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Choose Psychology-Sociology-Philosophy In Your BA For A Robust Career That Cannot Be Replaced By AI

Choose Psychology-Sociology-Philosophy In Your BA For A Robust Career That Cannot Be Replaced By AI

Edited By Srividya | Updated on Aug 23, 2023 03:30 PM IST

What would a world run by robots and AI look like? How would humans interact with others? Would they miss the social interaction and feel a sense of loneliness and alienation? Given the ethical challenges surrounding the use of AI for creative fields like scriptwriting, how can critical decisions be taken that balance technology as well as people? How do such large scale and fast technological disruptions change the way people experience the world? How do people cope with uncertainty, job stress, continuous pressures to learn and upgrade themselves? These are the humane questions that stare at us in the face of AI. To understand these questions better and to create a career that cannot be replaced by AI, do consider studying Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy or a related subject.

Choose Psychology-Sociology-Philosophy In Your BA For A Robust Career That Cannot Be Replaced By AI
Choose Psychology-Sociology-Philosophy In Your BA For A Robust Career That Cannot Be Replaced By AI

The Subjects At A Quick Glance:

Psychology is the study of human behaviour. Psychologists study individuals so human thought, behaviour and emotion can be better understood and explained. Psychology is applied to diverse areas like education, therapy, counselling, research, consumer behaviour, organisational psychology etc. As each profession needs human beings to work for the business and serves the needs of other human beings, the impact of psychology is everywhere.

Sociology studies how humans behave in groups or societies. Often people behave and think differently when they are in a group or social unit. There are different rules and norms governing social behaviour in groups. Sociology is the study of human behaviour in groups or other social units.

Philosophy on the other hand focuses on topics like ethics, belief systems, how people live, concept of right or wrong, metaphysics etc. It is a more abstract topic and helps expand thinking and understanding to understand context and different perspectives.

The current debate of humans vs AI is a philosophical debate that has real psychological and sociological implications. In August 2023, the Hollywood writers guild and actors went on a week-long strike as they feared their creativity would be exploited by AI. This only shows how important subjects being discussed here are, in a world that is obsessed with “AI-fication” and Machine Learning.

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The Benefits of Studying Psychology - Sociology - Philosophy

These three subjects are the cornerstone for development of many of the following skills:

>> Problem Solving: The problems that cannot be solved by automation, science or technology are usually human problems. For example, climate change is due to the result of mindless production and consumption of environmentally unfriendly products. While this may be a scientific challenge facing humanity today, the cause for this is irresponsible human behaviour. Such problems are better understood by experts in psychology and sociology and suitable interventions can be designed keeping the needs and consumption behaviour of human beings.

>> Resolving Political Challenges: Many of the cross-border or political challenges are due to the differences in fundamental beliefs and cultures and the history between two nations. Resolving cross-border tension and conflict requires exceptional negotiation skills along with a good understanding of human psychology and reasoning. Psychologists, sociologists, and philosophers have a worldview that is usually different and can help identify and resolve problems better.

>> Contextual and Critical Thinking: Human behaviour varies in different ways and there are no absolute truths, so choosing one or more of these subjects helps you think and reason better and in an original way that is relevant to the context of society, people and culture.

>> Continuous Learning: Students of Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy are by their very nature continuous learners as even when they are not working on a task or assignment, people's challenges and behaviours are always evident in families, schools, neighbourhoods etc.

>> Empathy and Communication: Social science enthusiasts are usually good at communication and listening. This helps them connect better and design individual and social interventions and policies that are more aligned and effective.

What Are The Courses Available?

Bachelor's Degree

You can choose a BA degree that focuses on any of the subjects like Psychology, Sociology or Philosophy. In the Indian university system as per the new NEP guidelines this will be a BA or a BSc degree in Psychology, Sociology or Philosophy as per your choice. This degree takes three years to complete.

Many government and private universities offer undergraduate degrees in these subjects. Some include Delhi University, Banaras Hindu University, MSU (Baroda), St. Xavier’s (Kolkata), Amity University, Stella Maris (Chennai), Krea University, Mumbai University, UPES (Dehradun), Manipal Academy of Higher Education etc.

Bachelor’s Degree With Honours:

After completing the BA degree requirements, you can study for an additional year and focus on a research project or dissertation. Successful completion of your research will give you a BA degree with Honours in the subject. This is as per the new NEP guidelines and is being implemented in universities across the country. All colleges that offer a specific undergraduate degree will offer this option as the new guidelines get implemented.

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Dual Degree Programme

A dual degree programme has been recently introduced in some colleges and universities in India. Usually, a student chooses one subject as a Major and another as a Minor. Some of the combinations offered and relevant details are listed below. The details shared below are indicative and you need to research prior to your admission for the updated list of courses being offered for the relevant time periods.

  • Psychology + English/HRM: Delhi University colleges, Christ University, Bangalore

  • Psychology + Philosophy: Delhi University, MSU Baroda, Ahmedabad University, Christ University, Manipal Academy of Higher Education

  • English + Psychology/Philosophy/Sociology: Delhi University, Christ university, Ambedkar University

Career Prospects

Students with a dual degree or specialisation can pursue careers in the following areas:

>> HR Business Partner Roles: Many multinationals have been recruiting students with a combination of Psychology and Human Resource Management (HRM) for roles like recruitment, induction, training etc. These are usually campus placements and are well paid positions. Students of Psychology with an interest in organisations can also apply for such roles.

>> Writing and social media Roles: Students who study psychology, sociology and philosophy usually have good analytical and writing skills. Students may get absorbed as content writers, instructional designers, editors, researchers etc. The demand for psychology in app-based mental health services, online publishing/writing roles has seen a surge in recent years. The nature of employment may be full-time, contractual, part-time and the remuneration varies greatly for such roles.

>> Further Studies: To make a sizable impact and join specialised roles it is advisable to pursue a postgraduate degree. This is especially needed for mental health and counselling roles. Other related courses include sustainability studies, policy development, business studies, social work, social entrepreneurship, Human resource development, education, cognitive psychology, special education, media & communication, market research etc.

If you are a student who is a continuous learner and keen to balance technological development with a humane side, studying Psychology, Sociology or Philosophy are good choices for you. Do research and explore these courses and decide which combination works well for you and the colleges you would like to study in.

Wish you the very best in bringing your social skills and knowledge to a world that is increasingly being dominated by AI and technology.

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The author is a career and life coach who works with teens, adults and returning professionals to help them find joy and alignment in their careers and life. She is the founder of LifeVidya and can be reached at


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