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Common University Entrance Test (PG)

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can I find 5 year question papers here?

Prangya panda 3rd Sep, 2022


You can also find out old question papers on the website of university and board easily. You can get the last year question papers in the respected university website. You can also search using proper university name, subject name on ISC site.

Hope this information helps!!!!

Thank you.


syllabus for cuet exam ..........

Narayani 30th Aug, 2022

Hey! You can easily find the syllabus for the CUET PG exam.

The syllabus for every subject is listed on the official website designated to the exam, i.e. CUET PG.

There under syllabus for entrance you can choose your subject and find your syllabus.

All the best for your future pursuits.

Feel free to ask more questions and queries!


what type of question in msc entrance exam

shivamtrivedi0005 22nd Jul, 2022


The majority of the questions in MSc admission exams are multiple choice, objective-type questions (MCQs). A small number of MSc admission tests do, however, also include numerical problems. For instance, the IIT JAM exam has a separate segment called Numerical Answer Type for questions with numbers (NAT).

Marking Scheme: For the majority of MSc entrance exams, there is a marking scheme that awards 1 to 3 marks for each correct response and subtracts 0.5 to 1 point for each erroneous response. Candidates are advised to carefully mark their responses as a result.



when will the correction window open???

Sharon Rose Student Expert 13th Jul, 2022


National Testing Agency (NTA) has extended the last date to apply for CUET PG 2022. The date to apply is July 18, 2022 till 5 PM. The last date to apy the application fee is July 19, 2022 till 11:50 PM. The correction window will be available from July 20, 2022 to July 22, 2022 till 11:50 PM.

If you have any corrections to make you need to login in the candidate portal and make the necessary corrections as per the schedule. You can only make the corrections when the correction window is open. Ensure that all the details are correct before submitting the application.


How do I get the CUET PG Entrance Exam Model paper for political science?

Narayani 27th Aug, 2022

Hey! Hope you are doing well.

You can easily find various pdfs and videos for sample papers and model papers for Political science for CURT PG 2022 by simply searching for exactly it.

Visit whatever comes up when you search for it and attempt whatever suits best for you.

All the best for your future pursuits.

Feel free to ask more questions and queries!


hi, how can i make correction in my dob

Neamah Fathima M R 14th Jul, 2022

You can submit a petition with the family court in the county where the birth was registered to correct an error. If you are talking about your SSLC certificate then it is not possible to change your date of birth. Date of birth should be given right during the application form. To change that you have to move legally. Your motion should contain a summary of your evidence and reasons for requesting the change of date of birth.

But it is possible to change your details in aadhar card.UIDAI has opened its online portal, which helps individuals update their personal information mentioned on the Aadhaar card online. You can download the form to make the changes in your information and then submit it at your neared Aadhaar Seve Kendra.


what can get addmission in msc without any entrence exam.

shivamtrivedi0005 6th Jul, 2022


Some colleges provide admission on the basis of academic performance and a personal interview, rather than through entrance exams. The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS PG 2022) test is the entrance exam for the M.Sc. Joint Admission Test for the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT JAM 2022).


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