criteria (after Diploma and 10+2 programmes)

Scholarship criteria (after graduation programmes)

Bracket - 1

Students scoring 95% or above marks in qualifying exam

Students scoring 90% or above marks in qualifying exam.

Bracket - 2

Students scoring between 90% to 94.9% marks in qualifying exam

Students scoring between 80% to 89.9% marks in qualifying exam.

Bracket - 3

Students scoring between 80% to 89.9% marks in qualifying exam

Students scoring between 70% to 79.9% marks in qualifying exam.

LPU Scholarship Phases

LPU admissions are done in different Phases, which are bifurcations of the admission time period. The amount of LPU scholarship also depends on the Phase in which the candidate applies and/or takes admission to the university. The amount of LPU scholarship reduces with each passing subsequent phase.

LPU Scholarships Granted Last Year

Last year students were awarded scholarship worth Rs. 100 Crores Scholarship amount was disbursed at LPU. Lovely Professional University offers a scholarship scheme of up to Rs. 6.8 Lakh per student. However, 70% of enrolled students covered scholarships and 42% Average scholarships granted to students.

Scholarships Offered by NGO/ Other Agencies


Objective of Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria

Punjab Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board Scholarship Schemes.

This scheme provides financial assistance to the students whose parents are working as labour in Punjab.

Students must be regular to his/ her studies.

Students should be a permanent resident of Punjab.

An Aadhar card is a must for applying for the scholarship.

A scholarship holder under this scheme will also hold any other scholarship/ stipend of government is also eligible for this scheme.

UGC Scheme- National Fellowship for Students with Disabilities.

The scheme caters a total number of 200 Fellowship [Junior Research Fellows (JRF)] per year to students with disabilities.

The scheme covers all universities/ institutions recognised by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and Non-Universities/ Institutions and is implemented by the UGC itself on the pattern of the scheme of UGC Fellowship being awarded to research students pursuing MPhil and PhD.

These fellowships will be available to students with disabilities who are covered under.

A person with disability who wishes to avail the benefit under the Act has to obtain a disability certificate from the medical authority notified for the purpose.

Any student with disabilities who is already registered to M.Phil/ PhD degree in a university or academic institution by completing the required formalities for admission in that university or academic institution is eligible for the award of Fellowship.

The candidate must get himself/ herself registered for M.Phil/ PhD at the first available opportunity but not later than within a period of two years from the receipt of the award letter.

After two years, if the progress in the research works of the awardee is found satisfactory, his/her tenure will be extended for a further period of three years as Senior Research Fellowship (SRF).

Students with disabilities once considered eligible for the fellowship shall not be entitled to any other benefits from Central or State Government or any other body like UGC offering similar benefits to avoid duplication and increase coverage.

Only those doing regular and full time M.Phil./PhD course of a University/ Research Institution shall be eligible for the fellowship.

Employees of any University/ College/ Educational Institution/ Central/ State/ UT Government shall be excluded from availing Fellowship, even if they are on Study Leave or EOL to pursue the M.Phil/ PhD course.

Scholarship Scheme for Award of Stipend to the Schedule Tribe students of Arunachal Pradesh

This scheme is to provide financial assistance to Schedule Tribe students of Arunachal Pradesh to enable them to pursue various courses of Higher studies approved by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh.

The stipend will be admissible to students who belong to Schedule tribes of the state as notified by the Central, State Government and are permanent residents of Arunachal Pradesh.

ST students who are in full-time employment are not eligible for the award of stipend.

The student is not a failure student and is actually continuing the course of study.

A scholarship holder under this scheme will not hold any other scholarship/ stipend.

Students must maintain minimum attendance as per university policy i.e. 75% attendance per semester in case of regular programmes.

Students must secure a minimum of 60% marks in the last examination and are pursuing Technical and Professional courses in Diploma, Degree, Law, Post-Graduation, M.Phil or PhD courses as specified by NEC.

Ambassadors Scholarship for Bhutanese students

The scholarship is offered to meritorious and deserving Bhutanese students who are studying in various recognised institutes/ colleges in India on a self-financed basis.

Students have to apply for the scholarship online on the following website: (indianembassythimphu.bt)

Student must have his/her savings bank account in Bhutan/India.

Students have to upload Bonafied Certificate issued by the university. The same should be collected from SSIV Cell.

The scholarship amount will be transferred into the Personal Bank account of students in Bhutan through NEFT.

Nishkam Scholarship

Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council (Regd.) and Sikh Human Development Foundation, invite applications for SHDF (Sikh Human Development Foundation) scholarships amounting Rs. 27,000 per year per student from meritorious and deserving students.

These scholarships are available only for pursuing Professional Diploma, Degree or Postgraduate courses in a recognised institution/ university in India.

Students have to undergo written test and interview to secure scholarship.

The applicant must have obtained at least 60% marks in the previous year’s / semester’s examination.

Total family income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 1,80,000 per year.

The applicant must maintain an active e-mail account for correspondence with Nishkam. He/ she must mention a mobile number for easy communication.

NSP - Central Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students

This scholarship scheme is to provide financial assistance to meritorious students from poor families to meet a part of their day-to-day expenses while pursuing higher studies.

The scholarships are awarded on the basis of the results of the Senior Secondary Examination. 82000 fresh scholarships per annum (41000 for boys and 41000 for girls) for graduate/ post-graduate studies in colleges and universities and for professional courses, such as Medical, Engineering, etc. could be provided.

Students who are above 80th percentile of primaryful candidates in the relevant stream for a particular Board of Examination, in class XII of 10+2 pattern or equivalent.

The annual family income of parents should be less than Rs.6 lakhs per annum.

Students pursuing regular courses (not correspondence or distance mode) from recognised educational institutions are eligible for scholarships.

This scholarship is applicable to all categories of students both ‘general’ and ‘reserved’.

The student obtaining benefits under this scholarship scheme shall not be allowed to avail of benefits under any other scholarship scheme implemented by State Government/UT Administration, for the same purpose.

NSP - Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for Central Armed Police Forces & Assam Rifles Ministry of Home Affairs

The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance.

Wards/ widows of deceased CAPFs & AR personnel who died in harness/election duty, wards of personnel disabled due to causes attributable to Government service and Wards of Ex-CAPFs & AR personnel in receipt of Gallantry Awards.

Students must secure a minimum of 60% marks in Minimum Entry Qualification (MEQ) i.e. 10+2/ Diploma/ Graduation or equivalent in case of a new applicant.

For applicants applying under the renewal category, it is mandatory to pass each subsequent academic year of the professional courses being pursued by them with a minimum of 50% marks.

NSP - Scheme for award of scholarships under Beedi/ Iron Ore, Manganese Ore, and Chrome Ore Mines/ LSDM/ Mica Mines/ Cine Workers Welfare Funds.

The scheme to grant scholarships to the children of workers covered under the Beedi Workers‟ Welfare Fund Act,1976,the Limestone & Dolomite Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act,1972,the Iron Ore Mines, Manganese Ore Mines & Chrome Ore Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act,1976,,and the Cine Workers Welfare Fund Act,1981

The parents of the students should be a Beedi worker or a Mine worker in Iron Ore/ Manganese Ore/ Chrome Ore Mines, Limestone/ Limestone/ Dolomite or Mica Mines or a cine worker for six months at least. This would also include Contract Labourers.

The total income of both the parents of the students from all sources should not exceed Rs. 10,000 per month including all allowances.

Students who after passing one stage of education/professional course are, studying in the same stage of education, but in a different subject or different professional course shall not be eligible.

Student who receives scholarship or stipend from any other sources will not be eligible for this scholarship.

NSP - Scholarship For Top Class Education For Students With Disabilities

This scheme aims to recognise and promote quality education amongst students with disabilities by providing full financial support

A person with disability having not less than 40% disability and having a disability certificate issued by any competent medical authority.

Scholarship under this scheme shall not be admissible for pursuing distance learning/ part-time/ week-end courses under any stream.

The candidate is not receiving any other scholarship under any scheme of the Government of India.

Having selected and got admission in any of the notified institutions for pursuing a full-time course at the level of Post Graduate Degree/Diploma according to the norms prescribed by the respective institution.

Total income from all sources of the candidate and/ or his/ her parents/guardians, shall not exceed Rs. 6,00,000 (Rupees six lakh only) per annum.

Not more than two disabled children of the same parents/ guardians will be eligible and to this effect, a self-certification will be required from the candidate. Provided, more than two children of the same parents can be allowed in case the second/ third children are twins.

Sita Ram Jindal Foundation

Sita Ram Jindal Foundation is a registered charity in India, Jindal Scholarship promotes educational help for economically poor family Students, SJF Scholarship is provided for meritorious students of Indian citizen.

Graduate & Post Graduate Course Students are eligible for this scholarship: General category (Boys & Girls), Physical handicap & Widows Students - Students must have a minimum of 70% marks (Boys)/ 65% marks (Girls) in the previous examination.

Diploma Course Students: Diploma (Girls & Boys) - Students must have a minimum of 60% marks (Boys)/ 50% marks (Girls) in the previous examination.

Engineering & Medicine Course Students:

Graduate Engineering (Boys & Girls) - Students must have a minimum 70% marks (Boys)/ 65% marks for (Girls) in the previous exam.

PG Engineering & medicine Course (Boys & Girls) - Students must have a minimum of 70% marks (Boys)/ 65% marks (Girls) in the previous exam.

The maximum age limit is 30 for apply for this scholarship.

Minimum 1 year course candidates can apply for scholarship.

Students should not get any other stipend/ scholarship.

A student applies for only 1 course scholarship for the duration of the course.

For those in employment - Rs. 4.00 lakh per year - Salary Certificate issued by the Employer is acceptable.

For all others - Rs. 2.50 lakhs per year - Income Certificates issued by the competent authorities as designated by the respective State Government like Tahsildar, Revenue Officer, BDO, Gram Pradhan, President of Village Panchayat etc. are acceptable. In case the Income Certificate is issued in any language other than Hindi or English, the student should also submit a translated copy in English or Hindi duly certified by the Principal/ Authorised Signatory.

The student is not getting any other scholarship from the Minorities Welfare Dept. in this state/ any other source.

For 3 years or longer duration courses, applications will not be entertained from final-year students.

For 3 years or longer duration courses, applications will not be entertained from final-year students.

JM Sethia Charitable Trust

JM Sethia Charitable Trust offers scholarships to students pursuing Graduation & Post Graduation programmes. Students who are pursuing their courses in a full-time basis can apply from all across India.

The students must secure 75% marks in 10+2 (in the Science/ Commerce stream) and 65 % marks in 10+2 (in the Humanities/ Arts stream in class 12th).

The students must secure 60% marks aggregate in Science & Commerce) and 50% marks in Humanities/Arts in Graduation.

Total family income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 1.2 lakh per year.

Every student must have his/ her valid email ID as all communications will be done through email ID only.

Sahu Jain Trust Inland Scholarship

Applications are invited for interest-free loan scholarship pursuing graduation and post-graduation in technical subjects like Engineering, Infotech, Medical, MBA in India.

Sahu Jain Trust Scholarship is given for courses such as:

Professional courses like Engineering, Medical, MBA

Other under-graduation and post-graduation courses.

The scholarships are available for students who are financially not strong. The scholarships are based on need cum merit.

The amount of scholarship will range of Rs. 2,500 - Rs. 25,000 per year.

The scholarship would be disbursed to the student by cheque/ draft.

The scholarship has to be renewed every year and it is subject to the academic performance of the student.

Foundation for Excellence (FFE)

This scheme is to provide financial assistance to needy students.

Only the professional degree courses BE/ BTech and Integrated 5-year, Dual-Degree MTech are eligible for scholarships.

Only first year applicants beginning their studies in BE, BTech & Integrated 5-year, Dual-Degree MTech in the academic year 2019-20 are eligible.

Applicants should have passed their Higher Secondary/ Pre-University/ Intermediate/ CBSE/ ISC or equivalent board qualifying examination not earlier than in 2019.

Applicants should have scored not less than 70% marks at the qualifying examination.

The gross family income criteria is Rs. 1,80,000 per year. Gross income refers to the income before deductions for taxes or other purposes.

The applicants’ admissions to their professional degree courses/ institutions should be on the basis of the open/ general merit rank awarded to them at the state or national level entrance tests or through a counselling process conducted at the state level.

HDFC Educational Crisis Scholarship Scheme

This scholarship provides financial assistance to personal/ family crises who are unable to continue bearing the cost of education and are at risk of dropping out of school/ college/ university.

The scholarship will cover the total annual college/ university fee upto a maximum of Rs. 25,000 of the selected candidates.

Students whose family is facing critical situations because of any unfortunate incident that occurred in the last 2 years.

Students undergoing a crisis situation. The crisis situation is defined as:

Sudden occurrence of an incident that has created a situation where the student/ family require support, sudden job loss, sudden death/ separation of parents, accident/ death of siblings, sudden onset of a critical or life-threatening illness.

NSP - Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme For RPF/RPSF

This scholarship is given to encourage higher technical and professional education for the dependent wards of Ex/Serving RPF/RPSF personnel and widows (below the Rank of Gazetted officer)

Courses eligible for the PMSS

Professional Degree Courses like BE, BTech, BDS, MBBS, BEd, BBS, BCA, MCA BPharma duly recognised by the respective Government Regulatory Bodies, such as All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Medical Council of India (MCI), University Grants Commission (UGC), National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) etc.

Students who have taken regular admission in the current session and secured 60% marks and above in Minimum Educational Qualification (MEQ) i.e. 12th Std., Diploma/ Graduation.

The scholarship is admissible for only two wards per family and should be ensured by the beneficiaries as well as by the concerned Zonal Railways/ RPSF.

NSP- NEC Merit Scholarship Tripura

This scholarship scheme is to provide financial assistance to the North East Students studying outside the North East States.

The Income ceiling of the beneficiary’s parents/guardians should not exceed Rs.4.5 Lacs per annum.

The NEC Merit Scholarship to be disbursed through DBT system to the beneficiaries.

The stipend and book grants are open only to a candidate who is a permanent resident of State of Tripura.

The student must not be in receipt of any other financial assistance from any other source, except National or State Merit scholarship. A sponsored candidate under full employment during the period of study shall not be eligible to receive the stipend.

In service candidate are not covered by this scheme.

The minimum marks for the grant of the NEC Merit Scholarship should be 70% for general and 60% for SC/ ST candidates in the relevant qualifying examination for the Diploma/ Degree/ PG/PhD level course.

Selection of students of M.Phil and PhD should be done on the basis of the topic of research which is relevant to N.E Region.

Selection will be made on the basis of merit in all cases.

Stipend & Book Grant for students of Meghalaya

This scholarship scheme is to provide financial assistance to the North East Students studying outside the North East States.

These stipends and book grants are available for studies in India only and shall be awarded by the North Eastern States.

The stipends and book grants are open only to a candidate who is a permanent resident of any of the States in the North East.

The candidate should possess the relevant qualifications from any recognised institution. An original certificate from the Institution of study must be produced by the candidate.

The student must not be in receipt of any other financial assistance from any other source, except National or State Merit Scholarship. A sponsored candidate under full employment during the period of study shall not be eligible to receive the stipend.

Financial assistance of stipend/book grant shall be admissible to students taking admission in the courses specified hereinafter in all institutes recognised by the Ministry of Human Resource Development/respective Ministry of the Government of India.

Vidyasaarathi Scholarship

Vidyasaarathi is a platform by NSDL e-Gov for applying to various scholarships provided by corporates.

Students can check and apply for various scholarship schemes as mentioned below:

NSDL e-Gov. Scholarship Scheme for engineering students.

CARE Ratings Scholarship Scheme for PGDBM, MBA (in Finance) & MBA (in Banking and Insurance).

JSW Foundation’s Udaan Scholarship for undergraduate and diploma students.

Thomson Reuters scholarship for LLB students.

Thomson Reuters scholarship for MCom students.

Note: LPU has set up a separate loan assistance cell to enable the students, at the time of admission, to take loans from banks with which the university has tie-ups. Students can avail Education Loan Facility in the first year as well as in the subsequent years.


Certifications By Top Providers

Introduction to Practical Microbiology
Via British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Mastery of Math for Middle School-Decimals
Via TCS iON Digital Learning Hub
Human Rights Defenders
Via Amnesty International
Curriculum Pedagogy and Evaluation for Higher Education
Via Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod
 700 courses
 612 courses
 505 courses
 346 courses
 313 courses
 188 courses

Explore Top Universities Across Globe

University of Essex, Colchester
 Wivenhoe Park Colchester CO4 3SQ
University College London, London
 Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT
The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh
 Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh, Post Code EH8 9YL
Lancaster University, Lancaster
 Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4YW
Indiana University, Bloomington
 107 S. Indiana Avenue, Bloomington, Indiana, 47405-7000
Bristol Baptist College, Bristol
 The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NJ

Questions related to LPU Jalandhar

Have a question related to LPU Jalandhar ?

Hello there,

Both LPU (Lovely Professional University) and Jain University are well-regarded institutions, but each has its strengths when it comes to CSE with AI & ML programs. Here's a comparison to help you decide:

LPU (Lovely Professional University)

  1. Reputation & Recognition : LPU is known for its large campus, international exposure, and strong industry connections. It ranks well in terms of placement and faculty in various engineering streams, including AI & ML.

  2. Placement Opportunities : LPU has tie-ups with many leading tech companies like Amazon , TCS , Wipro , and others, offering good placement opportunities for AI & ML graduates.

  3. Infrastructure & Facilities : LPU offers state-of-the-art infrastructure, including AI labs, research centers, and industry-grade tools.

  4. Global Exposure : LPU has a diverse student body and offers various international collaborations for research and learning in the AI & ML domain.

    Jain University

  5. Academic Quality : Jain University offers a strong academic program with an emphasis on AI & ML. It has a good reputation in engineering, with modern research labs and faculties specializing in emerging tech fields.

  6. Industry Collaboration : Jain University offers partnerships with leading tech firms and a good track record of student internships, which enhances career prospects.

  7. Research Focus : Jain has several initiatives focusing on AI & ML research, allowing students to explore cutting-edge developments in these fields.

  8. Placement Record : Jain University also has a solid placement track record, with companies like Accenture , Cognizant , and Capgemini hiring students from their engineering programs.

  • LPU might be a better choice if you're looking for a large campus, a wide range of extracurricular activities, and global exposure.

  • Jain University could be a good fit if you're looking for a slightly smaller but focused, academically rigorous environment with strong industry connections in AI & ML.

Ultimately, both institutions are good for AI & ML, and your decision should depend on your preferences regarding campus life, exposure, and personal comfort with the environment.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.

Here's the syllabus for

  • Physics : Topics include laws of motion, work, energy, and power, dynamics of uniform circular motion, and more.
  • Chemistry : Includes matter and its nature, laws of chemical combination, atomic and molecular masses, and chemical equations and stoichiometry.
  • Mathematics : Covers various topics from algebra, calculus, geometry, and trigonometry.
  • Biology : Includes topics from both botany and zoology, focusing on the 10+2 curriculum.
  • English: Focuses on general aptitude and language proficiency

    For AEEE is :

  • Physics : Similar to LPUNEST, covering mechanics, electricity, magnetism, and modern physics.
  • Chemistry : Topics such as atomic structure, chemical bonding, and organic chemistry.
  • Mathematics : Includes algebra, calculus, geometry, and trigonometry.

Hello aspirant,

The admission criteria for LPU (Lovely Professional University) vary depending on the course you're applying for. However, here are some general guidelines:

For undergraduate courses:

  • Academic requirements: You must have passed your 10+2 or equivalent examination with a minimum aggregate percentage (usually 60% or above).
  • Entrance exam: Admission to most courses is based on the LPUNEST (LPU National Entrance and Scholarship Test) score. However, national-level entrance exams like JEE (Main), NEET, CAT, MAT, etc. are also accepted for certain programs.

For postgraduate courses:

  • Academic requirements: You must have a bachelor's degree with a minimum aggregate percentage (usually 60% or above).
  • Entrance exam: Admission to postgraduate courses is also based on LPUNEST or other relevant national-level entrance exams.

Additional criteria:

  • English proficiency: If you're not a native English speaker, you may need to provide proof of English proficiency (e.g., TOEFL, IELTS).
  • Group discussion and interview: Some courses may require you to participate in a group discussion and/or interview.

Other factors:

  • Work experience: For some postgraduate programs, work experience may be considered.
  • Extracurricular activities: Participation in extracurricular activities can enhance your application.

Scholarship opportunities:

LPU offers a variety of scholarships based on academic merit, entrance exam scores, and other criteria.

For more information about LPU you can go through the link attached below.


I hope this information helps you.

LPUNEST/ JEE Main/ CUET (KQ Test + Interview for BTech CSE-Software Production Engineering) is conducted for b.tech admission in lpu.you need to have a valid score for one of these and pass your 12th class for the admission.

To get admission into Acharya Narendra Dev College (ANDC) at Delhi University which offered b.tech course.the primary criteria is your score in the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) candidates must have a score of 755 – 770 in CUET UG to get admission to UG courses.which is used to allocate seats based on the Common Seat Allocation System (CSAS); for performance-based programs, ECA, and sports supernumerary quotas, a combination of CUET scores and performance tests/trials will be considered.


The fee structure of Lovely Professional University is as follows on the basis of the course opted by one. In comparison, it varies between 1.5 lakhs and 2.5 lakhs every year for undergraduate courses like B.Tech. In BBA courses, fee structure comes around 1 lakh per year to 1.4 lakhs per year. The fee structure for the MBA program falls between 2.5 lakhs and 3.5 lakhs per year.

Scholarships on select criteria about academic performance, entrance test scores, and achievements in games and sports are available in LPU for the scholastic. Major benefits from these scholarships include a big cut in the tuition fees. For instance, some of them may enjoy up to 50-70% reduction on their tuition fee when they have done well on LPUNEST or any national-level entrance tests.

All this put together, adds up to the sum into an overall amount with all hostel charges, depending on the type of accommodation that vary between 40,000 to 1.2 lakh per year, and mess charges at nearly 30,000 a year. Apart from all these, there are some course-specific charges like activity fees and examination fees.

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